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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. I am a retired Engineer. i chose 13 fractions without labeling them … deliberately.

    Opinions vary on how many fractions there are, and even what constitutes a blood fraction.

    There is an old saying in Land Surveying, which is 1/3 detective work, 1/3 legal work, and 1/3 complex mathematics…..

    ”You can declare your work perfect when no one else can prove otherwise.”

  2. Jehovah to Noah to stock the Ark with food of every sort. If Noah took an outrigger canoe to an island 300 miles away it would be logical to take caged or leashed animals with him. The Pacific Islanders do this, even  making a cooking fire in the boat ( on rocks or sand or dirt I suppose ?)

    Jehovah delegated food supplies to Noah’s best judgement.

    Does best judgement include partially decayed meat?  No.

    How about a nice, fresh chicken?  Yay!

    Of course, I have already explained WHY God told Noah to provide over three times  more unclean animals than clean animals.

    Noah provided the food at his discretion. JEHOVAH PROVIDED THE DELIVERABLE ANIMALS.

    Use your common sense, experience, and reading to decide what is probable, and what is improbable.

    Fer cryin out loud …. when is the last time you scraped a flattened sun baked squirrel off the asphalt and took it home and ate it?

  3. 27 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Pay attention, as there will be a test later involving the nautical term “Keelhaul”.

    If you are in charge of provisions on a trans-Atlantic voyage from Ireland to the Americas in an old wooden sailing ship … a trip that could take a month or two … and the Captain says take all kinds of food on board … the decks and cargo holds will be filled with dozens or hundreds of cages with live animals as well as food for them, and great wooden casks of drinking water.

    There was no refrigeration back then, so as the trip went along, the animals …. chickens, turtles, sheep, pigs, rabbits, and more would be slaughtered as needed for food.  

    Even better than vegetables that start dying when they are separated from the plant.

    They were not thought of as cargo, because they were never intended to reach shore.

    You could have 532 different live animals on board, CATAGORIZED AS “FOOD”.

    I have read they even used to do this on warships. I have seen this in several movies.

    The Bible DOES NOT SAY that there was carrion on the Ark, and there is no need to make that up … unless of course you have a runaway imagination and are trying to enhance something you said previously that you realize later makes no sense at all.

    Amazing. Terrific! Wonderful insight!

    How can you BE so friggin’ smart?

    Oh … you read a lot of history?

    ….. well, ok then …..


  4. Pay attention, as there will be a test later involving the nautical term “Keelhaul”.

    If you are in charge of provisions on a trans-Atlantic voyage from Ireland to the Americas in an old wooden sailing ship … a trip that could take a month or two … and the Captain says take all kinds of food on board … the decks and cargo holds will be filled with dozens or hundreds of cages with live animals as well as food for them, and great wooden casks of drinking water.

    There was no refrigeration back then, so as the trip went along, the animals …. chickens, turtles, sheep, pigs, rabbits, and more would be slaughtered as needed for food.  

    Even better than vegetables that start dying when they are separated from the plant.

    They were not thought of as cargo, because they were never intended to reach shore.

    You could have 532 different live animals on board, CATAGORIZED AS “FOOD”.

    I have read they even used to do this on warships. I have seen this in several movies.

    The Bible DOES NOT SAY that there was carrion on the Ark, and there is no need to make that up … unless of course you have a runaway imagination and are trying to enhance something you said previously that you realize later makes no sense at all.

  5. It is quite obvious to me why he will not answer the question about milk. His arguments are always based on fallacious premises that have no valid standing in reality, and it’s very simple to pull the pin And have his entire chain of logic unravel.

    …. and have his entire chain of logic unravel.

    He knows this, and that’s why he will not answer the question about milk.

  6. 3 hours ago, George88 said:

     … The fact that scripture describes specific types of edible foods suggests that humans were once closer to perfection than we are today, as we have a much greater capacity for imagination. 

    That is the most insane conclusion I have read since last week’s Babylon Bee!

    Although some scripture may be twisted into a pretzel to suggest a Snickers Candy Bar is nature’s most perfect food!

    And just HOW do you know that less perfect people have a greater capacity for imagination?  

    …. and describing edible foods is evidence of that?



  7. No it does NOT.

    It speaks of an occasional snack or meal under dire need, but only for non Jews.

    Carrion as a food “staple” is a statistical impossibility.

