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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. If you read the above post, line by line, and Word by Word, you will see the ambiguity and hopelessness of the argument that they’re overlapping generations as promoted by BROTHER Splaine.

    What is actually stated does not support the argument at all.

    It’s just smoke and mirrors to distract and confuse with bluster and massive “word fatigue” from reading all that buzz word crap. Most of it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.

    Want to prove it?

     Print it out and get a yellow highlighter and go through the post and highlight all the ambiguities and qualifying statements. 

    Highlight the irrelevant, too.

    Be a sport … actually do it.

    Then post the rest as several sentences and bullet points … if that.

    But the bottom line is … when it gets down to the nitty gritty, when all the extraneous crap is filtered out, where the rubber meets the road, the bird’s eye low down on this caper this issue is very, very straightfoward and extremely simple.

    And it is this:

    Jesus Christ DID NOT teach his Apostles about any “Overlapping Generations”.

    It is a pathetic and transparent attempt to cover up failures of prophesy as interpreted badly by the Watchtower Bible an Tract Society.


    If you have the ability to “connect the dots” … connect the above 16.

  2. …. there is a third explanation, which I believe in, is that Jehovah God allows a great deal of crap in human interactions, and he realizes that’s the best we can do.

    I cite  as an example what Jehovah tolerated in ancient Israel before it reached a certain threshold and he clouded up and rained all over everybody, so to speak.

    Much in the same way if we had an aquarium full of pet hamsters running on the little wheels, and climbing the ladders, and running through the toilet paper tubes and chewing on them, as long as they’re going in the right direction, he pretty much doesn’t care what they believe.

    The reason he insists on pure theology is it’s almost impossible to be good little hamsters, and happy, if we believe the wrong things.

  3. 1 hour ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    In all my experience, I have never come across a single instance where Jesus or God provided erroneous guidance in scripture. I have complete confidence in the Watchtower's adherence to the Bible, as it serves as their guiding constitution.  The misrepresentation perhaps stems from our own interpretation and attitude.

    Hence, we must take full responsibility for the failures we experience in life without placing the blame on others.




    So…. tell me about how Jesus instructed his Apostles about “Overlapping Generations”.

  4. I agree, but here’s the rub, Bub ….. if in some way we screw up our own lives, we of course will have to pay the price, but if the Governing Body sets a doctrine under pain of disfellowshipping  that screws up our life, we by following bad advice, of course STILL screw up our lives, and pay the price …. but they pay no price whatsoever, because everybody’s forbidden to talk about it..

    THEY never miss a meal, dress like a homeless person, sleep in bitter cold, and live in quiet desperation of deep poverty and with rotten teeth and no money to fix them.

    They are waited on hand and foot, with Rolex watches, heavy gold pinky rings, fine high quality clothing, beautiful and comfortable surroundings, adoring throngs of friends, almost infinite free labor, all possible because they bathe in an unending waterfall of free money.

  5. I know from experience that you can get ChatGPT to write complete, profound and deep theological essays if you specify “christian”, or Jehovahs Witness,  or Jewish, etc. just as you have done, and the style is very specific.

    Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but it is a very interesting coincidence.


  6. It is useless for a normal rational person to have a text conversation with you, because it is quite obvious you have no reading comprehension skills.

    You have no idea what I’m talking about. You’re thinking is completely driven by a single minded agenda and is impervious.

    Apparently explaining the basis of humor is useless on a totally humorous person who cannot mentally connect the dots.

  7. You folks are just too ignorant to understand the joke …. or even have a conversation with.

    All humor has to have a basis in truth, that’s why you didn’t “get” the nested inference.

    “The “universal” plea for help, SOS”, which was instituted in 1905, was changed because the Japanese during WWII were luring American soldiers into ambushes with fake radio “SOS” pleas for help, and it was changed in various theaters of war to “Mullins” because the Japanese had trouble pronouncing the letter “L”, and it was obvious when they made a fake call for help to lure Americans into an ambush, they would use the word “Mullins”, which they would typically mispronounce as “MURRINS”, which was usually discerned to be a fake distress call and a lure to ambush.

    In other war theaters and battlefields other distress calls such as “Pan Pan Pan”, and “Mayday Mayday Mayday”, or “TTT” was used.


  8. Even Kermit the Frog realizes that not all things are racist in his song which was a mega hit by the way,  “It’s not easy being Green”.

    Many women know that to get a handsome Prince, they have to kiss a LOT of frogs.

    I assure you most eminently that I have absolutely nothing against green colored amphibians.….. Neither light green ones, or the dark green ones.

    I don’t even care that Kermit who is a frog is dating Miss Piggy, who is a pig.

    After all …… they are both Muppets!

  9. American made film cameras used to go “click”, and Greek and Japanese film cameras used to go “crick”.

    The Japanese cameras had  "JCII" stickers on the bottom,  which stands for "Japan Camera Inspection and Testing Institute." It was a small oval sticker that some Japanese camera manufacturers used to put on their cameras to indicate that the product had passed the quality standards set by the JCII. The JCII ensured that the cameras met certain criteria and were approved for sale in Japan.

    The new digital smartphone cameras, all made in China, go “Good job … nice composition”, and send your metadata to Peking.


  10. Well, during the 1970’s millions of highly intelligent people in their hearts believed Kermit the Frog was a real frog, albeit with a hand stuck up his butt.

     The word "amphibian" is a Greek word. It comes from the Greek roots "amphi" (meaning "both" or "on both sides") and "bios" (meaning "life"). When parsed, "amphi" refers to living on both hand and water, while "bios" pertains to life. So, "amphibian" literally means "both lives, meaning frogs can live on both water, and on hand.

    Like the Japanese, who have trouble pronouncing the letter “L”, over time the expression arose … “ The frog and the hand are ONE.”.

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