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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. i use the ChatGBT EVERY DAY, but I have caught it in many mistakes, misperceptions and errors, especially in calculations that require converting time and unit conversions. Of course, there is a comprehensive disclaimer before you get started, which apparently most people do not read and understand. When I challenge it, there is always a profuse apology when it is wrong, unlike many humans and organizations we know.
  2. … however, I understood xero’s comment instantly, and in context, and yours is contrived, defensive, and REALLY silly.
  3. … and an unexplained “downvote” in a forum such as this is like an assertion without proof. It may be instantly disregarded, almost always is ignored as a spasm reflex, and should be ignored by rational people.
  4. ….. sometimes … something is so painfully obvious, yet so obtuse and nuanced that it is impossible to describe, yet xero managed it perfectly! I was thinking the exact same thing, but found it impossible to express it adequately without a similar dump and scoot. Earline Ponce’s essay “Did Jesus pay attention to hisdetractors?” is worth enduring … er … reading, if only to understand xero’s comment in context.
  5. In what ways is starting a post and immediately locking the same not unlike … dropping a deuce in a public stall, not flushing it, and crawling out from under the locked stall?
  6. It’s been many decades since the Cartoon “The Jetsons” has been on TV, and people wondered if it was prophetic, and someday we would be commuting to work in flying cars …. Many a Futurist scholarly paper has somewhere in it’s pages mused “… someday we will be have flying cars …”, and year after year … we didn’t. Well, there is a company in California selling them now. About 45 a year, and in the United States no pilots license is necessary. AND .. ONLY a 100K each!, and it will fit on the back of a pickup truck. The JETSON ONE flying car. Which brings up the question … is it OK to fall deeply in love with a machine?
  7. P. T. Barnum was an entrepreneur who for many years owned and managed the world famous “Barnum an Bailey Circus”. At some of the exhibits and sideshows of exotic animals and human freaks, people were loitering and clogging up the tents, and new paying customers couldn’t get in. So he put up tent tunnels to the Circus grounds and connected it to the back of the exhibit tents with a sign “ THIS WAY TO THE EGRESS⬇️“, and the people exited, thinking it was another exotic animal. P.T. Barnum is perhaps most famous for his quote “There is a sucker born every minute.” I believe it was Robert A. Heinlein who is noted for his observation via “The Notebooks of Lazarus Long”, “It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money”. These philosophies are often the modus opperandi of religious leaders the world over.
  8. …. one day my wife asked me “How come men get a lot more money for the same work than women do?”. I looked at her as if she were Lassie, not knowing the difference between a ladder and a rope, ‘cause once again Timmy had fallen into a well, and replied… ”I think you are just not quite clear on the concept of the double standard! ….”.
  9. Well … ChatGBT could not translate it into Ebonics, but it could easily translate to “Mouse Mad Scientist”, in the style of “Pinky and the Brain” ….. "Dear sibling! I must cackle with glee at your marvelously cerebrum-tickling and brainiac-infused message. It has electrified my neurons! Currently, I'm on a quest to uncover a previous manuscript that explored the cosmic importance of the year 2023, proclaiming it to be a magnificently zany era. Given the world's wild and wacky shenanigans today, I concur with that brilliant mind. By any chance, do you possess knowledge of the whereabouts or destiny of those specific scribbles?" … just for the record … I liked yours better.
  10. … if you really want to hide your identity so you can give yourself upvotes, submit your text first to ChatGBT and ask it to translate into Ebonics, then paste the translation here. Hmmmmm … I think I will try that to see if it works!
  11. A statement like that needs a reasonable and rational explanation with backup, or it can be reasonably and rationally ignored.