    Even lions on an open prairie where they can range a 200 mile radius and more would starve. They have to eat every three days.

    Statistically, most carrion will be poisonous because of the advanced stages of decay.






  8. I reject the idea that carrion as generally defined was ever a dependable food supply for any living things anytime in history.

    It is statistically impossible.

    Perhaps if you or an animal killed the prey animal, and then defined that fresh kill as carrion … hmmmm … maybe  … but it is an awkward construct and almost all people DO NOT imagine the grocery stores selling carrion … that is something vultures and other birds who have a highly acidic saliva and stomach acid that will almost instantly disassemble bacteria and toxins do.

    In the most general sense, carrion refers to the decaying flesh of dead animals, often found in various stages of decomposition. Carrion can be categorized into different stages of necrosis (decay) based on the degree of decomposition. These stages typically include:

    1. Fresh carrion: This is the initial stage of decomposition, where the body is newly deceased, and minimal decay has occurred. The flesh may still appear relatively intact.

    2. Bloat stage: During this stage, gases produced by bacteria and other microorganisms begin to accumulate within the body, causing it to swell and become bloated.

    3. Active decay: This stage is characterized by the breakdown of tissues, with the release of offensive odors and the presence of scavengers like flies and beetles.

    4. Advanced decay: In this stage, most of the flesh has decomposed, leaving behind bones, hair, and tough tissues. Scavengers such as vultures may still feed on what remains.

    5. Dry stage: At this point, only desiccated and skeletal remains are left, and decomposition has largely ceased.

    Because of the plentiful availability of 5 out of 7 unclean animals on the Ark to be used for predator food, fresh drownings outside the Ark, and when a pregnant “clean” animal died giving birth, and fish, there is no need to introduce the concept of carrion as a food for mankind or animals, in general, but more to the point, it is statistically impossible.

  9. KEY POINT: 

    This was BEFORE the Laws were given to Moses.  I personally believe Able was cooking up lambchops or some tasty animal on a homemade fireplace grill and sharing part of it withJehovah.

    The Scripture quoted above means to me that 5 out of the 7 unclean animals brought aboard the Ark WERE FOOD FOR THE MEAT EATING ANIMALS!

    THINK about it!

    Why would Jehovah have over THREE TIMES as many “unclean” animals rescued as “clean” animals?

    HE DIDN’T !!

    They entered the Ark (the 7s) but they LEFT the Ark by 2s.

    Like it or not, accept it or not … but Planet Earth has been populated by predator animals, and prey animals that are eaten for BILLIONS OF YEARS.


    If it offends your delicate sensibilities Please know that it also offends my delicate sensibilities as well, but I realize THAT’s The Way The Real World Works!

    Suck it up and don’t be such a pansy!

    If you want to be a professional wimp, choose another topic, because EVERYTHING that lives has to EAT.

    The dynamic aboard the Ark followed that pattern, as did Able’s lifestyle, and all persons and animals before the Flood, up until now.

    All else is Disneyland fantasy.


  10. I personally believe Able was cooking up lambchops or some tasty animal on a homemade fireplace grill and sharing part of it with Jehovah.

    Being a cartoon dog I have access to Mr. Peabody’s and his boy Sherman’s Wayback Machine and a SX-70 Polaroid Camera.

    …… I will see what I can do.





  11. 2 hours ago, Many Miles said:

    Honestly, that’s what it sounds like. Ask a basic question regarding Aaron’s behavior at Meribah, the answer to which should be known by everyone in the room, and we see everything but a straightforward answer. Admittedly, I fail to understand this. 

    The instant you proposed your basic question , I knew the correct answer, as do you, although you have a much more elegant and civilized way of expressing yourself.

    it’s like the Farmer in the bar telling a friend about his talking mule. The Farmer tells his friend to go out to his place, and behind the barn his talking mule is tied up, but go ahead and he will follow in about ten minutes.

    When the Farmer gets home his friend is trying to have a conversation with the mule, with no success, and accuses the Farmer of lying about his talking mule.

    The Farmer picks up a 4x4 and whacks the mule upside his head. The mule falls over, and when it gets up it won’t stop talking.

    The Farmer looks at his friend, Many Miles, and says “… What you fail to understand is …. FIRST …. you have to get his attention!.”

    Breaking away from Agenda driven thinking often requires a knock down blow  to “get your mind right”.

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