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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Yeah … I remember when the Super Duper Top Secret “Shepherding the Flock of God” Elders Manual first came out. I had a copy before my local Elders had theirs. Rank and File Brothers could not have a copy, or even read it, and if they helped an Elder by making a copy, they had to be watched so they did NOT read any of it. It was not to left out so a Sister could see it. Meanwhile copies were given by the Society to the Finland Minister of Health, and the Minister of Education. Both women.
  2. I would just like to say, almost as an aside, that as a minor point that you can take to heart …. the screenshots I posted, I posted without any commentary whatsoever, and it was screenshots of the Watchtower Bible and Track Society’s own publications. What could be more straightfoward and honest? I ASKED YOU TO EXPLAIN WHY IT WAS NOT POLITICAL LOBBYING … and you choked and replied with the usual foggy bottom agenda driven drivel. Heck, I did not even supply HALF the hard unimpeachable direct exact unmodified quotes available. ….. let me make my position clear ….. it is my personal opinion that all interaction with human beings is political, and nobody can avoid being in politics. When the Society uses lawyers, they are lobbyists for the Society. That is why they are also called “Counselors”, or “Advocates”. I have no problem with that. I do not think that the Society has done anything wrong by negotiating for a better deal, and is and has been trying to make the best way they can under difficult circumstances. What I object to, and the ONLY thing I object to, is deliberately lying that IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Hard evidence says it did! It’s a short road, and a slippery slope to drowning in manufactured fantasy.
  3. I am, FWIW, proud of you TTH, for qualifying the above quote with FWIW. It is with that caveat a rational, reasonable response that I would still dismiss as only the opinion of a random 20 year old male atheist who was agreeable because a nice pleasant guy and gal wanted to talk to him. Sharp!
  4. … And just for the record, I really don’t care what anyone believes or does on this forum. … but if you are going to have and hold, and argue for a position, at least base it on checkable hard facts … and when someone else takes the opposite view, always demand from them the same . Otherwise it’s all about arguing about whether a transformer car can morph itself into a robot, and is it male or female.
  5. Your only, repeat ONLY rational response, is a point by point rebuttal of the Watchtower Society’s own documentation of hard fact historic events, as shown in the video. OooOOooo … but that would be WORK, wouldn’t it?
  6. If you did not see the video, and did not study the video to see if the points documented were true or not, you have no right to any opinion whatsoever. If you did not see the video, and did not study the video to see if the points documented were true or not, you have no right to any opinion whatsoever. Because that’s what this thread is about.
  7. The difference in behaviour of the Captain, crew, and passengers of both the Titanic and the Costa Concordia is best explained by the difference in national average personalities and cultural values. The Concordia was registered in Italy and the Captain Francesco Schettino, is Italian, was Italian, as was much of the crew. Either you understand this, or you don’t. Audey Murphy once observed that the Italians coming into WWII on the side of the Nazis shortened the war by six months. But let’s get down to the bottom line to the ONLY thing that really matters. Those trying to discredit the 49 minute video posted HAVE NOT viewed it to even HAVE an intelligent opinion. The video provides screenshots from the Society’s OWN PUBLICATIONS what assertions it makes. If you cannot refute, point by point, specific hard evidence from the video screenshots that the Watchtower writers THEMSELVES documented ….. …… you got NOTHING, and are deliberately wallowing in agenda driven ignorance. Empty rhetoric. No more.
  8. So much for the Sweeping Generalities. Now, for a change, address the SPECIFIC elements of the 49 minute video.! Otherwise your vague, off topic generalities have no more substance than fog. Be a sport ….. get off the teleprompter.
  9. Because that is not true, I can provide ENDLESS SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of how that is not true. Just locally, the Jews were dominated by the Roman Empire … Israel was occupied and controlled by the Roman Army, and foreign Administrators. In the little town I live in there are probably 20 or more opthamologists, and 8 or more eye surgeons, and 20 or more opticians. They all have more work than they can quickly do. Multiply that town population by eight billion people, globally. Lets’s look at a specific example … me. Twice I have been blind, and because of modern technology, and highly skilled surgeons, and $19,500 which I could afford, I am 77 years old and can see 20/20, near and far, without glasses. My guess is about 80,000 people a day globally are cured of blindness. How many people did Jesus cure of blindness? One? Fifty? 200? …. and then only if you were right there, at the right time. Multiply that by the numbers of diseases and infirmities people have globally THEN and NOW. Fausto Hoover, you are living in a very deep fantasy ignoring everything real. There is less violence globally now than ANYTIME in history, and that is reality. Fewer people freeze to death now, than anytime in history. Fewer people die of starvation now, than anytime in history. etc., etc., etc. I suspect if you really did live when Jesus walked the Earth, you would be maimed, crippled, or dead in three months. Did I mention Dentists? THINK ABOUT IT!
