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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. It might “behoove” you, Georgie, to read your own posts out loud before you hit the “submit reply” blue button, just to hear how insane, petty, and whiney they sound. You sound like Pewee Herman pretending to be the Vicar of Warwick.
  2. … I believe in complete freedom of speech. Even your jealous lies and slander which are legion. Nyahhhh! Take THAT, Cadbury! I have never even SUGGESTED you be banned, even though you have proved, time and again the need for it and been actually banned at least six times, but keep popping back with new log-in names, because this is the only outlet that will put up with you. Your paranoid fantasies are at least completely consistent .
  3. Exactly the response of an arrogant, narcissistic, grifter who assumes everyone else, except him, is ignorant and stupid. Your premises are fallacious and your conclusions are wrong. To belabor the point …… What the United States, the United Nations, Australia, the Australian Royal Commission, Ireland, world organizations, the Boy Scouts or the Interstellar Society of Crippled Penguins does or does not do … or recognizes or doesn’t recognize is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT To even MENTION them is a blatantly transparent attempt to shift blame… the same way a five year old would. The fact that it sometimes works is cringeworthy, but more importantly, it identifies the proponent of this as a deceitful con-man who assumes his audience is too stupid to notice. ….. as you have just illustrated. Even the Emperor of Japan renounced the Evil of World War II that his nation caused, and offered a clear and genuine apology, although he never actually apologized with those words, which royally ticked off the Chinese.
  4. … The Japanese Empire operated under the Bushido Samurai Code, even in modern times. It took two Atomic Bombs to effect a change in that system. BooHooHooHooHoo! (…not). What the United States, the United Nations, Australia, Ireland, world organizations, the Boy Scouts or the Interstellar Society of Crippled Penguins does or does not do … or recognizes or doesn’t recognize is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. To even MENTION them is a blatantly transparent attempt to shift blame… the same way a five year old would. The fact that it sometimes works is cringeworthy, but more importantly, it identifies the proponent of this as a deceitful con-man who assumes his audience is too stupid to notice. This is the standard practice of a Grifter … A grifter is a person who engages in dishonest or deceitful behavior, often to scam or swindle others out of money or possessions. Grifters typically use manipulation, persuasion, or trickery to achieve their ends. They ALWAYS have justification, in their own minds.
  5. That cartoon I posted about the four clergymen testifying before the ARC IS almost nine years old! Speech balloon #4 is just as cringeworthy today as it was back then. NOTHING HAS CHANGED .… and don’t gimmee that crap about it is the Secular Government’s responsibility to change, why haven’t they done more, why haven’t they done more? (BooHooHoo…). THAT is totally irrelevant.
  6. So …. tha ARC Hearings were in what, 2015? That was NINE YEARS AGO. What Watchtower policies and procedures have improved since then? The Society has even hired outside legal teams ( … guessing at about $3,500 an hour) because THEIR in-house legal team does not have the competencies to defend their positions, which has not changed in NINE YEARS.
  7. …. not only is it NOT AN APOLOGY, it does not even acknowledge reality, AND, “… an expression of my love and concern ..,” were empty words that meant NOTHING.…. they STILL mean nothing. ….like a resume’ or CV of someone with no real life experiences, filled with “buzz words”.
  8. … clearly a mouth-breathing troglodyte that is addicted to airport CNN “news”. FOX news is not perfect, but the others are demented by comparison.
  9. … And Now, on a lighter note: Earthquake, ya say? I am expecting an earthquake after Noon on April 8, 2024 in the afternoon along the New Madrid Fault Line from Leland, Mississippi, birthplace of Kermit the Frog, through Memphis, Tennessee and through the Western part of the Blue Ridge Mountains along the Virginia / West Virginia border line.….. but keep it confidential … no need to scare anyone about a great rift forming and the land tilting and uplifting under their feet, avalanches and such, and coal and gas deposit conflagrations. No need at all …. ix-nay on the ews-nay. .BUT … if you want some Muppet souvenirs from the Birthplace of Kermit the Frog Museum, this weekend would be a good time.
