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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. The test is really quite simple and straightfoward. Explain how Jesus SAID and MEANT OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS. You can’t ,,,, because He didn’t.
  2. You just proved the fallacy of your arguement. OF COURSE GENERATIONS OVERLAP! But that does not mean two overlapping generations are ONE generation! You just got caught in your own semantics trap!
  3. Like you? O.K., let’s put that to the test to see if you choke on it. Let’s see how well YOU explain that what Jesus taught and what the Apostles understood was overlapping generations. And of course YOU being the intellectual, there is no need to remind you to stay on topic, and base your remarks ONLY ON THE PREMISE RELEVANT. 1.) What exactly did Jesus teach, and 2.) What exactly did the Apostles understand. …. all else is made up drivel and wishful thinking.
  4. On a separate note, without claiming any inspiration or guidance from God, I am hereby proclaiming as if with a chorus of angelic trumpeteers that … ummmm … Armageddon will occur on …. ummmm … April 16, 2654, at 4:20 PM, at the Pacific Ocean International Dateline. Yeah …. that’s the ticket! In lieu of monetary contributions until then … ummmm … nevermind … Send money!
  5. Well, Fausto, I had resolved not to waste any more time responding to your silly and distorted rants, which I do read, and think about, but a few minutes ago I ran across this, which accurately answers some of your questions, loaded as they are, about what constitutes “Old Light” and “New Light”. It is short, concise, direct and to the point.
  6. … and “Old Light” and “New Light” have two things in common . 1.) Among people who SHOULD be given the benefit of the doubt, never attribute as a lie what can be explained by self-centered daydreaming and wishful thinking. It may be absolutely wrong, but if they believe it… it is NOT A LIE. 2.) Neither “Old Light” or “New Light” should be confused with “Bud Light”.
  7. Don’t pretend “stuff” doesn’t happen, and didn’t happen that should not have happened out of loyalty to what might have happened right. Of what value is our faith if it is based on what is not true? ”Stuff Happens”.
  8. “Soldiers of Christ”, and Soldiers of Nations have very similar missions … to change the world to more conform to the wishes of the Government they represent. The problem Earthly Theocracy and Earthly Nations have is the same … their leadership is deeply flawed and often only marginally competent. As each pursues it’s missions there will ALWAYS be massive, unintended casualties. It’s the nature of all organizations, and there is no way that can’t happen. There is an adage that goes “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence”. That includes ignorance, agenda driven thinking, greed, vanity, stubbornness, and the list goes on and on. We see this as “Monday morning quarterbacks”, but any carefully considered plan of action beforehand often shatters upon first contact with reality. The Universe has its own rules. Consider the Governing Body as if they were a Military High Command, as General Officers whose mission is to direct an invasion of Publishers to an Evil World of humans and make them into Disciples of Christ and worshippers of Jehovah God., It’s a tough job, and many mistakes will be made, with many “unnecessay” casualties. Thats just the way it is, to achieve a victory on the battlefield of ideas, and in both cases, Theocratic and Secular, the same is true … the goal is victory, and it is a battlefield of ideas. In the midst of World War II, two pivotal Allied operations would come to define the Western Front's path to victory. The first, known as "Operation Overlord," unfolded on June 6, 1944, along the coast of Normandy, France. This audacious endeavor marked the largest amphibious invasion in history, as thousands of Allied troops stormed the beaches. The toll of D-Day was staggering, with an estimated 10,000 Allied casualties, including those killed, wounded, and missing. Operation Overlord's success would ultimately serve as a critical turning point in the war, establishing a foothold in Nazi-occupied Europe. The Society’s Governing Body, and the Allied Forces General Staff each have the same problem. They each get a lot of people killed, wounded or missing in action because they themselves are as flawed as the “enemy”. How can you make this not happen? You can’t. However, the road to victory was far from linear. Just a few months later, in September 1944, the Allies launched "Operation Market Garden" in a bold attempt to expedite their advance into Germany. “Bold” in this case meant the operation was stupidly concieved