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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. I find it important that in 8 hours and thousands of words later, no one here with WDS has refuted my post of 8 hours ago.
  2. That’s why I never wanted to be an Elder or anything. If you screw up as GB, as an example, with being a “Guardian of The Doctrine”, you can destroy tens of thousands of lives if you get it wrong ….. in one 18 paragraph Watchtower article. Of all the times that being wrong has resulted in “New Light”, never once have the writers apologized for ruining peoples lives with “Old Light”. Please correct me if you can prove I am wrong.
  3. That’s why it takes over 20 man-years of public witnessing to get ONE new Jehovah’s Witness, who will stay his or her entire lifetime.
  4. There is a saying in the newspaper business about what makes news, and what gets reported as news. Expression is “if it bleeds it leads“. The News that gets reported on the front page is of people bleeding, and page 47 columns six down at the bottom for other stuff. The problem they’re going to have to deal with is, how much does a general Public care about Jehovah’s Witnesses before all this takes place. If I was a gambling man, and I am, I would look at the cards and see that I have drawn aces and eights. That may on the surface look to be like good cards, but it’s called “the dead man’s hand.”. Merely a guess, no more. “ If someone told you that you were holding "aces and eights" while working on a project, they might be referring to the Dead Man's Hand. The Dead Man's Hand is a poker hand consisting of two pairs: a pair of aces and a pair of eights. The hand gained its name from an infamous legend associated with the American Old West, specifically the death of Wild West folk hero, James "Wild Bill" Hickok. Reportedly, he was holding this hand when he was shot in the back during a poker game in 1876. As a result, the term "aces and eights" has become synonymous with bad luck or an omen of impending disaster. So if someone mentioned it in the context of your project, they might be suggesting that there could be challenges or difficulties ahead.” —- ChatGBT. People are already expecting vandalism and extortion on October 31.
  5. And of course, “You can drive a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Unlike people looking into the barrel of a shotgun. …. and of course, there are others. 1. "You can give a man a fishing rod, but you can't make him bait a hook with a jelly donut." 2. "You can put a cat in a tuxedo, but you can't make it do the Charleston." 3. "You can give a teenager a book, but you can't make them turn off TikTok and read it." 4. "You can teach a parrot to swear, but you can't make it say 'I love you' to your mother-in-law." 5. "You can give a squirrel a piano, but you can't make it play anything other than 'Chopsticks'."
  6. Dilbert rises from his on set director’s chair and hands scripts to both boyle, and Audrey with a scowl. If they can pull this off they will BOTH get Acadamy Awards …. Paul: (Sighs) Well, SpongeBob, here we are, chained to this wall in a Roman dungeon. I never thought my missionary journeys would lead to this. SpongeBob: (Cheerfully) Oh, don't worry, Paul! We'll find a way out of this, I'm sure of it! Plus, being chained to a wall isn't so bad. It's like a really extreme game of "Musical Chairs"! Paul: (Chuckles) I suppose you have a point, SpongeBob. You always see the bright side of things, even in the darkest situations. But how did you end up here, anyway? SpongeBob: (Pauses) Well, you know how I love jellyfishing, right? I accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up in the Roman Colosseum. I thought it was a new jellyfish convention! Next thing I knew, I was captured and brought here. Paul: (Laughs) Oh, SpongeBob, you never cease to amaze me. Your enthusiasm is truly infectious, even in the face of danger. So, tell me, what brings you to Rome? SpongeBob: (Excitedly) Oh, I was on a mission to spread joy and laughter! I heard there were some gloomy Romans who needed a pick-me-up, and who better to bring smiles than SpongeBob SquarePants? Paul: (Smiling) Well, SpongeBob, I believe you've certainly achieved your goal. I'm surrounded by darkness, but your positive energy radiates through it all. It's like having a little piece of Bikini Bottom, your underwater home, here in this dungeon. Paul: (Thoughtful) Absolutely, SpongeBob! Laughter and forgiveness are universal languages that can break down walls, both figuratively and literally. Together, we can show them a different way, even from this dimly lit cell. SpongeBob: (Nods) We'll be a dynamic duo, Paul! The Apostle of Joy and the Porous Proclaimer!
