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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. if you spasm “downvote” hard facts and straight common sense statements, I find it a “tell” to your agenda driven thought processes, absurd and comedic.

    Why not instead pick something out, and challenge it on whatever basis you think is objectionable. It would certainly make it look like you were capable of rational thought, even if you are proved wrong.

    Spasm downvoting just makes you look silly, irrational, and unable to defend your own agenda. It also makes you look petty, pouty, and motivated by a post hypnotic compulsion where you are “driven to the cliff”, and cannot turn away.

    A hail of downvotes without a rational challenge to what you do not agree with does not advance your agenda or speak well for it.

    It just makes you look whiney and petulant.


  2. The problem is, E.T., that there are people that will consider straight facts, such as the “Malawi Incidents”, accurately reported but which are an embarrassing strategic SNAFU of short sightedness, as a “distortion of the facts”.

    There are others, such as myself, that believe that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the best bet Civilization and individuals can find, but recognize fully that the Leadership on Earth are as capable of colossal screw-ups and errors of judgement as individual people everywhere are capable of.  

    “Jehovah of Armies” in the past knew that many strong, good and capable men would die in battle fighting for his interests, when he could have with a casual thought destroyed his enemies with no casualties on his side.

    If you were in the United States Marines, and believed in the men an the mission, over time you would realize that many many men die and are forever wounded because of your Officer’s mistakes, bad judgement, personality quirks, greed and political pressure.

    You may be justly or unjustly persecuted by these same Officers, perhaps even chastised onto death.…. that’s what the job entails.

    Same thing with Jehovah’s People today.

    That does NOT mean    you should pretend things that really happened, and bad policies never existed. Or do not exist now.

    Reality is what it is.

    Get used to it. 

    The Universe is not impressed by many words, skillfully crafted.

    Unfortunately …. the inexperienced are.

    …… Pesky Humans!



  3. 7 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    You know Wally, your insane hatred toward me is going to make you even more insane, possibly killing yourself with a brain aneurysm when you pop an artery. 

    I knew a  Brother in Virginia, George Boyd, who reportedly was at a hardware store in Richmond, talking to someone about a part, and his eyes went blank and he was dead before he hit the floor.

    I had mixed emotions about that because n the 60’s, as a elder, he chewed me out for having a mustache. I mean REALLY chewed me out!

    15 years later, I met him at an Assembly and complimented him on his new mustache.He preened and thanked me, smiling, and I continued “You probably don’t remember chewing me out years ago when I had a mustache ….”

    He looked confused and said “No … I don’t”.

    I replied “I do”.

    He was a fine Brother, and a good man, but like you, had an exaggerated sense of importance and authority.

    I suspect when you finally blow a cranial gasket, you will not be remembered kindly.

    …. already, “Morning Star”, even though you change your avatar monthly, you are instantly recognized as Wally McNasty, liar and slanderer, who thinks he is Jesus.



  4. You know Wally, your insane hatred toward me is going to make you even more insane, possibly killing yourself with a brain aneurysm when you pop an artery. 

    I knew a  Brother in Virginia, George Boyd, who reportedly was at a hardware store in Richmond, talking to someone about a part, and his eyes went blank and he was dead before he hit the floor.

    I had mixed emotions about that because n the 60’s, as a elder, he chewed me out for having a mustache. I mean REALLY chewed me out!

    15 years later, I met him at an Assembly and complimented him on his new mustache.He preened and thanked me, smiling, and I continued “You probably don’t remember chewing me out years ago when I had a mustache ….”

    He looked confused and said “No … I don’t”.

    I replied “I do”.

    He was a fine Brother, and a good man, but like you, had an exaggerated sense of importance and authority.

    I suspect when you finally blow a cranial gasket, you will not be remembered kindly.

  5. Well, Wally McNasty, I can see how YOU might be confused, as the Morris Family lives on lot 32, and the unnamed Society agents presumably are in the house on lot 23.

    Stop by and knock on their doors, and ask.




  6. Now, concerning Bro. Anthony Morris III …. if you  have any questions, you could write him a personal letter to say “Hi !”, howya doin’?”, Send him and Susan a lil’ housewarming present for their new home, or whatever.

    If you showed up at his front door all smiles with a hot apple pie in your hands, you might even get invited in for pie and coffee!

    You might even welcome the new neighbors down the street in the second house. The “other house” … 

    ….. don’t wear tight pants.

  7. Anybody can be arrested for anything.

    Tomorrow the ex-president of the United States is having to report to jail in Georgia facing 11 Felony charges for challenging election results. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

    I am going to presume him innocent until proven guilty … and even then give him the benefit of the doubt.

    As the Chief Justice of the New York Supreme Court once said “You can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich”.

    ….. by the way, you forgot to wipe the foam off of your slanderous mouth, Wally McNasty.

    The last crime I was convicted of was a speeding ticket in Northern California in 1980.

    75 in a 65 zone.

  8. FOUND!  Bro. Anthony Morris III  !

    Courthouse records indicate that the WTB& TS has purchased two homes, about 1550 square feet each, for about $250,000 each in Lumberton, NC, right on the border with South Carolina. Tony and Susan lived in Lumberton before he went into the Circuit work, many years ago, and it seems they have returned.

    The two homes are on the same street, opposite each other, but several lots apart.

    Tony and Susan have “life rights” to the first house, but no rights to the second house, which the Society owns. The houses are almost identical.


















  9. The New James Webb Space Telescope sits in an L2 orbit about a million miles away, orbiting BOTH the sun and the Earth at the same time, showing even small sections of sky that in the past appeared empty have hundreds of thousands of galaxies.

    Now THAT’s astonishing!!

    …. not your silly concerns.





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