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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. On my way home from work, I would stop by the dollar store and buy 25 or so of the foot-long Tootsie Rolls……  they came two to a package.

    I had read ingredients and saw that chocolate Was way down on the list of ingredients which are listed by how prevalent they are, in order.

    So, I would take them home and give them to my four  Siberian huskies. I would give them to the dogs sideways, so they would chew it and not just gulp them down.

    Having seen them eat a hotdog without giving it a single bite, I thought that was best.

  2. 23 minutes ago, boyle said:

    Since you're on a mission to have me banned again, maybe I will use another account.

    Well, I will say one thing about you, you are certainly consistent. 

    somebody here once asked me if I wanted you banned, and I replied “No … I believe in free speech … eventually they will self destruct …”

  3. 10 minutes ago, boyle said:

    It's called making a correct assessment of other people's lies, pudgy. If I'm agenda driven, look in the mirror, you no different. Woof! Woof!

    I can say the same thing about a lot of ghostwriters here, lol! 😂

    So keep hating player. It still doesn't mean anything to me.

    Your general statements are prima facia delusional.

    Several DOZEN times I have asked you for specifics, and you ALWAYS choked.

  4. … and that is why you have to the very core of your being a disagreeable, unlikeable nature Boyle … your thinking processes are 100% AGENDA DRIVEN, and if someone … anyone … tells you a simple, basic, self-evident, common sense fact that disagrees with your AGENDA, you reject it as a lie.

    You have demonstrated this colossal arrogance with EVERY username you have EVER USED HERE!

    That is why after about five posts, everyone knows it is YOU …  you are back.

    You give yourself away.


  5. Well, using that same criteria, Boyle, a very good case could be made that no one should listen to you.

    C. T. Russel would have disagreed with your basic premise, as in the very first issue of the Watchtower stated “If Satan were to tell you the truth, it would still be the truth.”.….. just as some of the things YOU say are true.

    I disagree with your assertions that people that disagree with you are fools and basically unrepentant scum.

    I also dislike Steve Bannon intensely, but there may be SOME truth in there somewhere …..

    That’s why I have never asked for you to be censured, censored or banned, and would not do it if I had the ability, which I don’t.



  6. Before they moved, there used to be a glass cabinet full of “Telly” awards that the Society bought and gave to themselves for excellence in video productions of various sorts. They looked sorta like Oscars, gold and shiny, on a pedestal.

    sorta like what Boyle mentioned, above.

  7. Yeah …

    The shepherds of biblical times used to tenderly care for their sheep, because internet blogging had not been invented, and they were bored sitting around the house all day playing with their dradels.

    There is an unsubstantiated rumor that from time to time they would cut their fur off, and kill them, and burn them in FIRE, and EAT them!

    …. this was before democracies like we have now.

  8. …. And yes … I know the question you are asking yourself right now is “If Amos the Alien is a shapeless blob, how did you chain him to the rafters in the Attic?”

    Well, I was reading in his saucer First Aid Kit that he could not digest ham, so I got a chain and zip tied a bone-in ham hock to the end and put it in his fish bucket. He gobbled it and the chain right down. The next day when he pooped out the ham hock, I washed it off and nailed both ends of the chain to the rafters!

    ….. did I mention he howls with a lisp?


  9. Yes, Audrey, I have three prodgeny, ages 35 to 41. 

    Then there is the misshapen blob that we keep chained in the Attic who keeps us up at night with his howling, and we feed occasionally a bucket of fish heads.

    We call him Amos the Alien.

    I welded his flying saucer to a pole and took the dome off and used the rest as a charcoal grill.

    I reused the saucer dome on my doghouse.


    When Amos gets bigger we will introduce him to the concept of North Carolina Barbecue😜.

  10. 8 minutes ago, boyle said:

    Does this mean that's why some sewage plumbers call themselves engineers? lol! 😂

    The overall discipline is Civil Engineering.

    A subset of that is Sanitary Engineering, and “sewage plumbing” requires considerable education and engineering expertise to make sewage flow downhill without clogging the pipes or eroding them away etc., and building systems that are buildable, durable, and which someone can actually afford.

    That which you disparage has saved more lives than doctors in preventing communicable disease.

    Years ago the entire city of Chicago was raised up out of the lowland so sewage would flow downhill.

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