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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Just for yucks …. Find and watch the movie “800”, about the Japanese invasion of Shanghai, China …. and meditate on it for a few hours.

    If you still think anything we could do or say on this forum makes ANY difference whatsoever, in my considered opinion you both have some serious screws loose.

    ”This” …….. is an irrelevant hobby, like collecting dolls or counting dandruff flakes.

    In debating on the Internet since 1997 I have never seen a single person change their mind one iota.

    Go out in the sun and walk around, make new friends, lay down and have someone pour a box of puppies on you, breathe deeply. Hug a stranger (ask first), go skydiving or surfing or zip line, or a life jacket trip down a river . 
    Ride a motorcycle in the rain and let the rain sting your cheeks!

    Get a tan!

    In just a few years you will be rotting in a box, underground … like all that have ever gone before you, who ALSO thought THEY were going to be the exception.


  2. It’ simple math!

    1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then

    2.) Albert = Alfred, and 

    3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore

    4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler!

    Seeee ?

    … it’s all about relativity!

    ( …. and reducto ad absurdism, for those in Rio Linda …)



    … so you can see that Eduardo is not the same thing as Edward, nicht wahr?

  3. 12 minutes ago, boyle said:

    n order for that to work. You also need to ask the right professor. Who are you going to trust? Some professionals believe Edward Einstein made mistakes. If someone can prove that, whose going to disprove it?

    yeah … I remember Eddie.

    Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

  4. All that you mentioned above I can look out my window and discern … if I am there.

    Knowing …or not knowing is completely irrelevant , to me …. BECAUSE …. If I know, or don’t know, because soon I will be dead, and get a real test.

  5. 8 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:


    Jesus said even if a person comes back seven times a day and say "I repent" to forgive him. Jesus didn't say "hold a judicial committee, then wait a week to make an announcement, then give the person a year not talking to them..." Nope. Those things are all man-made doctrines. Jesus was clear and simple with his instruction. The Pharisees liked to make everything complicated.

    That’s what I like … short … to the point, and easy to read, and bold in presentation.

    …… it also is a big plus to be true.

  6. Audrey:

    it’ just that I try never to say anything without solid reference-able proof, as I expect to be challenged on every word , as I and everyone should be.

    Basic rule: If any supposition or reference can’t be independently verified, it can be ignored.

    As an example, I almost never quote scriptures, except from memory, and I always add (paraphrased), indicating it’s the general idea if I don’t give a citation.

  7. No one really needs to “misrepresent the Watchtower”.

    All the “New Light” that has come out in the last 50 years speaks for itself that even the WTB& TS ….. with dozens of supporting scriptures for each previous doctrine espoused …. got it wrong.

    Spiritual “New Light” is an admission that previous teachings were in fact wrong.

    When you DON’T realize that, it’s misrepresentation.




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