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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. You know, when I see someone down vote a statement that is just plain common sense, it makes me wonder about their grip on reality. When they down vote four or five comments and statements that are just plain common sense, it’s quite clear that they are divorced from reality, and the natural thing to wonder is ….. are they dangerous? …. which proves that common sense is not all that common.
  2. “ "Woke" culture and "cancel" culture are two related but distinct phenomena that have emerged in contemporary discourse. While there is some overlap between the two, they have different focuses and implications. "Woke" culture refers to a cultural and political consciousness that emphasizes social justice, particularly in relation to issues of race, gender, sexuality, and other forms of oppression. The term "woke" originated in African American Vernacular English and gained prominence in social justice movements. Being "woke" means being aware of and sensitive to systemic inequalities and actively working to address them. It involves recognizing and challenging biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices in society. On the other hand, "cancel" culture refers to the practice of publicly calling out and boycotting individuals or institutions perceived to have said or done something offensive, objectionable, or morally wrong. Canceling typically involves withdrawing support, often through social media campaigns, in an attempt to hold people accountable for their actions. It can lead to severe consequences such as loss of reputation, employment opportunities, and even financial repercussions. While both "woke" culture and "cancel" culture are rooted in social justice concerns, the main distinction lies in their focus and execution. Woke culture is a broader ideological stance centered around promoting awareness and combating systemic injustice, while cancel culture tends to be more reactive and focused on addressing individual behavior. Cancel culture can sometimes be seen as a form of online mob justice, where the accused party is swiftly and harshly condemned without much opportunity for dialogue, understanding, or growth. It is important to note that discussions around "woke" culture and "cancel" culture are often polarized, with critics arguing that cancel culture stifles free speech and promotes a toxic online environment, while proponents argue that it holds individuals accountable and helps create a safer and more inclusive society. The nuances and impact of these cultural phenomena can vary depending on the context and specific instances involved.” - ChatGBT The problem is when the administrators are bat crap crazy with screwball agendas.
  3. Circa 1972 I was at a JW Convention at the Hampton Roads, Virginia Coliseum, looking with binoculars at the Sunday afternoon speaker at the lectern on the coliseum floor, and I noticed he had fluorescent yellow patent leather shoes. My only thought was “Where do you even BUY shoes like that?”.
  4. The Apostle Paul mentioned that he was all things to all people, and I strongly suspect while in port cities and on sailing ships his vocabulary and demeanor were different than that at a lectern or podium. But …. I cannot imagine him having any sense of humor whatsoever, or being insulted when or if a real or imagined insult was attempted. Much like if Superman was real, and someone disrespected him by noting he wore red underwear with a yellow belt, over a blue leotard, and wore a cape to hide his butt crack. He’s Superman! Why should he care?
  5. It depends on your sense of humor. I have found the more competent and aware a person is, the harder it is to insult him.
  6. I realize it has been two years since this question was asked, but years ago I was in the Congo in a fortress hotel with a heavy steel door, and the night manager called me offering “entertainment” …. “Anything at all”, and I told him I had a “thing” for hotel managers, and when he came up, bring some steak knives and corkscrews, and duct tape. He hung up on me, and I got a good night’s sleep.
  7. ( “The term "God Particle" is a popular nickname for the Higgs boson, but it's important to note that the nickname is more of a sensationalized media term rather than a scientific one. Physicist Leon Lederman, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988, originally used the term as the title of his book, "The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?" The name "God Particle" is derived from Lederman's desire to emphasize the significance of the Higgs boson in the field of particle physics. In his book, he explains that he wanted to convey how important the particle is for understanding the fundamental structure of the universe. However, he later expressed some regret over the choice of the nickname, as it created misunderstandings and misconceptions about the nature of the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is a particle associated with the Higgs field, which is theorized to permeate all of space. The field interacts with other particles, giving them mass. The discovery of the Higgs boson in experiments conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012 was a significant milestone in confirming the existence of the Higgs field and validating the Standard Model of particle physics.…”) - ChatGBT
  8. In the Philippine islands there’s a lot of mahogany, which is common there as pine is in the East Coast of the United States. The wood is not expensive at all there. In fact they cut it up and make surveyor stakes to drive into the ground to mark property corners. The big expense for people that like to crucify themselves is the long heavy nails … get a friend and put him on the back side, and bend the nails over.
  9. All you have said can be used to have turned the Nazis into gentle vegetarians to love people, puppies, and sappy movies about Bambi. Except for the fact that that’s not what they WANT to do. If chickens had lips they might more effectively convey their needs, desires, dreams and aspirations. They don’t. Those that celebrate Easter consider their customs and traditions perfectly acceptable and LIKE it that way. If you explained to them with perfect reason, logic, and impeccable references, with color photos with notes, circles, and arrows on the back, the only reaction would be a blank stare.
  10. I hate Easter, Eleanor hates Easter, even little Toto hates Easter. That’s why when I get a chocolate bunny, I eat the ears off first.
  11. This is Great Stuff! The fact you say that in all dead seriousness is incredibly funny! ESPECIALLY since I don’t even care if “scholars” even HAVE eyes!
