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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 1 hour ago, boyle said:

    JWI doesn't understand along with that pimple dog, what makes you think you do?

    I highly recommend delving into the insights of a PhD expert on this topic. I don't think you will understand, but it never hurts to try.

    Those are “beauty marks” like Miss Kitty had on “Gunsmoke”.

    Just kidding …. they are cartoon whiskers.



  2. “ Ah, strawberries and the ever-elusive refrigerator key! I do recall you mentioning that this esteemed club boasts a myriad of accounts, likened to strawberries best suited for discard. Pray, let it be known that I did not insinuate the accusations which you and your uninformed confidant attempt to lay at my feet. Your penchant for engaging in the deceptive game of word salad is ever apparent. My intent was merely to provide a visual depiction, akin to the delightful allure of ripe strawberries. True, many denizens of this realm have a tendency for extravagant proclamations. Yet, that does not absolve you of past insinuations. Thus, I implore you to restrain your malevolent hound and preserve the sanctity of our discourse, much like the guarded key to the refrigerator.”  -  ChatGBT as Captain Queeg.


  3. 13 minutes ago, boyle said:

    Spin it any way you want TTH. You just proved yourself a liar by insisting I have hundreds of accounts that belong in the trash. So does yours. lol! 😅


    I think you are world class delusional.

    I don’t remember when TTH said anything even remotely similar to your accusation.

    of course when challenged to prove the lies of your absolute madness, you choke so thoroughly I do not know how you even breathe.

  4. I found Boil’s last post incomprehensible and possibly nested in triple recursive nested sub-references.

    So, since the ChatGBT AI knew about the marionette equivalent, I figured he could decipher what Boil was ranting about.

    Turns out …. It’s very symbolic, and you have to identify the “players” in your mind as you go along, right Boil?








  5. And now for some stream of consciousness free association ….

    You know, Rod Serling the creator of the Twilight Zone used to write most of his own episodes, one a week, but also had guest writers.  The opening narrator would say “what’s that sign post up ahead?

    It was the Twilight Zone … sorta like following this thread, or electroshock therapy…..

    Which brings us to the Howdy Doody Show on TV, and the show’s resident nasty person (actually a marionette …), Phineas T. Bluster …. Who now with no one to pull his strings, is packed in a dust encased theatrical trunk in a forgotten studio warehouse somewhere ….….. or is he?





  6. 2 hours ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

    ‘ l love it when people become fools and then show it’ 

    ah the little known addendum from the Sermon on the Mount. 

    Boil is slightly obsessed with the closed club. It gets a mention at least once a day. 


    Yeah …. 

    Nothing quite as ironic, as someone who continually considers and lambasts other people as stupid, uneducated, ignorant fools, than to be the prime example. 

    That’s one reason I have never asked to have him banned.…. That’s Entertainment!

    …… comedy is where you find it!

  7. I was surprised when I read the 34 page Norwegian Court Ruling, which I downloaded, that the WTB&TS was ALREADY deregistered (… similar to being disfellowshipped …) in France and Germany.

    Wow! … It’s really embarrassing  when you are convicted of violations of basic inalienable human rights and cruelty … by GERMANY ….. and two counties that Nazi Germany invaded and occupied and tried to make them slaves.


    Here is a PDF FILE of the Court Order, in English.

  8. In the movie “Dr. Strangelove”, an Alaskan Air Force General named Bat Guano decided to start World War III, because his “bodily essences” were being contaminated by the Russkies with fluoridated water, and sent B-52 Bombers to nuke Soviet Union Strategic Targets.

    Even when talking about the Western gunfighter Bat Masterson, I never knew what the name “Bat” was a contraction for, if anything … I will ask ChatGBT.

    I dunno, it’s just when boyle says “Remember Audrey! I drink the purest waters for my mortal soul.”, I remember Allen Smith bragging about his .50 cal. Sniper rifle….. and it reminds me of General Bat Guano.

  9. If he wanted to, God could turn himself into a cat. 

    Kurt Vonnegut inserted himself into one of his novels, “Breakfast of Champions”, while the main character was sitting at a bar, and told him he was only a character he was writing about… and had to take him to the center of the Sun and back to convince him.




  10. I disagree…. I think for a  god to ALWAYS have existed and always will exist physics must be dramatically different “on the other side of the Big Bang”, the dimension conventially referred to as “Heaven”, and there, there cannot be entropy, and time “happens all at once”

    This, our Universe of matter and energy, has an “arrow of time”.

    Heaven, where lives Jehovah, an EVERLASTING God, by definition would not have entropy, or linear time, or the same laws of thermodynamics we have here.

  11. I asked the ChatGBT AI to review this entire thread of boyle vs Audrey, because, quite frankly, I am amazed at how well you get along together, even with dramatic differences of opinion.

    Prophesy is at no time initiated by man, so I figured who better to prophesy about the JW protestors in Washington, DC than an AI.

    HAL9000 was not available for comment, but did offer to sing me a song….. 







  12. I had to check thread page 1 video.

    The “up to a thousand protesters” permits are already in place. 

    The protest is deliberately set for October 31, which of course is Satan’s birthday party, catered by Disneyland Dental.

    It will be interesting to see News coverage of this event ….. hahaHAHA haha *coff* *coff*  …..

    I suspect 45 or less people will show up, with zero legislative effect.

    But then again, .001% of the population has sucked all the air out of the room, so who knows?

  13. Audrey; 

    I fully understand every point you made. 

    I traveled the world on Engineering Projects, and had to endure much as well.

    The only partial solution I could think of was “If I could only just rent a dog somewhere …”. 

     When I remarried at age 67 I had two Siberian Husky’s and my wife had five chihuahuas. They have since died but she adopted 5 more assorted dogs, some blind and toothless, some with diabetes, etc and with our Pack and Family we are doing fine.

    I even now have a large blue tick Coon Dog /  German Shepherd mix, my greatest joy of our dogs.

    ……. we all take care of each other.

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