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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. 32 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

    Maybe it's because he was hurt and betrayed.

    Maybe he feels he wasted a big part of his life believing something false and he doesn't want anyone else to waste their life believing something false and he's hoping that by such behavior he might help jolt some people into analyzing their beliefs.

    Maybe it's out of his great love for mankind that he puts on the Wally McNasty mask.

    What do you think?

    Since you asked my opinion, I think your evaluation is delusional, in a naïve innocent way, and he is suffering from narcissistic disorder, and delusions of grandeur, overshadowed by a huge inferiority complex for which he constantly overcompensates by denigrating others.

    If this is true, combined with his multiple personas, and him bragging about having a .50 cal SNIPER RIFLE, I think he is a very, very dangerous person.

    All merely my carefully considered opinion, of course.

    Perhaps Wally will follow up after these posts with a more accurate explanation of why he is so consistently McNasty with slanders and insults, not based in fact.




  2. I admit I have lost track of the many, many “reincarnations” of Allen Smith, Billy the Kid,  Dimitar, Moise Racette, Boyle, et Al, ad nauseum . I guess I just don’t “care” enough. I don’t remember any accented Haitian version.

    I was always under the impression that Boyle et al was playacting the perfect WTB&TS loyalist, so that as anyone became aware of his personality ( clear who it was after four or five posts, by whatever disguise assumed …) they would have great disdain for anything Jehovah’ Witness.

    The question in my mind was always WHY?


  3. May I give you a practical piece of advice, Audrey?

    You sound like, from my observations, a very theocratically inclined, zealous, courageous person that carrys  the scars an inch deep of your experiences.

    1.) The facts are that nothing you can say or do will EVER change anything .. not one iota. 

    2.) Jehovah’s people used to be the Jews, and he ALLOWED monstrous error until it was his time to change things.

    3.) Jehovah’s people today are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he ALLOWS monstrous error until it is his time to change things. 

    4.) Otherwise … he would have to kill almost EVERYBODY.

    Suck it up, take the hit, go back to the congregation, smile, and keep your mouth shut.


    With the very BEST of intentions, you disrupted the congregation, which is very serious. You thought you could make a difference and reform.

    You we’re wrong. 
    Take the ostracism and unwarranted abuse for three years more, without comment or complaint.

    That way it will be SOMEONE ELSE who stumbles the “Little Ones”.

    NOT YOU.



  4. 10 minutes ago, boyle said:

    WDS - funny you made that statement. People coming here think pudgy and Audrey are Jehovah's witnesses. How wrong they are, but that's what they tell people in the streets.

    I don’t.

    As usual, ad nauseum, you slander by making accusations based on a distorted world view not based on real world facts.

    I feel sorry for you … truly.

  5. WDS  -  ( the “inside to outside version”…)

    The agenda driven humorless stain on the soul of humanity that makes most people dislike talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    JW core beliefs should be welcomed, with a line outside the Kingdom Halls of people wanting to get in!



    The Earth’s population is increasing roughly for every new JW, a hundred more people are born. … and it takes about 27 witnessing “man years” to produce ONE new JW who will stay his whole life!

  6. 26 minutes ago, boyle said:


    The characteristics and traits are the same, but why do “women” hold women to a different standard within society, when it comes to accepting it, even though their gender can be just as evil?

    Is it out of love and sympathy?

    The only way you could possibly find out is to interview more than 20 women and ask them an unambiguous question tightly focused on what you want to know, and their answers be 100% truthful. 

    Do that for every culture and national group  around the Earth (The Northeast Canadian Eskimo families, as an example, traditionally sleep naked together under animal skins in their Igloos in winter as they migrate and hunt. The Japanese culture is known for the entire family bathing naked together with other families at public baths …. Etc, Etc.)

    After you have gotten the truth from several thousand women and men like that, and not filtered it through a local agenda …. Your answers MAY be 85% accurate.

    The thing about DNA is that there is infinite variety.


  7. I thought it was an excellent Watchtower article, that’s why I qualified my statement with “underlying axiom” to start with.

    WDS Is an affliction that like a sword, cuts both ways, and affects those on the outside looking in … AND …. On the inside looking out.

  8. As you two are well aware, I disdain many words that flow into rivers of words, which are by nature with EVERYBODY, self hypnotic.

    That’s how hypnosis is induced.

    ….. but in the totality of everything I have read and experienced, the following underlying axiom is true;



    … those with agenda driven deliberate lack of reading comprehension perhaps will differ.

  9. And did you know that over eons Fozzie Bear evolved into Yoda? (… albeit in a galaxy, far, far away ….)


    Listen to their voices! Look at the hair in Yoda’s ears!

    They BOTH sound EXACTLY like Frank Oz!

    … and by counting the ear hairs and multiplying by 3.14159 you can prove mathematically boyle is smarter than everyone here!  

    …. Yeah, it was a surprise to me, too!


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