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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. I’m sorry … did miss the comprehensive reply to your assertions that I challenged? You know … the ones that I specified AND enumerated? No defense? I thought so …… …. no surprise there. You are “projecting”…. Again ….
  2. 1.) How do you define “progressiveness”? The general society seems to have an evolved definition that changes daily. And does the truth of God REALLY coincide with the truth proclaimed by the Watchtower? Let’s test that: 1.a) Where in the Bible, does God or Christ teach “overlapping generations”? 1.b) Where in the Bible do the Apostles indicate that is what they were taught? A “Mission Statement” and what is reality often falls short in ALL corporations. 1.c) Please provide hard evidence that your above statement is not just a liberal progressive fantasy. 2.) These two things are obviously not even close to being the same thing. It is an arrogant false comparison that is intended as a veiled threat, common to all religious leaders since a tribal Shamen claimed the majority of meat for himself “… because God said so!” It is blatantly false to anyone with basic common sense. Nice try, though. 3.) I fully agree with that. New evidence has come out showing the “Cross” Jesus died on may have PROBABLY been more likely to be a two piece construct. Unfortunately Christendom’s guesses are sometimes more accurate than the Society’s guesses. This applies to all areas of theocratic analysis. They do get SOME things right! Russell’s article in the very first Watchtower “What is Truth?” is an excellent touchstone to support or collapse all of my, or your above points. “What is Truth” is worthy of framing and hanging up in the bedroom.
  3. Of all the religions on Earth, it is my long and carefully considered opinion, based on what I consider to be irrefutable facts, that as a group, Jehovah’s Witnesses have the best chance of all of them to be found acceptable to God and Christ. All the blessings of my life, which is almost over, is because I obeyed what I was taught by Jehovah’s Witnesses. The reverse is also true. The CORE 15% of what is taught is of life saving value, and to the best of my knowledge cannot be found elsewhere. That, to me, means the CORE 15% is in fact the “True Religion”. I do not expect perfection from employers, spouses (and I have had three …), friends, the Police and/or Court Systems, Armed Forces military leaders, soldiers, sailors or airmen, or the McDonalds drive-thru which almost ALWAYS seems to screw up my order. The tolerance I have for applied stupidity I suspect Jehovah God also has for us … after all …. he is the Sovereign God of this Universe, and extending mercy does not diminish his majesty, authority or security in any way. If we “stick our neck out”, someone can “cut off our head”. Not so with Jehovah God. I also suspect that, with MANY Biblical examples to review for reference, he has a high tolerance for us being theologically bat-crap crazy. Thousands of years of colossal screw ups and institutionalized injustices were tolerated before He replaced the old system. I often think, Jehovah with a casual thought could destroy all his enemies, everywhere, in an instant … so why did He have brave men of valor fight and die on ancient battlefields, and put them through all of that? Why does Jehovah God now allow the Governing Body to chase away almost as many disciples of his Son, as 8 million recruiters can enlist? I almost know, but I can’t prove it, as it would be “preaching error”, if I can’t prove it. I suspect we are all being sifted, and hardened in “trials by fire” …. after all, the ONLY way you can get experience in how to endure getting beaten … is to get beaten. Military Special Forces know this … that is why training includes real torture, beatings, and conditioning on how to endure without being broken. Think of the 144,000. They will be given immortality … life forever with great power and authority, independent of God, but exactly parallel in purpose and agreement! How does Jehovah know they can be trusted to be good at it? Immortality, by definition, means it can never be revoked. EXPERIENCE. Just as a Navy Seal, when dropped from a helicopter 12 miles off shore and has to swim to shore, then run 15 miles to base and without eating or rest, read an entire book, and take a test on it, there are casualties. People die, or fail, or wounded, or thrown out because they just can’t cut it. Some of us are just plain not good enough, focused enough, motivated enough, tough enough, or strong enough. You get the test FIRST ….….. and the lesson AFTERWARDS.
  4. The theocratic implications of THAT truth are staggering! I have absolutely no problem with the Governing Body being wrong, and correcting itself as time goes on This happens in all areas of human endeavor, including physics, chemistry, astronomy … and the list goes on and on and on. I temember when no one knew anything about Plate Tectonics, and everyone “knew” Mars had an advanced global system of canals, and Venus was a hot, humid jungle. But no one quoted many dozens of Scriptures to support those ideas, which were wrong, or represented to their audience that they knew that by “Special and Exclusive Revelation from God”. And for their benevolence bathed daily in a waterfall of free, never ending money. Or destroyed the lives and families of those heretics that did not believe them.
  5. I just have one question ….. The answer will tell us the truth about many things. If a Brother or Sister does their research and takes a theocratic position different than “current light”, and is disfellowshipped for apostasy, and later, as “new light” is revealed, it turns out they were correct …. do they get reinstated with an apology and reparations?
  6. … ever notice how much more responsible and polite people used to be when dueling was fashionable? … jus’ thinking out loud …..
  7. The difference between my posts and your posts, Fausto, is that I have documented proof for my every statement, and you have only your delusional opinions. Which have no facts whatsoever to back them up.
  8. Among the many things you yourself have proven with your own words is that your opinions have no factual basis, and are worthless.
  9. The only defense you could POSSIBLY have is insanity. I do not believe you are insane, so there is no defense for your being a proven, with your own words, a compulsive and habitual liar, to wit:
  10. You are too dumb to realize that you just did EXACTLY as I predicted and also just proved with your own words that you are a compulsive, habitual liar.
  11. Either you are LYING, wrapped up in your own delusions which you believe, or you can specify and enumerate my alleged fabrications and deceits. Let’s see if you choke on this and once again prove with your own words you are a habitual, compulsive liar. HINTS: Fabrications: 1.) 2.) 3.) Deceits: 1.) 2.) 3.)
  12. Just because you have no sense of humor or any common sense whatsoever, and do not understand comedy, humor, satire or parody does not mean everyone else is so afflicted.
  13. I try not to respond to fantasy, wrong, delusional ad hominem attacks like the sentence above, but since it is partially correct, I will make an exception. This is my trusty HP-41CX Calculator which I used for 30 years, and heavily modified, (… designed and made the specialized chips and keyboard myself …) with which I made a living for international engineering companies as a Principal Senior Design Engineer, mechanical and civil, in the USA, the Congo, Peru and Norway. Since I am only a High School Graduate, as you alluded to, I think I have done reasonably well. …. it may irritate you, but then, who cares?
  14. Of the five sentences above, only the last one makes any sense at all. I actually agree with sentence No. 5. The other four are delusional. Sweeping generalities that have no basis in reality. … think I am kidding? Read them out loud to yourself.
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