  10. Other than the fact that Fausto Hoover he’s mad as hell, and about to work himself up into a stroke, and has no specifics whatsoever, and has never had any specifics whatsoever to support his premises, and therefore completely incapable of a rational rebuttal, he has high entertainment value of how NOT TO debate knowlegeable, rational people.
  11. Apostates, BlahBlahBlah, and disfelowshipped persons, BlahBlahBlah …. is not a rebuttal. Other than RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW, Fausto Hoover, for the general welfare of all people on Earth, WHEN was there a better time? If you answer at all, and are honest, you prove your premises are false.
  12. I notice, Fausto Hoover, can you never answer questions that will clear the whole thing up, or specify the vague nebulous things you talk about.
  13. it is really quite simple to be politically neutral towards interactions with people and Nations…… Just change the definitions of the words. Comedian Steve Martin once said, if you teach children the wrong definitions of words, in the first grade when a child wants to go to the restroom, he can raise his hand to ask the teacher’s permission with “… can I mumble face dog to the banana patch?”
  14. Reality? You wanna talk about REALITY? The REALITY is that we are now living in the best times that have ever existed in the history of human experience …. and with one simple observation can prove it. Other than RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW, Fausto Hoover, for the general welfare of all people on Earth, WHEN was there a better time?
  15. Translated: I don’t LIKE IT because you dont agree with my agenda driven world view. That is why I am indignant, and could not give any SPECIFIC examples.
  16. DOOMSDAY is when as individuals we die. 95% of all life on Earth being destroyed is a statistic. …. it has already happened twice before ….. It’s a continual process. The “Doomsday Clock” is the philosophical and political expression of an agenda driven committee. Philosophically, when we as individuals die … the Universe ceases to exist.
  17. A “red arrow downvote” without a reasonable, rational counterpoint explanation only serves to advertise “cult-think”. For years the WTB&TS used to defend it’s actions successfully with a booklet “Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News”. ”Downvoting” what are prima facia hard facts ONLY serves to advertise the downvoters’ agenda driven limited reasoning ability. Sort of like someone from Poland “downvoting” that during WWII they they fought Nazi Tanks with horse calvary. It happened!
  18. Of course, Bitcoin is about believing in an irrational fantasy … much like Santa Clause controlling the global economy in the month of December. Or the true value of U.S. Currency, with a 33 TRILLION DOLLAR NATIONAL DEBT!! Let's start from the beginning to calculate the length of a string of one hundred dollar bills that would equal 33 trillion dollars. First, let's find out how many one hundred dollar bills are in 33 trillion dollars: 33 trillion dollars = 33,000,000,000,000 dollars Number of one hundred dollar bills = 33,000,000,000,000 / 100 = 330,000,000,000, or 3.3 x 10^11 one hundred dollar bills. Now, let's calculate the length of a single one hundred dollar bill. The dimensions of a U.S. one hundred dollar bill are approximately 2.61 inches in width and 6.14 inches in length. To convert the length to miles, we'll divide by 63,360 (since there are 63,360 inches in a mile): Length of a single one hundred dollar bill = 6.14 inches / 63,360 ≈ 0.0000966 miles. Now, let's find the total length of the string of one hundred dollar bills: Total length = (3.3 x 10^11 one hundred dollar bills) x (0.0000966 miles per bill) Total length ≈ 31,878,000 miles. So, a string of one hundred dollar bills that would equal 33 trillion dollars is approximately 31,878,000 miles long. The result of the division 31,878,000 miles, divided by 240,000 miles, is 132.825. 240,000 miles is the approximate distance from the Earth to the Moon. So, the USA National Debt is a line of One Hundred Dollar Bills stretching 132 times PAST the distance from the Earth to the Moon !!!!! … swoon “thunk”. …. Pudgycoin looking better to you now?
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