  12. I remember with great fondness what used to be called the midweek bookstudy, which to me was always the “Tuesday Night BookStudy” because it was always on Tuesday for us, where small groups would meet in someone’s home, and study one of the society’s publications, always a book. This was a custom for many years, and it evolved into the bookstudy with association afterwards, which means the meeting took about an hour and a half, instead of one hour, and we would associate with each other and chat before going home, and one night of the month was called “Goodie Night” when we would bring cakes or pies or muffins and associate while eating the goodies, after the official bookstudy ended. Very pleasant. Educational too. A half century later I have a very clear mental image about the fall of Babylon, and the wise verses foolish virgins and the sources of Truth …. I don’t know anybody who ever objected to it for any reason and can’t even think of a reason why it was not continued. So then one day the Governing Body, and I didn’t even know we had a Governing Body back then, decided to discontinue the “Tuesday Night Book Study“., And it was consigned to the ash bin of history. The reason they gave, officially, is that gas prices had gotten so high, this would save money on driving to the book study. The letter was read at the Kingdom Hall. …. and it was consigned to the ash bin of history. Even as a young man I did not believe this from the instant I heard it. …. It just made no sense at all. To cancel the book study for that reason made no sense at all. Did I mention that it made no sense at all? I have always wondered in the decades that followed, what the real reason was. Does anybody have any idea what the real reason was?
  13. The problem with baptizing young children, or even teenagers is that they don’t have enough experience to know what is right. They know what they’ve been taught in the surroundings and environment and with the teachers that they were exposed to. Let’s use an example of a 13-year-old boy growing up in pre WWII Berlin Germany. What a boy knows and what the boy believes in is what he has been taught, and based on this he decides in time that he wants to dedicate his life to the Nazi party and the goals of National Socialism, and allegiance to Adolf Hitler, unquestionable, and absolute. …. so, he joins the Hitler Youth Corps or as did Catholic Cardinal Ratzinger did as a boy, before he became Pope Benedict XVI and served in the German army as an artillery man, or boy, and he eventually rises to the ranks to become a Gestapo Colonel. His holy mission is to bring the blessings of German civilization to the rest of the rest of the world. And to rid the world of the vermin posing as people who are cluttering up the genetics of humanity. He knows his cause it’s just because one of the things that Gestapo does is fund with their own salary orphanages all over conquered territory. Even with food shortages these orphanages are supported and defended. Of course the children are orphans because he had to kill their Aryan parents, but that’s just a minor detail. Then One day, while directing Jewish prisoners to lead Jews into the concentration camp gas chambers he comes to the realization of his own mortality, and that he doesn’t want to be a Nazi, he doesn’t anymore believe in National Socialism, and believes Adolph Hitler is ruining civilization.…. but he took a solemn oath as a teenager to Germany … and besides, if he defected, he would be shot, or exiled, or imprisoned or sent to a labor camp …. and they would round up his family, his mother, his wife, his two children and his sister and send them to a labor camp. And of course, he did defect from his sworn oath made as a teenager, and was court martialed, and disappeared, and all his relatives were punished for what he did. He has become a non-person forbidden to even be spoken about. It’s really a shame that he was not 20 years older and had never joined the Nazi Party …never taken that oath before he even understood what he was doing.
  14. BECAUSE … baptizing a child at age 8 or 12 or 16 is the same as inducting them into an army! That’s why 1st Century Christians NEVER did that.
  15. Oh Yeah?! Neither John the Baptist, nor Jesus, Nor any of the Apostles, or anyone mentioned in the Bible EVER baptized children. Or… gave the disciples a 100 question test. etc.
  16. FullSizeRender.MOV I fully agree but there is another aspect. Humans iterate towards solutions. Even Elon Musk tests rockets by taking off the shelf components, kludging them together, and see if it blows up! Continuous error is part of every human progress. Vocabulary: Recognize Reality … and it gets simpler and more accurate. Ignore Reality and you have to change the meanings of what words REALLY mean. This of course does NOTHING to change reality. That’s why I recognize the essential 15% of “Core Truths” as the real “The Truth”, and the 85% imagination and wishful thinking as generally unavoidable drivel. ……. sigh …., …. It’s like at a State Fair when Fozzie Bear buys an ice cream cone for himself and Kermit the Frog. A cone of honey ice cream for himself, and a cone of dragonfly ice cream for Kermit, and the vendor (played by comedian Bob Hope) advises “….. don’t get ‘em mixed up!”.
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