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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. May I suggest as a remedy for your exaggerated mental illness that you go on YouTube and watch both versions of “A Man For All Seasons”, full movie,  about a 1500’s Englishman Sir Thomas More.

    An innocent man beheaded by the Crown legal system.

    You remind me, in either version, of King Henry VIII’s State Prosecutor so close it’s like you deliberately copied his personality.…. just an observation …. not an indictment.

    Both are GREAT movies, full of insights and lessons!




    Because there are none, and I know that …. THAT proves, once again, you BTK59 are the agenda driven, malicious liar.

    That’s why you are the whack-a-mole.

  3. Your proposing irrelevant total crap made up from your imagination is not even a valid rebuttal. 


    The really sad thing is you don’t know that!

    If you are not living in a car or homeless, EVERYBODY has an address.

    Doxing is always evil, and often illegal.

    You stated I was a convicted sentenced criminal.


    You can’t because they do not exist … which makes you once again, a PROVEN liar.

    …. and a malicious slanderer, and/or libelist.

    …. but THAT has already been proven from your own words , here on this forum many, many times in the past.

    Wally McNasty, failed comic sidekick and co-joined evil twin of the Vicar of Warwick.


  4. 3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    My Mugshot has already been posted here three times I know of, and as I learned many years ago when I was a licensed Private Investigator in Virginia, anybody can be arrested for anything.

    If you want to demonstrate how evil and malicious your intent is, please feel free to post it again. 

    Further, I have never once attributed any of my conduct, good or bad, to the Watchtower.  


    Details are important. That is what differentiates a scholar from a fool. 

    When you get the dates wrong and the STATE WRONG, and provide no proof of anything … it would be an EASY sell … if I was trying to sell anything at all about myself, which I am not.

    Each and every point of your depraved jealousy inspired argument is based on false premisses.

    In Germany, around 1400 AD, they used to burn alive at the stake about 16,000 women a year as “witches”.

    You REALLY NEED a different hobby!


    Really REALLY need a different hobby.  

    May I suggest fishing or cicada stomping.


  5. It is obvious you have absolutely no reading comprehension skills whatsoever.

    And all that crap you think up and post is irrelevant and immaterial, roughly the equivalent of “See! The United States IS a real place!! How dare you say it’s NOT!

    Every goofy premise you dream up is useless!


  6. 2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    If that was your submitting hard evidence …

    … you failed. 


    Next try … try submitting some kind of court document … when you cannot even get the STATE right, by your OWN HAND you demonstrate your ZERO credibility.

    As I related several years ago here, when I was invited to the “Closed Club”, I was disfellowshipped at my own request so as the accusations against me would not be associated with the Brotherhood and God, and was refused initially, because the closed club only accepted JWs in good standing. Full disclosure.

    My actual actions  specifically refute your accusation that I attribute any failures I might have to the Watchtower.

    I have never represented myself, ever, as an example to be emulated …

    …, merely a Barbarian who agreed with JW CORE BELIEFS, a point I repeated here many times over many years.

    Or do you think I tried to fool everyone by adopting the Avatar of a cute two dimensional cartoon dog?


  7. My Mugshot has already been posted here three times I know of, and as I learned many years ago when I was a licensed Private Investigator in Virginia, anybody can be arrested for anything.

    If you want to demonstrate how evil and malicious your intent is, please feel free to post it again. 

    Further, I have never once attributed any of my conduct, good or bad, to the Watchtower.  


    Details are important. That is what differentiates a scholar from a fool. 

    When you get the dates wrong and the STATE WRONG, and provide no proof of anything … it would be an EASY sell … if I was trying to sell anything at all about myself, which I am not.

    Each and every point of your depraved jealousy inspired argument is based on false premisses.

    In Germany, around 1400 AD, they used to burn alive at the stake about 16,000 women a year as “witches”.

    You REALLY NEED a different hobby!


  8. …. and because you clearly do not know the difference, BTK 59, as an off-subtopic aside, an apostate is someone who renounces or abandons their religious or political beliefs, whereas a heretic is someone who holds beliefs contrary to the official or orthodox teachings of a religion or ideology. So, while both involve deviating from established beliefs, apostasy is more about abandoning beliefs altogether, while heresy is about holding beliefs that are seen as incorrect or contrary to the mainstream.

    I hold JW core beliefs, but reject the made-up self-agrandizing and irrelevant crap.

    That makes me a disfellowshipped heretic, not a disfellowshipped apostate.




  9. Oh … by the way … should you decide, BTK59, .to accept my challenge to try and prove your slanderous lies, proof should be something that is self-evident, specific, AND THAT ANYBODY can easily check and independently verify, using the corroborating EVIDENCE and references YOU supply.

    Specific on topic Proof.

    Not fantasy wishful projection.

    …. as has been your custom.




  10. A person who slanders another by telling lies about them might check facts, and find out what is really the case.  

    You have NOT, BTK59.

    BECAUSE of that, YOUR credibility is zero.

     …. delusional.

    And here is a hint ….. I can share any advice I want, on any subject I want, any time I want …. and will.

    Every statement of fact I make is proven.

    Here is the test:

    1.) List One fact  I have EVER stated in my many thousands of posts that was not true. Be SPECIFIC.

    Do it.

    2.) PROVE your accusations. BE SPECIFIC.

    Do it.

  11. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    We all have our own unique realities to explore. I found Vic the Parrot's criticisms of the Watchtower on JW.com quite entertaining, until I discovered it was you! lol!

    And there, for your inspection, Ladies and Gentlemen … given by George88 IN HIS OWN WORDS, and by his own hand …. is the PERFECT EXAMPLE of someone ignoring what he saw with his own eyes, for Agenda Driven Thinking.

    What he was SUPPOSED to think ….. controlled his perception.

    He was exploring a “unique reality”, as always, of his agenda driven perception.

  12. That is the best example of egocentric arrogant word salad I have read since … um … Ever!.

    NO ONE on this planet cares obout what you percieve as an insult, or are disheartened about … except you.

    …  maybe your Mom.

    Governments do what governments do … THEY have the bayonets. Get used to it.

    If you accept their money, it’s “the golden rule”.

    “Dem dat gota da gold, maka da rules”


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