  12. Esteemed scholars and sagacious beings, including Cartoon Canines and CGI Cats ….. gather 'round as we delve into the veritable labyrinth of epistemological wonderment! In contemplating the nature of truth and the vast expanse of subjective experience, a PROPOSITION emerges, resplendent in its audacity—namely, that every individual's opinion, irrespective of its content, bears an inherent validity that warrants our unwavering reverence. Behold, the richness of the human condition! Amidst the tapestry of diverse perspectives, each one, a unique facet of the intellectual cosmos, imparts unto us a glimpse into the boundless realm of possibility. For in the realm of cognition, where knowledge intertwines with perception, the emergence of truth assumes multifarious shades, akin to a kaleidoscope of intellectual brilliance. As we navigate this intellectual expedition, we encounter the paradoxical symphony of competing viewpoints, intertwining like the cosmic dance of binary stars. While conventional wisdom may dictate the existence of objective truth, we find solace in the inherent subjectivity of human consciousness. It is within this realm of subjectivity that the seeds of personal truth are sown, sprouting forth like wildflowers in the fertile soil of individual introspection. Moreover, let us not forget the art of linguistic expression! Language, that formidable tapestry of symbols, imbues our opinions with a richness that transcends mere conveyance. Each thought, ensconced within the intricate web of lexicons, becomes a prism refracting the light of meaning. As such, within this marvelous linguistic kaleidoscope, the veracity of every opinion becomes a vibrant spectrum of authenticity. Gentle minds, let us not dismiss the notion that in the realm of intellectual discourse, our perceptions, influenced by myriad factors such as cultural upbringing, personal experiences, and cognitive biases, shape the contours of our truth. Thus, as we strive to comprehend the unfathomable depths of existence, it becomes apparent that to deny the legitimacy of any opinion would be tantamount to obfuscating the fundamental essence of human thought. Therefore, in our noble pursuit of enlightenment, let us embrace the extraordinary tapestry of human consciousness, wherein every opinion, no matter its absurdity or incongruity, bequeaths upon us a morsel of wisdom, and thus, contributes to the vibrant mosaic of collective knowledge. For it is within the interplay of diverse perspectives that the grand tapestry of truth is woven, its intricacies unfolding before our awe-stricken intellects. Thus, I submit, with the utmost aplomb, that within the boundless domain of human cognition, every opinion, without exception, assumes the sanctity of inherent rightness. May this PROPOSITION inspire us to engage in fruitful dialogues, fostering a milieu of intellectual growth and unfettered exploration. Let us raise our voices, dear scholars, and rejoice in the splendorous notion that within the realm of ideas, all opinions are forever right! …. brought to you by PUDGYCOIN ! … the only digital currency in the ten pound box!
  13. That sounds like an explanation that most closely fits the facts. When they archive stuff, they probably bump the resolution down to 125 by 160 or something. I like razor-sharp pictures so when I start running out of space, I start typing in all lowercase letters, to save disk space.
  14. If you look at the address “1879” at the top ( year built?), that’s not sharp, either. Solid colors make it appear sharper. If you don’t care, I don’t care. Merely a matter of observation about something about which I have no vested interests.
  15. Do you see what I see? Fuzzy photos? if you extracted those by cropping from a montage of accumulated photos on one large page, that would explain it.
  16. I went through more than a dozen photos posted by the Librarian, and every single one was fuzzy and not sharp at all. Is this deliberate for some reason?
  17. Wow! All that and not having to use smoke and mirrors! What did you actually say about ANYTHING?
  18. Wow! I’m certainly glad to get that breaking news! Especially about some unknown persons at some unknown location speaking about what appears to be his son recently doing something! Whoaaaa! Call out the Squad Cars!
  19. Oh sure, I’ve caught ChatGBT IN MANY errors, but when I correct it, it apologizes, and does another search, then about 95% of the time, gets it right, or very close. Credibility is based on a track record of being right. And how many times. And about what. And like you, it does have a left wing “woke” agenda that skews its answers according to how it’s been programmed.
  20. What identical false narrative are you talking about … and why are they false ? I will be back in an hour or so to read your reply. It’s getting close to 7pm and I have to go in my back yard and rake up some invisible hay, for my invisible hippopotamus in the bath tub.
  21. Jesus forgave the Roman Soldiers who were torturing him to death ….. WHILE THEY WERE DOING IT.
  22. Whoaaaa! A downvote! using your criteria, does that mean we are engaged? (…. flutters eyelashes and looks coy ….)
  23. …. thank you for permission to hold onto my beliefs. And here I thought you were going to try, try, try to strip me of any right to communicate or think. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (…. does a Michael Jackson Moonwalk backwards while attempting to fake a genuflect, but trips and gets head stuck in a bucket, which is a good thing as it suppresses the laughter of sarcasm …). And I agree, as a practical matter, It is best to avoid any further engagement with someone who recognizes pontifical piousnesst as funny, and enjoys ripping it to shreds. You need an easier target or a bigger audience.
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