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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture. 

    Especially self appointed “Sky Pilots”.

    THE HARD FACTS are that the apostates who published the 2016-2017 Watchtower Parody on beards got it right about following scripture on that issue.

    100% RIGHT!

    THE HARD FACTS are the GB did not get it right for over 60 years, and not until six years after the Parody was published.

    With many, many scriptures, examples, admonitions, reasonings and policy statements …. the GB got it, for over 60 years …. 100% WRONG!

    With Governing Body Update 2023-8, of December 15, 2023 THEY ADMITTED IT. 

    A 100%, 180° reversal!

    THE HARD FACTS are the GB did NOT follow scripture on this issue, and chased tens of thousands of people away BECAUSE BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE KNEW it was arbitrary, unscriptural, and wrong.

    Simple plain common sense.

    I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture.

    Everyone doesn’t.

    … and contrary to popular belief, simple plain common sense is not all that common.

  2. Soon it won’t matter …. the generation that knew the Truth will have all died off, and agenda driven people will win.

    … as “history” is beaten to fit, and painted to match, one detail at a time.

    Double-Plus Ungood … but that’s how it goes.

    (Sixty years from now all JWs will know that JW men NEVER had a problem with beards, and no one will have any idea what the “Overlapping Generations  Chart “ was.)

    … but that’s how it goes.



  3. 2 hours ago, George88 said:

    The only evil vicar here is a person that can't erase his own pedophilia from his existence. Prove God wrong?

    Prove God wrong?  What does that even mean? As usual your 4th grade replies make no sense at all . Your infantile accusations NEVER have any proof, and I have directly challenged you at least a dozen times.

    You ALWAYS choke and sputter when proof is demanded, so no surprise there.

    Your quote has FOUR false premisses. Can you find them?

    … and “Prove God wrong?”.

    What does that even mean?

  4. Since it is an important date to remember, I have decided as a memnemonic device to celebrate “Beard Day” on the same day as “National Cupcake Day”, and Festivus, December 15, of each year. 

     It's a fun day to indulge in baking or enjoying delicious cupcakes, not shave, and not decorate the bare aluminum Festivus Pole. — which is decoration-free “mainly because tinsel is too distracting,” — and “feats of strength” along with an “airing of grievances” around the dinner table about how others disappointed you over the past year.


  5. Roman Officers were committed for 25 or 30 years, even if disabled by combat.

    Without hard facts to the contrary, and being corrected with hard facts to the contrary, I am going to go with EXACTLY what the Bible actually says about Cornelius.


  6. THAT .. is a very important thing to know, which Space Merchant did not address.

    Many, many, many times Jehovah condemned murder.

    To the best of my knowledge, he NEVER EQUATED WARFARE WITH MURDER, and further, never condemned warfare at all.

    Please correct me if I have missed something.

    This is why Cornelius is a perfect test case to determine a Christians’ proper relationship and responsibilities with temporal nations.

    I am not interested in complex philosophical  arguments … ONE  simple unambiguous Scriptural reference will do.

    Murder has no “statute of limitations”. If they are the same, there can NEVER be peace, or amnesty … EVER.

    The only solution is complete and total genocide .. extinction.

  7. On 4/7/2024 at 7:44 PM, BTK59 said:

    If there had been witnesses in Washington's time, they would not have paid attention to Paul Revere. lol!

    One of the concerns they should be vigilant about is identifying apostates.

    Why … so they could turn them in to the British Military, and under color of loyalty to their Sovereign, King George III, have them tortured, killed, and drawn and quartered?

  8. Georgie… if you got into your agenda driven, obfuscating mind you were standing on the surface of the Moon, no amount of evidence would convince you otherwise.

    2 hours ago, George88 said:

    … I am eagerly anticipating your evidence that the Governing Body does not receive God's Holy Spirit. The suggestion falls far short of being convincing.

    Ok, Ok …. here’s a REAL LIFE EXAMPLE OF REAL LIFE EVIDENCE … it has taken the Governing Body SIXTY YEARS to get what is basic common sense to most people, right.



    … by adopting the exact same perspective …. 100% …. as shown in the Apostate parody of the Watchtower that I showed earlier …

    … about which you had no comment whatsoever, because it was 100% TRUE.

    You asked for evidence.

    Well … you got it!

    …. hard irrefutable evidence from the REAL world.



  9. i suspect about half of the convicted “apostates” are really “double agents”, serving Jehovah’s best interests while wearing the scarlet letter “A”, to precipitate important reform that is sorely needed.

    THE classic example is the 2016-2017 apostate generated Watchtower Parody on beards, in which EVERYTHING STATED was 100% true, and diametrically opposed to the teachings and practices of the Society and the Governing Body, and the practices of the global congregations’ body of elders, with VERY few exceptions.

    In March of 2024, the Governing Body caved in and recognised officially as true all the apostate points in that 2016-2017 apostate Watchtower parody.

    When your agenda is control, bad things happen, and there is tyranny.

    When your agenda is TRUTH, good things happen, and there is Liberty!

    Dec 2016 Watchtower draft article .pdf







  10. Yes, or no ….. sometimes.

    After carefully analyzing the above post, word by word, and line by line, the following becomes clear.

    1. "Verbose but lacking substance."
    2. "Engages in lengthy but fruitless speculation."
    3. "Prone to rambling without reaching meaningful conclusions."
    4. "Overwhelms with quantity rather than quality."
    5. "Spews out a torrent of irrelevant questions and baseless assertions."
    6. "Master of the art of prolific yet empty rhetoric."
    7. "Produces a flood of words that lead nowhere."
    8. "Obscures the point with an avalanche of verbiage."
    9. "Buries the reader under a mountain of aimless musings."
    10. "Fills paragraphs with meandering thoughts and unsubstantiated claims."

    … but it does show considerable skill, I will have to admit that.

    Especially point No. 6.

    ….. if you think I am kidding …. read Georgie’s post out loud as if expecting a line by line rsponse, and LISTEN to it.



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