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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. you’re asking the wrong question. The question you should ask is what benefits might YOU recieve from a free-for-all discussion? The reason it takes many people 100 years to accept new truths is that they’re thinking it’s agenda driven, and they don’t listen to different ideas, and it’s only when they die that this agenda becomes moot.
  2. ….. just as an aside, BR, if you’re referring to a particular scripture, it would be a help to quote what that scripture actually says so that you don’t have to break away to look it up. The reason that AIs are so popular is that they explain everything in excruciating detail. Self contained. I still don’t know what Matthew 28:19 says, so I will have to look it up if I really want to know but sometimes it’s just too much trouble. This is what CHATGPT has to say about a subject: “Yes, the pithy saying you are referring to is likely: "Time wounds all heels." This saying is a play on the more common phrase "Time heals all wounds," but it adds a twist by using "heels" instead of "wounds." The word "heels" refers to the back part of the foot, but in this context, it is used to imply that time eventually catches up with everyone, regardless of their actions or character, leading to mortality. In essence, it suggests that the passage of time will eventually bring consequences or retribution to those who may have evaded them for a while.”. Notably, it does not presume that everyone knows that the lower back part of the foot is called a heel, . It might be irritating because ii is generally assumed what everyone should know, but it is certainly not ambiguous.
  3. I found a rough equivalent to your courtroom organtasy, ET, courtesy of the Babylon Bee … “America’s Trusted Source for Fake News!” “WASHINGTON, D.C. — An unexpected period of sudden transition swept through the nation's capital today after the White House announced President Joe Biden had to be put down after yet another incident in which he bit a baby. Vice President Kamala Harris will now ascend to the presidency. "He had just become too dangerous and unpredictable," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who is black and also gay. "It's a sad day, but we made sure he got to enjoy his favorite things before the end came. Playing ball in the backyard, having his tummy scratched…everything he loved." The difficult decision came after Biden had reportedly bitten yet another infant, the latest in a long history of such incidents. "This falls right in line with the laws regarding dangerous animal bites," said another source within the administration. "If there are repeated biting incidents, putting the animal down is required. Our hands were tied, but at least we could put the president and the country out of their collective misery." Though the bitings had long been blamed on the White House dog, Commander, other people began to find it suspicious that the teeth marks on the victims were a perfect match for the president's dentures. "We simply couldn't keep saying the dog did it," the source continued. "There's only one animal in this place who bites children to steal their ice cream, and it's not Commander." At publishing time, President Kamala Harris announced plans to bring in a new White House dog and name it "Joe" to make everyone feel like Biden was still around.”
  4. I think your evaluation of the “aha!”courtroom moment is a delusional fantasy on your part …. like walking down the main concourse of Disneyland, with the fountains, paying $140 for a ticket, seeing in your mind “The Happiest Place on Earth”, and with so much invested, your quiet unhappiness is supressed.
  5. Of course. That is a given, as you have absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever.
  6. A "word salad" is a term used to describe a type of language or speech that is incoherent and lacks meaningful or logical connections between words and phrases. It refers to a jumble of words, often random and disorganized, which do not form coherent sentences or convey any comprehensible message. Word salads are typically associated with certain medical conditions and psychiatric disorders, most notably with schizophrenia, where they can be a symptom of disorganized thought processes. People experiencing a word salad may produce speech that appears nonsensical, with words and phrases thrown together without clear syntactic or semantic structure. It is important to note that word salads can be distressing and challenging to understand for both the affected individual and those around them. When encountered, it is essential to approach the situation with empathy and seek appropriate medical attention if it is indicative of an underlying medical or mental health condition.
  7. … Perfect example of a “Word Salad”. What does that even mean?
  8. Could be Worse ….. .mov …. could be worse …. could be Yellow Snow.
  9. Because of the incredible acceptance over the past decade of the characters Caleb an Sophia it is important to note this has heavily influenced those Jehovah’s Witnesses that work in Disney’s Imagineering Section, as Animators, following the appointment of the creator of Caleb and Sophia as Disney’s new Imagineering Section Chief, the mysterious and enigmatic “TPT”. Disney’s Snow White Remake: A Modern Twist Disney has announced that they will be remaking the classic tale of Snow White, but with a modern twist. In this version, Snow White is no longer dreaming about true love or being saved by a prince. Instead, she’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be. But things get even more interesting when it’s revealed that Snow White is actually a reincarnation of Ursula from The Little Mermaid, heavily made up to disguise her true identity, so that she can provide nourishing wholesome food to the Kingdom, albeit exclusively fishes. Friendly fishes before their demise, affectionately referred to as “Chum”. This is achieved by her eight tentacled body members. each distributing food at the proper time. The seven dwarfs, who were both “helpers and diamond miners”, have also been replaced by “magical creatures” of all sizes and genders. The decision is tied to Disney’s push to promote inclusivity, but it has sparked controversy online. Meet the seven magical creatures: Fluffy, the magical creature who can turn into a giant pillow at will. Sparky, the magical creature who can shoot lightning bolts from his eyes. Bubbles, the magical creature who can blow bubbles that turn into solid objects. Stretchy, the magical creature who can stretch his limbs to incredible lengths. Inviso, the magical creature who can turn invisible at will. Giggles, the magical creature who can make anyone laugh uncontrollably. Morpho, the magical creature who can shape-shift into any form. Will Snow White, aka Ursula, and her diverse group of magical friends be able to overcome these challenges and find their happily ever after? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more “New Light” on this exciting new remake of Disney’s Snow White!
