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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Well, in my life I had 21 people who tried to damage me… I kept a list. Then I realized over time they were dying of auto accidents, strokes, disease, war, and now there is only one left, who I ignore. Works for me!
  2. In Jesus’ time he was aware of all the sins and shortcomings of the Jewish religious system, and ignored it unless directly confronted. I am sure your zeal for Jehovah and righteous principles is the right way to go, but consider that Jesus and the Apostles were single men. Your FIRST responsibility is to your children. Jehovah will not get all pouty and whine … or be sad.
  3. That would be my advice to you, Audrey. You cannot stop a locomotive full of passengers determined to ride that train. That makes them happy. You make them unhappy. Those that know, already know. Besides if you ignore the crazy stuff, it will take you where you, and they, want to go. ( ! )
  4. Driving in the wrong direction? Have you ever been driving along, perhaps for 20 minutes or so, and you see some landmark, and *spoink!* your whole world rotates 180°, and you realize that you have been traveling in the wrong direction all this time? In my life I have had that happen four times, driving a car. The fifth time I was watching a documentary on Netflix, about the Vietnam War which ended in the summer of 1975 with the communist victory and the fall of Saigon, and having been of draft age during that time, and almost went to federal prison for 5 years for refusing to be inducted, I have kept up with the reporting during and after the war for almost 50 years now, and considered myself a minor authority on the reasons, motivations, and events of that 20 year war. If anybody could explain it … If anybody understood it, it would be me! WRONG! After seeing the documentary “SIR!, NO SIR!” on Netflix, it felt like someone had opened my skull and stirred it with a spoon. I highly recommend the movie. Quite often I mention “It’s not what we know … it’s what we know that is wrong!”. Usually with considerable smugness and condescension, because, after all, I work very hard to be always right. It embarrasses me no end when I am wrong. Especially about that Gladiator Circus of the Century ….. Vietnam.
  5. For some strange reason, being a heavily armed nearsighted hunchback with a pronounced twitch and a propensity for drooling used to bother my ex-wife.
  6. One day I was sitting at the dining room table, with rifles, pistols, revolvers and other weapons all taken apart and I was cleaning them. A clean gun is a happy gun. My ex-wife, who was always afraid of guns, looked over my shoulder and muttered, “What would you do if everybody else in the world didn’t have any guns?” I turned and looked at her, and said “rule wisely”.
  7. Jesus forgave those ACTIVELY torturing him to death … those who had Not repented … because they “do not know what they are doing”. That is why we should not be too hard on the Governing Body. Not every soldier is John Rambo, or can be expected to be.
  8. The reason people “twist scripture”, as Fausto pointed out is AWAYS to consolidate power over other people, almost always to get their money. The easiest way to do this to make people afraid to talk to each other. The easiest way to do that, is to threaten families as well as the “miscreant”.
  9. I agree with the general idea of disfellowshipping …. beats being burned at the stake … but the whole of Matthew Chapter 18 tells how to do it. It’s not Rocket Science. It’s a cookbook operation with clear, simple, and specific instructions written down in the Bible. Very simple, unambiguous, easy to follow instructions. directly from the “Master Chef”. Are we doing disfellowshipping as SPECIFIED IN DETAIL in Matthew 18? NO NOT EVEN CLOSE! It’s as simple as that. HOW to handle these things is so important that the founding fathers of the United States of America drew from Matthew 18 to put in the U.S. Constitution as an inalienable human right, protected by law the right someone had to face his accuser, face to face … drawn from Matthew 18:15. You will know the True Religion of Almighty God, because it is Just, makes good common sense, and does not offend the natural conscience of righteously inclined people. It’s not Rocket Science.
  10. If you don’t mind hanging some innocent people rough justice is very efficient way of keeping a town orderly. AND consolidating and entrenching the authority and power of the Sheriff’s department. It’s not the fact that people are being hung, it is that they’re being hung Not in accordance with the law, due process, common sense, and a deep sense of justice. Even Jesus said to the whore … “Go your way and sin no more”, which if memory serves, the Society removed those scriptures from the NWT. It’s in all the other Bibles I checked. John 8:1-11 IS MISSING!
  11. That is completely irrelevant to you being a bully. Roughly the equivalent of a third grader replying “Oh yeah! … ?”.
  12. That downvote was not agenda driven. You have proven that with clear evidence, you have no common sense, or reasoning ability if it conflicts with your agenda.
  13. Your logic is flawed. Here, you are equals. Plus, you claim by intimation to be an Elder having authority and power. It is my considered opinion, based on a long chain of evidence, that you are a bully, and a natural persecutor, and that you are trying your best to denigrate anyone you can. Your spasm agenda driven downvoting proves that.
  14. No … each person has different motivations, which sans telepathy, or you ask them … you will never know. Besides … it’s impossible to “persecute” someone who has more power than you do. A stereotypical example is the Polish Resistance did not persecute the Nazi invaders ….. the Nazi invaders DID persecute the Polish people. To react to an oppressor is not persecution of the oppressor. It’s self defense.
  15. Well…. For every soldier that gets the U.S. Medal of Honor, there is probably another thousand that also deserve one. A lot gets missed.
  16. I believe, Manny, you would pick the nits off a blanket until you froze to death in a pile of nits.
  17. It’s been my observation that Audrey has been completely forthright with everybody, every time, however those with extreme agenda driven reading comprehension problems, who don’t actually completely read what she has written of course will not think so. …. that is what agenda driven thinking is. What you are doing Manny, is persecuting a woman, because you can.
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