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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. If the Howdy Doody Show program ever comes back on the TV, the scripts have already been written! Why, I remember back in the “Old Days”, when a hundred acolytes would apply to become monks at French Monasteries, and they would seat them in a drafty castle dining room at individual tables, ten across and ten deep, with ink and parchment, and the Abbot would enter the room, lower the hood on his robe, and say “Today … we are going to do spreadsheets!”. ….and his little hunchback midget sidekick with the gravely voice, tugging on his robe, would look up with his one good eye, and say “Master…Could you explain how your chart shows an increase to 1857 even though the total numberof "alleged" victims on the list is 1730?”. It’s worth noting that the midget who was half Italian and half Spanish, some years before had his toes eaten off by wolves, but because of his survival was nicknamed “Lucky”.
  2. The churches are teaching that you have an immortal soul. They used to teach that you went to hell and burned forever, had your skin stripped off your body and other nasty stuff forever and ever because you’re soul was immortal, and God for some strange reason gave you over to his arch enemy to be entertained with your torment. …. later, later we learned about how volcanoes really work, and plate tectonics which was only learned in my lifetime and the churches changed their spiel to “…. well……HELL Was only a figure of speech, and what really happens is that you are eternally separated from God.“ So, people with a particular mindset, always looking for loop holes, think about that and realize that if it is true, then they will be eternally separated from God, and live forever, and perhaps, just perhaps, something can be a arranged so that they can live as a ghost or something in Las Vegas! ….. So that they can live forever as a ghost or something in Las Vegas! So, they have in their mind, that would be a Paradise …. with no downside whatsoever! And THAT is why digital currency was invented!
  3. When one person is abused, tortured, bullied or killed it’s a human tragedy. When over 200 people are abused, tortured, bullied or killed … …. it’s a statistic.
  4. it’s always encouraging to me when a mighty micro superhero rodent emerges from such humble beginnings. On the land, on the sea, and in the air…… He is there!
  5. Yes, please calm down JWI … and while you are at it, keep it secret behind closed doors … and don’t run with scissors … and don’t track mud across the nice clean agenda!
  6. If the Librarian did that, years of interactive conversations would make no sense at all. You can delete yourself at any time by clicking the “Leave Club” box. I have found a person does better if he (or she) expects nothing from anybody … that’s why people have dogs.
  7. During the time of the old Soviet Union, and even today, the major newspaper, similar to the New York Times was and is called “Pravda”. “Pravda” in Russian means “Truth”, about which the book “1984” was written. Any relationship to anything specifically labeled as news in the Watchtower is exactly the same as anything that was labeled as news in Pravda. Spin. Only expect to hear a good news that extols the virtues of the Watchtower or the Soviet Union. The perfect example of this is how the Society reported their relief efforts after the hurricane destruction of Haiti. It was truly embarrassing to read, if you knew what was left out. Since 2008 the world has gone bat-crap crazy, NOTHING from ANY source should be believed at face value!!
  8. I’m sad in a way, but happy for Audrey that she is not wasting her time here. There is a REAL life to live out there, and it is painfully short. Via Con Dios!
  9. It was very obvious how much apostasy is a flexible thing with the examples of Michael Jackson and Prince, and Prince reportedly contributed $30,000 a month to his local Kingdom Hall. They are both dead now, so they are either playing harps, or those damned accordions.
  10. I think we need to have a new rule for this open club…… And that is if you give an up vote or down vote … if you are challenged on it you have to give a full explanation suitable to be understood by the average five year old. Just a passing thought, no more. it’s just that I see when someone presents hard facts that are irrefutable, and also supply the references by which can be checked by anybody that cares to do so some idiot will give it a down vote. How can a rational sane person down vote a hard fact that is easily proven? Reality is what it is, well, except in the case of people who’s thinking it’s driven by their agenda that the fantasy is real and must be defended somehow, even if they can’t defend it. it’s become a running gag here like the “Myth Myth “ running gag in a Muppet movie of spasm reflex down voting. Never mind, it’s become so pernicious that it’s become funny. … it’s like what Adolf Hitler said in his bunker, after he had shot the Eva Braun Hitler, the wife he just married, to death with a Luger and was about to end his own life, “You know, those Allied Forces just CANNOT take a joke!”
  11. Got my vote if they can weld stainless steel …
  12. I don’t know about the other Annointed in general but the Governing Body said in the February 2017 Watchtower they were neither inspired of God or infallible, so apparently they don’t get any information from God either. ( duh! )
  13. No, I never look up people. First, I would have to care. I do look up screen names. If a lizard told me his mother was a dinosaur, I would just let it pass. Happy delusions are good for lizards.
  14. You know what’s the difference between “eccentric” … and “bat-crap crazy”? 3 million dollars.
  15. I thought with an adoption the original birth parents were renounced and the “new” parents were shown on a “new” birth certificate. (?) 1.) What was their stated motive for adopting you? 2.) What do you think their REAL motive was for adopting you?
  16. Apparently reading comprehension is not your strong point. It was clearly stated a cartoon drawn on paper in a book. And besides, cartoon dogs don’t wear underwear. Even Donald Duck didn’t wear underwear.
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