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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. By the way, Freddie, if you intend to try to weasel way your way out of your own words by saying I took you out of context, I have a screenshot of your entire post.
  2. THAT … Fausto Hoover is YOUR direct quote, agreeing with the Lett video clip. Weasel out of THAT! I will post it again, “… just to rub it in “.
  3. It was not a simple mistake. This was NOT a live broadcast. It was a pre-recorded broadcast that was reviewed by many “helpers”, and the entire Governing Body before being approved for broadcast.
  4. The only questions I have after reading the previous attempts at hypnotic tomes, is which one of you two is the puppetmaster, and which one of you two is the sock puppet?
  5. I know what the term “baby” means. I know what the term “enemy” means. I know what the term “God” means. I know that babies are NOT ENEMIES OF GOD. …. a point you, Fausto Hoover, et al, cannot see because you have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. You are defending an insane, stupid, and indefensible position. You SPECIFICALLY agreed with Lett’s opinion, and now are trying to rationalize your way out of it. …and no, these are NOT jawbones, even if the most celebrated media dentist in the world says they are.
  6. You are so ignorant and presumptive your pontifications alternate between funny and embarrassing to even read. Your only agenda for the past few years has been to attack me, and the best I can determine is that each time you have only proved by your own words to be a liar and a slanderer, over and over and over again with my rebuttals. You are a bully and a blusterous blowhard, completely agenda driven, pathetically invoking the authority of God in an effort to advance your fantasy in the face of hard, provable, historical facts, and to try and intimidate others. Howse that working out for you Frankie?
  7. … anyone who spasm downvotes irrefutable historical facts is doomed.
  8. Infinite variety. There is more to Infinite Variety among humans and all things living than what YOU perceive.
  9. Choked again eh? It’s a simple “yes” or “no” answer to a simple “yes” or “no” question. Something you seem totally incapable of doing. This is known as “Agenda Lock”. The Truth will set you Free.
  10. Very simple questions that have“yes”, or “no” answers, Frankie, and you choke … then vomit up a rambling rant of a thousand words to try and deflect that you are defending the indefensible.
  11. Feeling a little down? Think you've really screwed the pooch this time? Come with the Babylon Bee as we crack open the Scriptures and check out some Bible heroes who have done way, way stupider stuff than you! Adam: You may be feeling a little blue today, but did sin and death enter the world through you? See, it's not so bad. Samson: His girlfriend betrayed him to be tortured by enemies - TWICE - and the third time, he STILL FELL FOR IT! Come on. Jonah: This guy legit tried to run away from the Creator of the universe on a boat. Way dumber than you! Abraham: You may have messed up today, but did you lie about your wife being your sister? TWICE? Balaam: This prophet of God beat the heck out of his own donkey, who was only trying to save Balaam from getting killed by an angel with a flaming sword. Ouch. Aaron: First he helps lead the miraculous Exodus, then he leads millions of people into idolatrous demon worship. That's pretty bad! David: He failed to install a Covenant Eyes filter on his rooftop, leading to adultery, murder and ultimately his kingdom's destruction. Puts your mistakes in perspective. Paul: Before encountering Jesus, he literally went from town-to-town murdering Christians. Probably worse than what you did today. Cain: This guy thought offering someone vegetables was a good idea. VEGETABLES! Peter: One of Jesus's favorite disciples rebuked the Lord over His plan to die for our sins. So, yeah, pretty stupid in hindsight! Yikes! Feel better now? Sure you do!
  12. Feeling a little down? Think you've really screwed the pooch this time? Come with the Babylon Bee as we crack open the Scriptures and check out some Bible heroes who have done way, way stupider stuff than you! Adam: You may be feeling a little blue today, but did sin and death enter the world through you? See, it's not so bad. Samson: His girlfriend betrayed him to be tortured by enemies - TWICE - and the third time, he STILL FELL FOR IT! Come on. Jonah: This guy legit tried to run away from the Creator of the universe on a boat. Way dumber than you! Abraham: You may have messed up today, but did you lie about your wife being your sister? TWICE? Balaam: This prophet of God beat the heck out of his own donkey, who was only trying to save Balaam from getting killed by an angel with a flaming sword. Ouch. Aaron: First he helps lead the miraculous Exodus, then he leads millions of people into idolatrous demon worship. That's pretty bad! David: He failed to install a Covenant Eyes filter on his rooftop, leading to adultery, murder and ultimately his kingdom's destruction. Puts your mistakes in perspective. Paul: Before encountering Jesus, he literally went from town-to-town murdering Christians. Probably worse than what you did today. Cain: This guy thought offering someone vegetables was a good idea. VEGETABLES! Peter: One of Jesus's favorite disciples rebuked the Lord over His plan to die for our sins. So, yeah, pretty stupid in hindsight! Yikes! Feel better now? Sure you do!
  13. How many tens of thousands of men and women have been CHASED AWAY from Truth by insane statements such as this? Listen carefully … Lett’s premise is absurd, actually there are TWO false premises …. and the conclusion is absurd drivel. We are no more “born as enemies of God” than a puppy, or a baby elephant is born “an enemy of God”. We are just born. Without an automatic birthright. An “ENEMY” is something altogether different.
  14. I will tell you what drives people to atheism. …. I will tell you what drives people to atheism. It’s trying to rationalize absolute crap when there’s only the purview of the insane. …. like when Governing Body member Stephen Lett says “. …. babies are little enemies of God.”
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