  7. Well, 18 pages of disagreeableness for this thread alone. I did this watching a TV series so at least THAT story was not a complete waste of time. I like a good religious debate, and used to debate 3 to 5 worldly people at the same time, on IRC/DALNET. In 15 years there I never had anyone lie to me, or about me … and conversations were based on Scripture, reason and logic, hard facts and common sense. Here it’s like talking to malignant zombies, or the divorced from reality, with rare exceptions. Exit, stage right ……
  8. Audrey: Jehovah will correct all things . You cannot. Ever. Take the strength you have gained, and the lessons you have learned and retire from the battlefield, scarred, but wiser. Sometimes … the only thing you CAN do …. Is survive.
  9. Audrey, you ARE disruptive in the extreme. Perhaps with the best of motives, but that does not matter. Find another way. Nothing you can do is going to help. Nothing. By the way, are you in Portland, Oregon? I helped design the Portland Light Rail System out to 23 miles West, to Gresham., 1980. I was there when Mt. St. Helens blew up.
  10. You are clearly bat crap delusional. 1.) Since you have been here you have NO IDEA if I have heeded God’s words, or not, as evidenced by your many slanders against me, based on false assumptions. 2.) I have not defended apostates, I have defended true statements, from whatever source. I did chastise the creating of dissension in the Congregations, a serious error. 3.) I do not insult anybody or anything. I excoriate with satire, humor and reason and logic thing that are lies, stupidity, arrogance, and agenda driven thinking. I have always invited rebuttal and civil disagreements. I tell the truth as I see and have experienced it. Truth is often mistaken for insult, especially if you are the one being lampooned. 4.). I have NEVER INSULTED your family. I know nothing about your family. I have challenged you several times to show me where I insulted your family, and you NEVER COULD. 5.) I would like to see your hard evidence that I am a deranged, sick individual. Your opinion is only that unless proven. Nothing more. 6.). Why people in the Closed Club put up with my nonsense? I don’t know, but I suspect they appreciate hard facts that can be proven every time, and most understand my outrageous sense of humor. 7.) And there is a very real difference between being simply wrong, as we each take turns being, and being a scammer. Of course a person can be wrong and teach what is wrong because they themselves believe the error … but a scammer is one who KNOWS he is defending a lie, because he KNOWS what he is teaching is not true. Thr reason the Society does not follow Matthew 18 …. Jesus SPECIFIC instructions on how to maintain peace in the Congregation, is because they would lose their hold on the never ending flow of money, which is clearly evident. Well … I hope to have addressed all your accusations and delusions. If not … a civil dialog based on verifiable hard facts instead of the norm would be welcomed.
  11. And when I used to do engineering, I ALWAYS drew a sketch, so, yes.
  12. And I did not know you even had a pet. I would NEVER have guessed that.
  13. Ok … here is a screenshot of your own words where you inadvertently admit that Jehovah’s Witnesses DELIBERATELY DO NOT FOLLOW SPECIFIC SCRIPTURE, As regards how congregational discipline must be handled, as unambiguously directed by Jesus Christ.
  14. Well, boyle, by attacking me you inadvertently let slip through your cognitive agenda driven dissonance that YOU KNOW that Jehovah’s Witnesses do NOT follow Scripture. You even downvoted Jesus’ SPECIFIC instructions of how to do it right. DOUBLE YIKES! Want me to post a screenshot of your own words?
  15. Ad hominem attacks are not a rebuttal of Jesus’ specific instructions which Jehovah’s Witnesses do not follow! You downvoted the specific, unambiguous instructions of Jesus Christ in favor of supporting the power structure of the Governing Body !! YIKES! That is not a an accusation … Even you know for a fact that JWs DO NOT FOLLOW SCRIPTURE in this regard, as you just admitted. That’s why you attempted to divert the issue of YOU BEING WRONG to an ad hominem attack on me. —————-
  16. I see previously, boyle, that you downvoted the procedure Jesus specified for disciplining brothers and sisters in the Congregation. Without any rebuttal. Whazzamatter? Cat got your tongue?
  17. Try to visualize boyle without imagining he is constantly being offended .….. he might just *POP* out of existence!
  18. She’s got you on that one boyle …. Set in concrete! …it’s all spelled out in exact detail in Matthew 18, with the keystone being Matthew 18:15.
  19. You know, that I made the non-sequiter throwaway joke about boyle hating Dilbert, but thinking about it a little more, I would guess that he REALLY REALLY hates Dilbert!
  20. Those are “beauty marks” like Miss Kitty had on “Gunsmoke”. Just kidding …. they are cartoon whiskers.
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