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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. I guess the only question to be answered now, since Herr Fausto choked when I asked him “Or What?”, and his puppet Eric was no help at all …. is which one is Frankie, and which one is Eric?
  2. … this is true about scientific discoveries, a good example is humanities concept of the Atom, and how it changed over time. Each period of time what was known was considered to be “the truth“ and it is understandable the massive errors that only surfaced through time and experience. 1. Ancient Greece (5th century BC): - The concept of the atom was first proposed by Greek philosopher Leucippus and his student Democritus. They believed that everything was composed of indivisible particles called "atomos," which means "indivisible" in Greek 2. Dalton's Atomic Theory (early 19th century): - In the early 19th century, English chemist John Dalton developed the modern atomic theory. He proposed that all matter is composed of indivisible atoms, each with a specific mass and chemical properties. This theory laid the foundation for the study of chemistry. 3. Discovery of Subatomic Particles (late 19th and early 20th centuries): - J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897, demonstrating that atoms were not indivisible as previously thought. He proposed the "plum pudding" model, where electrons were embedded in a positively charged sphere. - Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment in 1909 led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. He proposed the nuclear model of the atom, where electrons orbit a central nucleus. - Niels Bohr's model in 1913 introduced quantized energy levels for electrons in orbits, which explained the spectral lines of hydrogen 4. Development of Quantum Mechanics (early 20th century): - Quantum mechanics, developed by physicists like Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger, revolutionized the understanding of atoms. It introduced the idea of electron wave functions and probabilistic behavior of particles at the atomic level. 5. The Standard Model (20th century): - The Standard Model of particle physics, developed in the mid-20th century, describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It includes particles like quarks, leptons, and bosons and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding atomic and subatomic phenomena. 6. Modern Advances (late 20th century to present): - Advancements in technology, such as the development of particle accelerators, have allowed scientists to study atoms and subatomic particles with unprecedented precision. - The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was a significant milestone in understanding the fundamental particles that make up atoms. This history reflects humanity's continuous quest to unravel the mysteries of the atom, from the ancient Greeks' philosophical ideas to the development of sophisticated quantum theories and particle physics in the modern era. Our understanding of atoms continues to evolve as scientific research progresses. …. and that’s OK …. because NONE of these men and women claimed their knowledge was based on, or dependent on a “Special Relationship” with the True God, who provided honest hearted people everywhere clear instructions of what it would take to become Jehovah’s Friend. What if you got on an airplane flying from Miami to Los Angeles and the Pilots got it wrong six or eight times, and landed you in Montreal, then Santiago, then Houston, then Newark, then Honolulu, etc? What confidence would you have … what confidence would ANY REASONABLE PERSON HAVE, that the pilots had any idea of how to navigate? Even if they declared at each landing that they had “New Maps”, how much confidence would ANY non-agenda driven person have?
  3. To directly answer both of your questions which are self-evident deflections, the answer is no, and no.
  4. EVERY time you use the term “former members …” you assume homogenous thinking of both groups, and is a prima facia admission of ignorance of reality. What makes it worse it that it is deliberate and premeditated ignorance, actively denying reality. That is what agenda driven thinking ALWAYS does. The PROOF of it is clearly shown here, when you spasm downvote historically straight simple facts.
  5. Reality has always been worrisome for those agenda driven theorists whose income depends on a carefully crafted web of fantasy definitions of reality.
  6. Until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States faked “neutrality” toward the Nazis, and loudly proclaimed its “neutrality” about the war in Europe … while at the same time shipping enough supplies to England to “sink the Island”. As a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War, it took me a long time to realize that being against war in general resonates and is in fact a political stance, and that NOT doing something IS POLITICAL AND BEING INVOLVED IN POLITICS. That is REALITY. The only time in the entire history of humanity that there was no politics was before Eve was created!
  7. In order to write like that, you must be being paid by the word. Whatever you are being paid … it’s too much. ….. sounds EXACTLY like Doodyville’s Mayor, Phineas T. Bluster.
  8. that’s the problem with sweeping generalizations…… They are sweeping generalizations and don’t apply to many specific problems, unless you use a generous LWF.
  9. "Anoesis" is a term used in psychology to describe a state of pure sensation or perception without any emotional or cognitive interpretation. It's a concept that highlights experiencing something without attaching any meaning or emotional response to it.
  10. …. for those who may ask if I suffer from dementia, the answer is no. I really enjoy it!
  11. it reminds me of something Hillary Clinton said after Bill Clinton’s problems with Monica Lewinsky and the other bimbo eruptions and all the legal fees associated with that, and they were down to $40 million dollars. she cried out they were broke and didn’t have any money. Apparently among her and her group of peers, if you’re down to $20 million you were considered destitute. Of course there may be many reasons the WTB&TS did not make the chart. They have never published ANY financial data to the Brotherhood, so above the Circuit level, there is no way to know. The maze of Corporations would confound a team of specialists.
  12. If an abundance of physical assets, real estate, media centers, branch offices, and kingdom halls is evidence of God’s kingdom, the Catholic Church has 100 and more times as much. With that flawed logic it’s quite clear that the Catholic Church is the true religion.
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