  10. i Have no idea what you are talking about. What is a VBS, a sophis, and “another little due”?
  11. …. written like a true analog based vacuum tube computer Ai. A humorless stain on an underpowered circuit board.
  12. I would be reticent to get into a discussion of Jesus return to heaven on a thread entitled “This Is Funny“ without pointing out that apparently Jesus as the creator of all things at the command of God evidently has a sense of humor. I mean … just look at the hippopotamus ….. and you will see the sense of humor reflected in creation. Well, considering people going to heaven, I would imagine that a sense of humor might show up there as well … as well as staying on topic with “This Is Funny”.
  13. …. like all humor, it’s only funny if you understand the references. Here is a perfect example from TTH in the Closed Club ……
  14. … Elijah walks into a large dining room with 100 waiting acolyte scribes, and says “… today we are going to do spreadsheets!”.
  15. ….. solid evidence that the entire Earth is being irradiated from Space with a “stupid ray”
  16. Wellllll …. all humor has to have some basis in truth (for the “setup”, and spin your head around with an absurdity at the end, to be funny! If you have heard a joke before, it’s often not funny. The exception is my jokes, which I repeat quite often, because they are ALWAYS funny, to me. Sometimes my humor is just for me, but I enjoy it, so there you go! One reason it is almost impossible to insult me, is if as an example, you called me “… a low down scum sucking pig”, by the time I finished visualized that, I might be laughing at Porky on the ground with a frog stuck in the end of his scum straw!, with caved in cheeks and bulging eyes. This has many benefits, and almost always involves being naturally happy, competent and self-sufficient. AAAaaand … it costs nothing. Humor, I have found is always the characteristic of an active mind, because the “punch line” necessitates a person having a clear mental picture of the “setup”, or when the twist, or “punch line” is delivered, you get that dumb “deer-in-the-headlights” look of incomprehension. As an aside … the reason deer stand in the middle of the road at night, staring at oncoming headlights until they get hit and killed, is they are thinking … “ …. hmmm … is that a Toyota or a Mazda?”. BANG!! I think humor is or is not funny, depending on your life experiences, and ability to visualize. I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes …. until I met a man who had no feet. Or a cow skiing down a powder snow slope …. and hitting a tree!
  17. From the Dead Sea Scrolls - “GALATIA — A local follower of the new religious sect known as "Christians" expressed frustration after a letter from the Apostle Paul arrived notifying the group of believers that circumcision is not a requirement to be a member of the church. "Would've helped to have known about this a few days ago," said Lucius, a recent convert to the faith. "I became a believer in Jesus Christ last week, and I was so gung-ho about doing everything I could to show how serious I was about changing my life. These Jewish guys told me if I really wanted to belong, I needed to get circumcised. Now, we get this letter from Paul saying it's not required. Could've saved myself a lot of pain if I had been a little more patient. I still can't walk normally." A small group of troublemakers has reportedly been traveling around to Christian churches throughout Asia Minor and telling believers they have to be circumcised. "It's kind of messed up, actually," Lucius said. "I was a little suspicious when one of the guys telling me I had to get circumcised kept giggling, but I really wanted to fit in, so I figured I should go ahead and do it. I just wish that letter had gotten here sooner. C'mon, Paul! You're killing me here! OWW…geez!" At publishing time, rumors persisted that the group claiming circumcision is necessary was considering kicking their practical joke up a notch to find out what other body parts they could convince people to cut off.”
  18. By the way, Errikos Tsiamis, et al., I spend about two hours daily extracting information from the ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE program CHATGPT, which has a very specific style of writing. I do not know what style any of the other AIs have but I’m very impressed by the AI that appears to be the AI you use to compose your essays. The writing style seems to be indistinguishable from a high-quality ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE program that the washer bottle and Tractor Saturday might have … and demonstratively better than the AI that corrects my dictation from speech to write this.
  19. The perfect example of the watchtower Bible and Tractor side yes ( I think I will leave that as is …) manipulating “Church News” is how they provided relief supplies to Haiti when it was devastated by earthquake. Be a sport …. look it up. Almost nothing was said about the whole mission because the supplies getting delivered to the users, both Witnesses and others relied on cooperation between the Brothers, and the Haitian military, the United States Army, and the United Nations, who had manpower, trucks, and helicopters to deliver supplies, that the Governing Body did not. Many nations and organizations poured resources into that catastrophy, and for every relief worker there were two scam artists skimming money and resources out of the pile. The Clinton Foundation collected about $30 million to rebuild housing, but it was all used to pay Chelsey’s “expenses”. News from the society will never give credit to others, and there used to be a cabinet full of gold figurines at Brooklyn Bethel, “Telly Awards” for video productions ( … they look somewhat like Hollywood’s “Oscars”), that are a joke that you have to buy, and anyone can get one as long as your check clears the bank, solely and specifically designed to impress the ignorant and naïve. Such is the nature of all human thought and actions. No one is immune … especially if you enjoy luxuriating in the never ending waterfall of free money. …..it’s VERY addictive.
  20. …. there is a reason why Bro. Anthony Morris III ascended to such high levels in the service, at Bethel, and with the Governing Body.
  21. Remember …. Matthew9969 titled this thread “This is Funny”.
  22. My guess is not necessarily, but is a consideration depending on the experiences and insight a person has with people who down vote unassailable facts and or common sense statements without reasonable rebuttals, or in this case ….. none whatsoever.
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