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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 23 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

    Have you thought about the likelihood that you should have paid more attention to the earlier assembly discussions, before 1975, since you attended? You may be under-qualified with the rest.

    1967-Enlarging Our Privileges of Service in the Time Remaining (H.W ZENKE)

    1971 - When All Nations Collide Head On With God (Charles SINUTKO)

    1973 - Continue Steadfast as Seeing the One Who Is Invisible (Charles SINUTKO)

    1973-How Sensitive Is Your Conscience (J.C HOWARD)

    1975 - Our Refuge Under the Incorruptible Kingdom of the Heavens (David METTY)

    I was paying attention, and I took notes, and I noted what got thunderous applause. I did not believe ANY OF IT, and drew cartoons on the inside cover blank pages of my blue “inspired” book of a flagpole flying a “1975” flag, with three guys at the bottom saying “Let’s run this up the flagpole, and see who salutes it!”.

    …. and when I showed the cartoon it was heresy!

    For three years I disregarded what EVERYONE was saying, from California to Virginia to Zaire (the Congo), where I lived and worked.

    Mid- 1974 I succumbed to peer pressure, reasoning “How could I alone be right and EVERYONE else be wrong?”  I quit my job and flew back home to be with my parents when “The End” came. The best job I ever had.

    Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining !!

    I don’t like it!

  2. I would like to qualify that above statement by Srecko Sostar.   I think that 65% of the Societies problems are that they completely ignore the clear instructions in Matthew 18 about how to Justly disfellowship, why, and when and how.

    …. and 30% of the problems are tied to being wrong on 1975, and trying to cover it up and shift blame since then.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    GB and 1975. They blame JW members for wrong expectations, misunderstanding of articles in WT publications and similar.

    Their greatest fear is that the waterfall of unending free money will slow down or stop. The accountants and lawyers are the puppeteers of JW theology, as we have seen in Sweden and Finland, and now Norway.

    Years ago someone documented that when they globetrot all over, they fly first class or business class.

    I have done both, three times in my life, because someone else was paying the bill. I even flew once as the sole passenger on a small Lear Jet.

    I LIKED IT !!!!!

    You can see the pilots and the radar screen, and through the windshield. The left seat Pilot turned around and asked me “Sir, would you mind if I “punched it?”.

    I replied “Go!” and we went up at full trust and at 45°.

    In what seemed like an instant we were at 47,000 feet!

    I LIKED IT !!!!

    I was even wearing a new Suit at the time !

    …… VERY addictive.



  4. You forgot:

    1. "Attend to my every whim, posthaste!"
    2. "Bow before my superior intellect and follow my directives."
    3. "Cease your ineptitude and execute my orders flawlessly."
    4. "Behold my brilliance and carry out my commands with unwavering precision!"
    5. "Tremble in awe as you fulfill my wishes, for I am your esteemed superior."
    6. "Observe and emulate my greatness as you carry out my bidding."

    …. reflecting  a condescending and self-important tone, characteristic of Phineas T. Bluster.

    Oh …. and “Stop tracking mud across my nice clean pompousness!”




  5. 7 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Why do former members accept deviant behavior? Can a 66-year-old brother flirting with a 35-year-old Ukrainian sister while being married over the internet be acceptable?

    Hmmmm …good question. How DOES a person get married over the Internet?

    I am positive that the Brother you are trying to make yourself appear more righteous than, by attempting to disparage is someone that you are insanely jealous of …. Probably because you are so like Wally McNasty of Archive fame, and terminally single, or in such a miserable marriage that his happiness in finding someone is driving you crazy.

    I am also positive that the Brother was legally divorced at the time, and would not look for a mate other than a Jehovah’s Witness, and has been very happily married for over almost a decade.

    For your own good mental health you need to give up this obsession, because this has only resulted in your being branded as a proven liar, and slanderer, by your own words.

    What’s worse is that you have become, by whatever mask pops up out of the corn hole, Wally McNasty.



  6. At one time, circa 1973 or so, the Society got a bee in it’s bonnet to try and forbid “bedroom gymnastics” between husbands and wives which resulted in thousands of broken marriages and disfellowshippings and destroyed marriages.

    There was a general rebellion about that for about six more years, resulting in more disfellowshippings and destroyed marriages.

    Then they shut up as creepy bedroom police, and I don’t remember hearing a peep about that since the early 1980’s.

    Apparently they “learned their lesson”, but the damage was immense.

    I cannot remember the timeline that for several years it was official policy, published in the Watchtower on several occasions that if a husband had a homosexual sex life, a Sister could NOT consider that as grounds for divorce, and many were doomed to have to just endure it.

    After several years there was “NEW LIGHT” (click SPOING!), and they changed the policy.

    THEY paid no price whatsoever for the massive ruination of peoples’ lives.

    Not even an apology.

    And things like that, dear audience is WHY you are forbidden to talk to disfellowshipped one’s.

    That is the reason “shunning” is a requirement.

    If this was any government that wanted to keep secrets secret, it is called “compartmentalization”.


  7. I presume the best motives to most people as a default option, so I would assume that everybody is doing the best they can as far as scriptural accuracy  and knowledge and obedience.

    I am heavily inclined to cut most people a lot of slack and in doing things wrong, not aware of what they are doing.

    Remember, Jesus forgave the soldiers that were torturing him to death, while they were doing it, because they knew not what they were doing.   Killing people as ordered was the only thing they knew.

    Just as Jehovah completely changed his mind about the destruction of Nineveh, seeing the limited progress that mankind is made, he may change his mind about all of this. 

    If he does, I suspect for awhile we’re going to be just like Jonah, super ticked off because we did all that work, apparently for nothing.

    And I am specifically talking only about the Governing Body.

    And besides, they don’t answer to me … they answer to Jehovah God.

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