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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Even though you have been disfellowshipped, you still retain the freedom to hold onto your beliefs, even if they are completely incorrect, as evident from your previous posts.

    Since I have identified that the individual is in a state of conflict, it is best to avoid any further engagement.

    …. thank you for permission to hold onto my beliefs.

    And here I thought you were going to try, try, try to strip me of any right to communicate or think. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  (…. does a Michael Jackson Moonwalk backwards while attempting to fake a genuflect, but trips and gets head stuck in a bucket, which is a good thing as it suppresses the laughter of sarcasm …). 

    And I agree, as a practical matter, It is best to avoid any further engagement with someone who recognizes pontifical piousnesst as funny, and enjoys ripping it to shreds.

    You need an easier target or a bigger audience.

  2. What you have written sounds like copy and paste from somewhere else, and my first thought was how that does make some sense because you’re preaching to the choir, and they’re singing their own tunes, And it’s not like their really paying any attention to it, anyway.

    Do you know those people in New York City that walk down the street yelling out loud and waving their arms and hands at nobody in particular?

    I thought it would be a great idea to get two of them, and duct tape them together so they would have someone to talk to.


  3. I think you misunderstand me, which is not unusual because you always misunderstand. It’s to be expected for agenda driven thinking.

    I fully agree with the basic concept of disfellowshipping as Scriptural, and often a necessity.

    My case was an outlier because I brought the issue to the Elders, and asked to be disfellowshipped so that the legal problems I faced would not be associated with “one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, to protect the reputation of the Brotherhood.

    What I disagree with is how it’s done as an extreme example, not supported with the extremely detailed, specific and unambiguous instructions of Jesus Christ in  Matthew 18 of how to do it.

    You know, despite his gentle persuasive manner and diplomatic style, you know you’re not gonna have a good day when Manny the  used car salesman shows up drunk in the operating theater as your volunteer Cardiac Surgeon, and brings power tools from Home Depot.

    That’s why “Room 101” has the dreaded reputation it has.

    Even the Gestapo had a fully functional Orphanage System during WWII, supported by Officers who had money deducted from their pay to support that system.

    A fine thing to do …. If you disregarded that they killed the parents, and non-Aryan children.

  4. 2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    It seems clear that you are expressing your personal perspective based on your own experience. As it seems like you're inclined to dispute, I'll excuse myself and let you make your own decisions.

    As I mentioned earlier, I am willing to read your message if it contains something worth considering.

    Of course I am sharing my personal perspective based on my own experience, and when things like that happen to ANYBODY, it’s burned into your memory sans physical scars.

    However, on the ARCHIVE several years ago, perhaps 7 to 10 years ago, this issue was discussed at great lengths by many people and there was a plethora of shared experiences pretty much the same.

    This is not a made up problem.

    We have discussed at great length the fact that disfellowshipping and shunnings are not done according to the specific criteria laid out in Matthew the 18th chapter.

    This is not just a theoretical treatis.

    It translates into common experiences at each and every Kingdom Hall on planet Earth with some possible very rare exceptions.

  5. Fausto …. Are you aware of the reputation “the little back room” at the Kingdom Hall has among the average Publisher?

    It’s referred to as “the little back room” with nervous laughter, “the red room”, or the dreaded “Room 101”.

    My guess is that you are oblivious of these labels, so from the ChatGBT A.I.:

    ”If you said you dreaded being taken to "Room 101," it would most likely be a reference to George Orwell's dystopian novel, "1984." In the novel, Room 101 is a place where individuals are subjected to their worst fears and phobias, essentially representing their personal hell. It is a room used for psychological torture and breaking the will of individuals who resist the authoritarian regime depicted in the story. The phrase "Room 101" has since become a cultural reference for a place or situation associated with extreme fear, pain, or suffering.”


    Of course, all done in pleasant dulcet tones and mild mannered. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    What is the best way to communicate with a dog that doesn't comprehend the English language?

    Well, dogs use body language to talk to each other …. Perhaps you could become a Mime.

    After all …. A Mime is a terrible thing to waste!

