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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Especially in this age when more and more people are shopping on line, there will always be a high demand for card board boxes. That’s why my digital currency of choice is Pudgycoin …. the only digital currency based on corrugated cardboard. AND it comes in a convenient ten pound box, for easy identification. So trusted that there are no financial records to see, and one Pudgycoin is ALWAYS worth what we imagine it to be. Available at the Empire Hancock Building Penthouse Offices, where six diving boards means there is never any wait, and selected Veterinarians, and Pet Supply Stores, in some towns. Remember “Pudgycoin!, … If Things Get Really Bad, You Can Eat Them!”.
  2. It is widely believed that in the Garden of Eden, nature’s most perfect food, King Sized Snickers Bars, is what sustained their longevity.
  3. Well … I am going to dinner and watch TV. My wife made some deliciously spiced eggplant, which before her I did not like at all. Feel free to foam at the mouth and bite some furniture….
  4. None of that even makes any sense. What the hell are you even talking about? You REALLY,REALLY, Reallyreallyreally, need a wife or girlfriend, or SOMETHING.
  5. I believe you would misunderstand a “yes-or-no” question. I will try to “splanit” to you like I would talk to a rock. Fausto: “Choking once more and deceitful.” Pudgy : Show an actual example. Otherwise you opinion is only blather. Fausto: “It appears that you are still gazing into the mirror.” Pudgy: Hallucinating? How so? Fausto: “You should reconsider your actions, as your way of thinking bears a troubling resemblance to that of the infamous Hitler whom you admire.” Pudgy: I merely stated that Hitler liked dogs. A historical fact. You evilly twisted that. Fausto: “But, I wholeheartedly agree with you.” Pudgy: About what? Fausto: “I find your pathetic antics quite amusing indeed.” Pudgy: You have absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever, and can’t even recognize your own pathetic attempts to defend the indefensible. Fausto: “Answer the question, prove newborns are perfect by your insinuations.” Pudgy: I made no such assertions, as I do not, and have never believed that to be true, as I have documented here many times. Well … once again I have proved you wrong about everything. You remind me if the Black Knight in the Monty Python sketch, who has sequentially his arms and legs cut off, and he sits as a stump on the forest floor, yelling at the King, “… COME BACK AND FIGHT”.
  6. I have no animosity toward you. I find you pathetically sad and funny at the same time. In fact, you are currently my 2nd best source of light entertainment. You always being wrong about everything, and you providing the ammunition, makes it easy. …. by the way … I got a good laugh at “chocking”, something one does to airplane wheels.
  7. As I have proved by my own words, I never made that assertion. Your agenda driven mind twisted what I actually said. Let me give you a hint of how to win a debate when you can’t hypnotize your victims with many words. 1.) Make sure before you say something that you can prove every word, premise and assertion BEFORE you make it. 2.) Expect as a given that EVERY WORD, premise and assertion will be thoroughly challenged. 3.) Make as your “Holy Grail” the real Truth, no matter where it comes from or who says it, and defend that, and that alone.
  8. From the above quote, if you were not intrinsically dishonest, you would have read: ”Jehovah has the Sovereign right to kill any of us at any time for any reason, or no reason at all, even babies, as he did in Egypt so long ago. That does NOT MAKE babies natural enemies of God.”
  9. I NOWHERE stated I thought babies were perfect . That assertion is merely a construct of your desperation, and accusing me of saying that is just another of your continuous series of lies about me, El Fausto. It’s genetically IMPOSSIBLE for any baby to be perfect, unless the Father is Jehovah God.
  10. Another example of your complete lack of reading comprehension and always being wrong about EVERYTHING. ….. More as I extract proof.
  11. THIS is what I was referring to ….. In context …. THIS is what I ACTUALLY said …. proving once again you are a weasel, and a liar.
  12. A person that expresses sympathy for a dead small dog hundreds or thousands of miles away, but who absolutely thinks all babies are enemies of God, has some screws loose.
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