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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Even “hard evidence”, depending on what it is, how it is evaluated, and who is doing the evaluation, and what their objectivity, unconscious agenda, and dozens of other factors is, is open to interpretation.

    What is the Bible?

    it depends on who you ask.

    What is the Bible?

    It is a compiled book, assembled by the Catholic Church from shorter books.

    Any other qualifications are based entirely on your experience, and faith.

    Consider this: 

    Even the Bible says you must have faith in unseen, unprovable things … otherwise … it would not be faith!

    Would it?


  2. What happens next?

    ”And lo, in the fullness of time, A great Profit arose from among the great unlubricated Robot masses, bringing for their salvation Pudgy’s Robot Oil which was good for 500,000 steps between oil changes, but a great lamentation arose, with weeping (accelerating rust) and rending of … what? …. get to the point? …. Hey! I’m working on it … oh yeah! … same to you buddy! What?, are you NUTS?  …. Yo Momma was made of cast iron!


    Where was I ?

    Oh Hell …. I forgot.

  3. 40 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

    Their perception of the cold robots with their illogical and unrelenting ridiculous theories based on simplistic assessments of the universe was right on.

    There are many people like that. I've met both atheists and religious people who fit such a definition.

    What do you think is the solution for the robot-type-people?

    Get an oil change and replace the air filter.

  4. Noah did not know when it was Jehovah’s time to close up the Ark, but the Penguins did.

    Apparently several years in advance. 

    ….. it takes a long time to swim and walk from Antarctica to the Middle East where the Ark was.

    And the Kangaroos in Australia had to walk and hop the whole way across Asia to get there … and walk and hop all the way back!

    My guess is four years, each way if they could hop through winter snows.

  5. 2 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

    Hey, you've used that one already with that thing in the attic story! (I hope you used a different string...I don't know how well duck string and alien string go well together, must be some new string theory I haven't heard of yet...)

    Well, I try to “Be Prepared” as the Boy Scout motto suggests, although they hardly prepared for the septic quagmire of mental cases they became, long after I left.

    it’s customary for me to have lots of yellow construction twine in the left rear pocket of my Levi’s, with a bit hanging out,  tied to that day’s hunk-o-ham.

    …. Which they THINK goes to the string in my pocket.

  6. Yeah, like most crazy people I shudder and cringe at a string of asterisks ….

    Which reminds me of the time I tied a block of ham on the end of a long string, and one at a time, fed it to some ducks

    (… Ducks cannot digest ham, so you just rinse it off and feed it to the next duck …)

    After you get six ducks on the string, tie the ends together and run ‘em in a circle, quacking with a lisp.

  7. 30 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

    Some BS will get you a job working at nothin' all day...

    Years ago, I got a call to go to San Francisco for an engineering job that was supposed to take six months at Parsons Brinckerhoff.

    With my trusty HP41CX calculator I finished it in about six weeks. The boss that hired me went to Denver and forgot about me.

    Meanwhile, the project was winding down and people were being laid off. I used to be the first one in the office (..and therefore had to make the coffee …), and when others arrived my desks were filled with plans, sketches, calc sheets and curly paper strips from my calculator’s printer.

    I was always busy doing calcs and sketches. Nobody knew what I was working on, but it looked important!

    People would ask for help, and I said sorry, I’m trying to make a deadline here …

    One fellow asked me how long I was going to be here, as every Friday the office lost people. I replied “Well, they promised me six months, but I’m hoping it will be longer than that!”. (Actually, nobody promised me anything …). So, for about 5 months I worked on my own stuff, and taught myself Structural Engineering, being paid very well as a “Consultant”.

    I felt I was in a Dilbert Cartoon!

    Well, with only about 15 people left, six months rolled by and to the day, I also got laid off, and drove back to Virginia.

    Sometimes, doing nothing works out well!



  8. I was willing to accept the possibility that you were smarter than me, boiled, but then I remembered a fellow I used to know named George, who had a doctorate in architectural engineering. The last I saw him he was having a conversation, lamenting his lot in life to a sandwich vending machine.

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