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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Many years ago my ex-wife, a truly fine theocratic sister, swelled up with righteous indignation and while objecting that I was watching the Muppet TV show, she exclaimed in a loud voice “well that’s just, just IMMORAL… the very IDEA!. A frog dating a pig! It’s .. its … UNNATURAL!”. I was so stunned by that I was speechless. The next day, at the office, I was explaining that to another engineer, and he said “Wait a minute … they are BOTH Muppets!” …. I wish I had said that.
  2. Muppets are the BEST people, even though boyle may insist that a frog and a pig dating are an abomination, and should be thrown out of the theatrical trunk.
  3. When cowboys on a canyon cliff get shot and fall, they scream all the way down. When Indians on a canyon cliff get shot and fall, they are completely silent.
  4. I don’t mind the knock-down, drag out, off-topic debates, usually with logical, reasonable vs agenda driven ideologues … it’s the incessant whining “ah am being persecuted unfairly” that I find pathetic.….. and you know who you are. That’s why people do not hire a receptionist with Tourette’s Syndrome, even if they are beautiful and highly intelligent. (“boo hooo, boooo hooohooo, wah! They hate me because I’m prettier than they are, the co** suc**** fuc**** ass***** !! ). It’s SO UNFAIR!! BooOOO HoOOoo, WAH!) …. and you do know who you are …….
  5. Engineer types take early learning courses in Anthropology … I still have some of my second grade books …..
  6. Pudgycoin is so secure we don’t even have a way you can check on your account balance! And upon your death Pudgycoin pays ten times your current worth, in the hereafter! Endorsed by Bro. Steven Lett when he was “out”, having an appendectomy! “The only digital currency in the ten pound box”
  7. I have every issue of MAD from Issue No. 1 to somewhere around 2006. A lot of Engineers had lifetime subscriptions during the 1970’s. Alfred E. Neuman was named “Marvin” in the first several issues.
  8. Besides, with ANY group of people, interactions will always produce innocent casualties via collateral damage. Get used to it. It’s the nature of the beast. Of course, Archery has less appeal if while contemplating it, you look down and it’s YOUR chest with the arrow. …..been there …. done that …. from BOTH sides of the bow.
  9. I just made up the 2,000 years. The point I was trying to make is it’s more important than worrying about people that died 100 or so years ago, which to me has no importance whatsoever. If the “Truth” that is important comes from Donald Duck, and results in better people, I am inclined to ignore he struts around with no pants. Besides, a Duckbill Platypus looks like they sewed pieces of a duck, and a beaver together.
  10. I think I’m more important question is how did the Platypusses (Platypi ?) of Eastern Australia make the transition from live births to laying eggs? I mean …. Uh…. If it took two thousand years to switch over ….. how did the special survive?
  11. But then again, I really don’t care, except for a mild and forgettable curiosity.
  12. Oh, I dunno…. I read all 56 pages of the above brochure, and every word rings true to me. If anyone has a SPECIFIC OBJECTION to anything stated therein, I would entertain their proved and specifically articulated conflicting opinion. Guesses and unprovable counter opinions I will ignore.
  13. Apparently reading comprehension is not one of your strong points…….. Dmitar.
  14. That did not seem to matter when you were slandering me as Dmitar, if memory serves.
  15. Everybody involved died many years before I was born, and my Social Security number is 12.
  16. According to Russel’s wife, in sworn testimony in court during their divorce, she accused CTR of having an affair with a 16 year old follower. I read about that over 50 years ago, so although I can still visualize the page, I can’t read it anymore. …. merely a matter of curiosity, perhaps partially remembered.
  17. What is BitCoin …. really? A fantasy with an imbedded back door and kill switch? That’s why Ah invests in Pudgycoin. The only digital currency in a ten pound box. That’s right! Backed by ten pounds of fine shirt cardboard!
  18. There is a several thousand year history of Jehovah’s Witnesses before Charles Taze Russell was ever born.
  19. Well…. WHATEVER Nebuchadnezzar’s toes mean … it is Not worth $675.
  20. So, how did the King use that information? How can I make practical use of that information … I mean …. What? Buy a sky blue UN army helmet?
  21. A decade and a half ago, when my children were teenagers, I had to work so I sent them to an assembly somewhere, a three day assembly that cost me $675 before it was all over. When they finally got home late Sunday night, still in their suits, I asked them what did they learn? The reply was “oh…… Oh…… Oh yeah, we learned that …. you know …. what we used to think we knew about Nebuchadnezzar‘s Statue’s toes… Well it’s an entirely different explanation now, and it’s …. And at that point my eyes glazed over and I had a vision of US currency flapping like a bird, with six $100 bills and more into the night sky. I am afraid I busted out laughing and almost fell off of my chair, and it’s only a vision of almost $700 evaporating that kept me I’m having a bad case of giggle fits. Looking back on it, I realize I had an entirely inappropriate response for anyone who would like to be on good terms with his family. The point I’m making by bringing his up is that all of the previous discussions, to me, are spending a great deal of time and effort to figure out things that are intrinsically unknowable. And even if we did know, if there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it it seems a cost benefit ratio analysis would be in order to determine is it really worth the effort? I personally don’t care if the Nebuchadnezzar statue ever even had toes. It may be incredibly important…… But for the life of me I cannot see how.
  22. Coffee was used in colonial America as an insecticide to kill cockroaches. That’s why Americans switched from tea to coffee. Coffee is a caffeinated vegetable, because it is a bean. Before you go to bed at night, take some ground up coffee, regular or instant, and sprinkle it on the kitchen floor. Then turn off the lights, and go to bed. In the middle of the night get up very quietly sneak into the kitchen where the cockroaches will be eating the coffee, loaded with caffeine. …. impossible to blink! Very quietly, reach around the corner and flick the light switch on and off as fast as you can. It will surprise the cockroaches, and the strobe affect will disorient them and they will run around like crazy looking for a place to hide, but usually they will have a heart attack from the stress and roll over onto their backs, and die. You will see them on the floor, lying on their backs, dead, with their six little arms and hands holding their heart. ….. if you look closely, you will see that they have a little “X”s over their eyes, and their Probosci will be hanging out the sides of their mouths.
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