  10. Most people outgrew that “I know you are, but what am I “ tactic in the fourth grade. I am old enough to remember when Democrats were people with different philosophies and different outlooks, but were sane. Robert A. Heinlein, Master of Science Fiction I highly respected, was a Democrat … but I have noticed in the last 40 years or so all the Democrats on TV or media reports think EXACTLY LIKE YOU, Georgie and your clone sock puppets like BTK and Alphonse da downvoter, et al. The standard playbook among the Dims and you is projecting your agendas onto others to see if the bat crap crazy will stick to them as well. You think you are fooling people, but your silly “blame game” fools no one other than your minions …. and yourself. Very seldom do I even downvote your presumptuous fallacies because they are so painfully obviously not based on anything that is real. I have taken your fantasies and directly discredited them with hard facts, one by one by one. No deflection whatsoever. None. Zero. Direct frontal attack with comprehensive real world proofs. Reread the last two pages out loud and you will hear yourself reciting EXACTLY THAT. You NEVER refute my proofs, because they ARE real proofs, even when challenged to do so. You always choke, project, deflect, mislead, and lie. You are like President Bill Clinton. EVERYBODY on all sides knew he was a liar, but were truly astonished how good he was at it. Refute the facts and prove me wrong. Proof. Not projection.
  11. Awwww … you’re just ticked off because I showed with actual facts your being constantly wrong and deceitful as a manic compulsion.
  12. I get along with ANYBODY who uses common sense, and bases his thinking and observations on PROVABLE FACTS. Agenda driven people that wallow in fantasy and who intimidate others … not so much. …. and BTK, I hate to break the news to you, but your “logical conclusions” have EVERYTHING to do with ego and programmed agenda, and little, if anything to do with facts or logic. The facts can vary dramatically, but your agenda always remains the same.
  13. You really should refrain from political subject discussions, Georgie. It merely emphasizes your distorted agenda driven view of the Universe in every aspect of thought. …. and that you are wrong. What you have shown is that YOU have a highly visible political perspective, while trying to claim you don’t. … and that you are wrong. Therefore, I hereby declare April 4, 2024, “George88Vicar of Warwick Closet Democrat Visibility Day” !
  14. 3 reserved The below proclamation quoted verbatim PROVES everything you said above IS A BALD FACED LIE. (The "Transgender Day of Visibility" (TDOV) was started by transgender activist Rachel Crandall in 2009. NOT BARACK OBAMA. It was created to celebrate the transgender community and raise awareness about transgender rights and issues.)
  15. … and anticipating accusations of “racism”, I assure you I am not, as my three children are mixed race, by deliberate design. …. and may I remind you that the Roman Centurion Army Officer Cornelius, sworn to the service of the RomanEmpire, was described as a man of exceptional faith inJesus, and as a man specifically approved by God.
  16. …. reminds me of three negro elders at the congregation I attended were talking about politics after a meeting, and I walked up and mentioned to them some stupid thing Obama did, and one of the elders absolutely BLEW UP, that I would DARE speak despairingly of Barak Hussein Obama!! The instantaneous and intense defense truly surprised me. I concluded he was a “closet democrat”, as many JWs are, as I was disappointed to learn over time. Very sad. Very, very sad. I had the Elders confront me en banc when they learned I was a registered Republican, and I replied that in Finland Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to vote without any congregational sanctions whatsoever, and I was merely going by the rules Jehovah’s Witnesses go by in Finland. They were stunned and made no further inquiry, so I got up and left. I suspect, and it is just a guess, Georgie that you too, are a negro “closet democrat”. It’ a stereotype for sure, but you do fit the stereotype on so many, many points.
  17. Speaking of insights …. have you ever wondered why you have NEVER seen a picture of Ernest Borgnine and Elizabeth Taylor, in the same picture?
  18. One thing you got goin’ for you, Georgie/ BTK, you are consistent !
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