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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Two excellent, well thought out posts. I especially liked the above quoted synopsis. Since unfortunately, people like witch hunts, we must never surrender to the natural tendency to weaponize “new light”, for the consolidation of ecclesiastical power and authority.
  2. .… I think disparaging an education where you can make a good living is counterproductive, as there comes a time when you get old (hopefully), and have to use all available funds for your own and your spouse’s survival. Free money gets tight, and stops. With 8 million active recruiters, the Governing Body manages to chase 77% of new recruits away with such ideas.
  3. As ANYONE (except YOU, Fausto) can see quoted here the two postings are not even remotely similar. Therefore my statement still holds true, and you yourself proved yours is babble. YOUR POSTING IS THE FIRST AND ONLY ONE WITH THE PICTURE OF THE GUY SITTING DOWN! THAT MAKES MY STATEMENT TRUE AS WRITTEN AND YOURS MEANINGLESS AGENDA DRIVEN BABBLE.
  4. …. reminds me of an episode of “Hill Street Blues”, about 40 years ago, of the narcoleptic comedian who could not get a job because he would fall asleep in the middle of his standup, and also because his name was Vic Hitler.
  5. ... a little something about “overlapping generations” ….. Hint: It’ phonetic, not transliteral, and reads left to right, as you can see by which way the animals are facing.
  6. …. it appears that, after a spasm of red down votes, Herr Fausto has run out of excuses to not answer the incredibly simple questions asked over, and over, and over … which he refuses to address. He also appears to have run dry on the alternative of vicious ad-hominem attacks in lieu of a coherent reply. Perhaps “..low down reprobate rotten scum sucking pig” can be worked into the conversation …. Years ago I went to a Renessiance Faire where they had sword fighting, Shakespearian Plays, jousting, etc. and I paid a costumed professional insulter $5 to insult me. He blistered me up and down and sideways for about 5 minutes! I was in awe of his proficiency. With Fausto … he needs to keep his day job.
  7. I have been asking Elders 11 years, if they could explain in there own words about the “Overlapping Generations” doctrine so it would make some sense. Just like you, Fausto, they were unable to do so.
  8. Their own historical record shows their doctrine has DRAMATICALLY BEEN WRONG five times in the past…. what confidence should a reasonable person have that someone who ALWAYS gets it wrong is to be believed THIS time? Hmmmmm?
  9. YOU CAN’T, BECAUSE HE DIDN’T !! And that incredibly stupid suggestion for me to ask ChatGBT if overlapping generations was POSSIBLE! … to support your position ! That is not the question to ask if you want TRUTH. The question anyone needs to ask is: 1.) What did Jesus mean when he said “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” It can’t get any simpler than THAT! WHAT DID HE ACTUALLY SAY? 2.) What did the Apostles understand he said? WHAT DID THEY UNDERSTAND? Because your thinking is 100% agenda driven, you may be an “intellectual”, but you are dumb as a stick. Sad in a way. A complete waste, because it’s self inflicted. 2 ≠ 1. It’s THAT SIMPLE.
  10. This is so easy it’s embarrassing. When you fail to prove your arguements you ALWAYS … ALWAYS revert to ad-hominem attacks. The first and ONLY RESORT of the agenda driven who no matter the topic, are always WRONG!
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