    You could practice trying to get out of an invisible box!


  7. I will have to admit, Fausto, it is absolutely fascinating to watch you duke it out with JWInsider, who presents solid facts and reasonable analysis, and you, who misconstrue and bend EVERYTHING into an agenda driven obfuscation based on laughable premises to unsuccessfully defend the indefensible.

     … Good material to provide dialog for a script. JWInsider will be cast as Mighty Mouse, and you will be cast as Oil Can Harry.

    I can easily visualize you both at it for the rest of the year, neither conceding defeat until one or the other has a stroke from frustration.

    But, “practice makes perfect” and your ad-homonym attacks are getting less painfully transparent.

  8. If you buy a precision, high end camera, such as a Leica, Nikon, Canon, or Hasselblad you will find shutter speeds from perhaps 30 seconds to perhaps. 1/2,000 of a second.

    And aperatures from perhaps f:2 to f:22 … maybe up to f:64.

    I have a 4x5 Calumet View camera that goes up to f:64.

    If the marked settings are within 20% of actual, up or down that is considered “good enough” ….. and it is.  

     If the ARC CONCLUSIONS OR YOUR CONCLUSIONS are plus or minus 50% it does not matter.

    In the words of an American Soldier in Korea telling his superior officer about enemy troop strength “It’s a whole damn potload, sir!”.

  9. The only other thing I know about Australia is about Crocodile Dundee and his huge Bowie Knife, and in the center of the country there’s a place called Olympia Dam which mines a great deal of uranium, and uses giant mutant ants for labor. Oh!, and they have wire fences that go in straight lines from ocean to ocean, to keep the Rabbits out ….. or in …. depending on your perspective.

    Oh … and all Australian women are named Shiela, and men like to put full beer mugs on their head and have other men hit them in the face to try and knock it off.

    Also, Australia has no firearms, or dentists.


  10. 47 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Watchtower TRIED to defend itself with the testimony of several Elders, Branch staff, and even Bro, Jackson of the Governing Body …. And it was an unmitigated Global disaster, a Global Embarrasment, talked about for five years and more.

    They cannot challenge the conclusion of the ARC.

    THEY have the right to cross examine testimony.


  11. 37 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    The fact that you consider specific, unambiguous, and crystal clear instructions directly from Jesus Christ’s own words in Matthew 18 to be baseless information shows you are totally dedicated to agenda driven error.

    Oh … and I am NOT an apostate.

    I am a heretic.


  12. 2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    How can baseless information be useful in regard to apostate perspectives? Instead of focusing on the details, direct your attention towards the broader perspective.

    The fact that you consider specific, unambiguous, and crystal clear instructions directly from Jesus Christ’s own words in Matthew 18 to be baseless information shows you are totally dedicated to agenda driven error.

    Oh … and I am NOT an apostate.

    I am a heretic.

  13. Watchtower TRIED to defend itself with the testimony of several Elders, Branch staff, and even Bro, Jackson of the Governing Body …. And it was an unmitigated Global disaster, a Global Embarrasment, talked about for five years and more.

    They cannot challenge the conclusion of the ARC.

    THEY have the right to cross examine testimony.

  14. 1 hour ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Perhaps those with special interest should now consider withdrawing to the exclusive private session for a more thorough evaluation. We should expect apostates to concur with unverified statements.

    That’s probably the chain of logic that lead from doing public Judicial Hearings and Trials in full view of everyone in the open gates of a city in ancient Israel, to holding trials in secret behind closed doors where witnesses could not hear each other’s testimony or the reasoning and deliberations of the tribunal, in complete violation of specific instructions in Matthew 18th Chapter.

    No advocates allowed.

    No cross examination allowed.

    No recordings allowed.

    No right to face your accuser allowed. (… see Matthew 18:15.)

  15. A male Ostrich was chasing a female Ostrich  across the fruited plains and the female Ostrich was getting tired. So, she stuck her head in the sand, reasoning that if she couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see her.

    Suddenly, the male Ostrich screeches to a halt, and exclaims out loud to himself “Where did she go?, Where did she go?”.



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