and executed based on bad information, and delusional planners. This complex operation focused on capturing a series of strategic bridges in the Netherlands, opening a direct path to the heart of Nazi-occupied Europe. Market Garden's ambitious plan involved a massive airborne assault and ground forces. The cost, though, was substantial, with approximately 17,200 Allied casualties, including those killed, wounded, and missing.. Operation Market Garden was marked by both triumphs and setbacks, with the famous "bridge too far" at Arnhem remaining out of Allied hands. Despite its challenges, it showcased the Allies' determination to push deeper into enemy territory. I see important parallels. You may not. These two operations, D-Day and Market Garden, played pivotal roles in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, demonstrating the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces in their quest for freedom and victory. You don’t fight a war, or send 8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses into the field without wasted lives, screw-ups, and collateral damage, which means people get hurt and killed because … that’s what happens. Courage and Sacrifice. Sometimes you are sacrificed by incompetence, self serving leadership, or just plain stupidity. That’s ALWAYS the price that has to be paid in the wars of ideas. Get used to it. I don’t like it either, but that’s the way reality works. ”Stuff Happens”,
  9. Synopsis; 1.) All “Truth”, about ANYTHING, is of necessity progressive and changable. We learn as we go. 2.) Don’t burn at the stake innocent people who are heretics to the current view. It will change. 3.) For whatever faults CTR had, he preached Matthew 18, not today’s witch hunt.
  10. Again Fausto, all you have to support your blind agenda is irrelevant piles of words, and ALWAYS ad-hominem attacks. If that were not true, you would have spent your considerable effort dissecting and disproving the posted video proving that, with their own words, with their own printed publications!, the Society is in fact deliberately involved in temporal politics! The reason, the REAL reason you did not do that, is that the documentation is crystal clear, and unassailable, both in content and authorship. You already know this instinctively, and like the “overlapping generations” doctrine, cannot be explained or defended. THOSE are the facts that are unassailable, because they so clearly are true. You have ONLY opinion to counter the hard historical, and unimpeachable record that you refuse to address. …. and of course your desperate attempt to “kill the messenger”., as if that would rewrite the Society’s published record. As Bro. Russell said in the referenced article “What is Truth”, …. “ If Satan himself tells you the Truth, it is still the truth.” … and with that I will leave you and your multiple personalities to stew in your own juices.
  11. Of course, anyone with a half-ounce of common sense would cringe, roll their eyes in astonishment, and reject outright ANYONE who would make such an embarrassing presumptuous statement. Unless of course it could somehow be proven. Otherwise the “cringeworthy” factor on that sort of statement approaches 90%. I forgot … why did Lett even make such a statement? Was he asking for money?
  12. The term "sock puppet" can be translated into Latin as "puppis soccus”, so clearly this is a veiled “ad-puppis soccus” attack on trolls.
  13. SEASON 2, EPISODE 15 - of the”Eric and Foster Sock Puppet Show” . Opening scene: Eric is in tears because he cannot remember if he is Eric or Foster ….
  14. in a debate anybody challenges anybody . If someone proposes some sort of silly crap, and chooses not to defend it when challenged because there is no defense possible, the rebuff automatically becomes a reproof. No “authority” is assumed, needed, expressed, or implied. It’t is just plain common sense, which among the doppelgänger sock puppet brothers, is sorely lacking. The fact that you cannot focus on defending your silly theological indefensible world views, and ALWAYS… ALWAYS … revert to slanderous and malicious ad-hominem attacks instead of defending your own fantasy based assertions clearly shows where the frustration is. AND where the real truth is. I find you both sad, and funny. For a change, why not reach out and try to back up your silly wish list with actual FACTS. Everything you think you know is currently based on your warped malicious opinions … not facts.
  15. What the hell are you even tslking about Eric? Afraid I am not PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU? HahaHAHAhahaha! ”So-called authority”….? You are clearly delusional. No surprise there …..
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