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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. It is a FALLACY to think that if God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat green vegetation and fruits and nuts, that that MEANS they could not eat anything else. There is infinite variety. The Dinosaurs usedto eat rocks the size of baseballs and larger to help grind their food, and even birds today eat gravel and grit. I can tell you from experience working in the Congo, four days without food and a big chunk of a lion’s raw leftover gazelle would look better and better.
  2. … Notice on the plates there is ZERO “spiritual food”.
  3. When a complex matrix of “opines” contradicts every piece of evidence that exists, for 4 billion years, that is clear evidence of being taught by DELIBERATE fools. ”Ignorance is bliss”, so they say, but that level of ignorance is orgasmic! When the Society sticks with hard facts, that speaks well of them. When they conjure up ridiculous fantasy, it’s embarrassing.. … even worse than when my attempts at humor bomb out.
  4. Hard, hard irrefutable evidence shows the food chain is EXACTLY THE SAME now as it has been for 4 billion years. There in NOTHING to indicate it was ever different, although with four mass extinctions, the menu changed. The whole Disneyland scenario was invented in the 1930s by a WTB&TS lawyer, and promoted by “Judge” Rutherford. Even ChatGBT has access to that info.
  5. Gawrsh Mickey, Ah Hyuk, Ah Hyuk . if we have ta’ start using comun cents, who knows WHAREit might lead? … might start thinking about why Able was a tenderer of sheeps! Ah mean, makin that big rock barbeque grill, and the smoke goin’up, an’ God gettin a whiff and likin’ it … “Hey Able, yo gonna offer me soma that?” If we starts usin comun cents “Hey!, whazzup with da nasty animals gettin on da Ark by SEVENS … and da CLEAN by TWOs? I mean … you only need two of either. Hmmmm … mabee to feed the meat eaters? A ham sammich fo Noah, hyenas and bears? Oh! Oh! howzabout many of the animals on da Ark bein’ PREGGO! Ys got one guy Hippo and a big fat preggo gal Hippo, who has a baby gal Hippo on da Ark, an’ da momma Hippo dies, and Noah recycles her into 14 bags of Purina Lion Chow! Add 5 out of 7 crocs and snakes andit woiks ZACTLY THE SAME WAY IT ALWAYS HAS FOR FOUR BILLION YEARS! WOOHAA! …. ‘course, ya gotta start usin’ sum comun cents … and not see nuthin’ in the Bible dats NOT ‘DERE! … like Winnie da Poo, Bambi, Thumper, Tigger, and Caleb and Sophia. HOLYMOELE!! If da lion and da lamb nap togedder, howzabout da Owl and da mouse? I never liked Mickey, so I’d pay a dollar to see THAT! But of kawrse, Ah Hyuk Ah Hyuk … I’m just Goofy!
  6. When I get something I don’t understand, I print it out on paper, then read it once fot the overall idea. I have ADD and tricky vision. Then I read it again for detail, underlining and highlighting points, and making arrows over to the margins for notes. All during this I try to build a mental picture that makes sense. Visualizing a portrait with a smushed bug makes the problem obvious, so to speak. Problematic syntax sentences can be diagrammed (which nobody teaches anymore) to determine exactly what is being actually said. Usually this is not what the author meant. Sometimes I meditate and let the whole thing sit overnight, and read the text the next day. I PAID to see “2001 - A Space Odyssey“ nine times, because I didn’t “get it”. It wasn’t until I bought the Screenplay (book) and read it that I understood the movie. Many times you can wrestle the secrets out of the Universe if you are willing to do the work, and never submit to not understanding.
  7. How about as a litmus test all commentary has to use standard definitions of words, and terms? And completely eliminate the word “evidently” when there is zero evidence?
  8. Yes, that is certainly arguable. Did Noah kill anyone?
  9. That’s because over there, it’s McDavid’s.
  10. I think George88 and Many Miles above said it all. I wish it had been in bold print so I could read it easier, but that about covers it. Their combined posts also covers the “universal smell test” of having good common sense.
  11. Only four things? How about “… don’t go swimming until an hour after you eat”?
  12. I am guilty of that myself. Since the 1960s I have known that the Biblical coincidences in the Bible about celebrating birthdays was based on faulty reasoning, and prohibiting birthday celebrations was unscriptural, but I reasoned that it was good for isolating JWs from the worldly influences … like the Jews dressing in what must have to seemed to the pagan world like ceremonial clowns, what with pomegranates and bells and a box that hit them in the forehead when they walked along. It served as a protection for the Jews back then, and served as a protection for JWs in this century. So, I went along with it, with enthusiasm. I still do! … but to impose what I still find is a good discipline on other people’s consciences invoking Scriptural Authority for what are two Biblical coincidences is sloppy thinking, bad reasoning, morally reprehensible, and just flat wrong. It’s a reasonable argument … and MIGHT be true … and I think not celebrating birthdays is a good idea …. think of the harm caused for 80 and more years by removing a simple joy from peoples’ lives, and telling them it is God’s will! … and disfellowshipping them for celebrating the day of their childrens’ birth. The logic is the same as: 1.) Women prostitutes often wear high heel shoes. 2.) Nancy and Lois were seen wearing high heel shoes. 3.) Therefore, Nancy and Lois are prostitutes. I think high heel shoes are obscene, but then again I am sitting in my living room with combat boots on.
  13. That is like saying that the 1791 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “… the right keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” means you are prohibited from selling rifles to bears. What part of “abstain from blood” is unclear?
  14. Actual Control Hierarchy : 1.) Accountants ⬇️ 2.) Lawyers ⬇️ 3.) Governing Body ⬇️ 4.) Helpers ⬇️ 5.) WTB&TS ⬇️ 6.) Branch Offices ⬇️ 7.) Elders ⬇️ 8.) Ministerial Servants ⬇️ 9. Congregants-at-Large
  15. OK OK OK ….. So it doesn’t take much to get me started. Let’s compare the Apostle Paul to the very earliest Governing Body ….
  16. Sure you can .…. ….. and should! Paul wasn’t dragging around 15 billion dollars in Real Estate. The GB cannot do “magic tricks”.
  17. Before WWII Hitler commissioned German industry to design and build a “Peoples’ Car” so that every citizen could own a car. German citizens paid in advance on the “installment plan” to finance the factories and hire the workers. “Peoples’ Cars”, or “Volkswagens” factories sprang up all over Germany. Those that paid for their cars first were entitled to get their cars first. But some decided to get their cars early, and found ways to smuggle out parts to take home and assemble on their own. But upon assembly they grumbled and complained among themselves “No matter how many times I put this together, take it apart, and put it back together, it always ends up a machine gun.” If it EVER was blood, blood is always blood, no matter how the parts are separated. All else is irrational fantasy.
  18. Reality tests should always be done testing sgainst reality … not compounded wit another theory for support
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