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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Coffee was used in colonial America as an insecticide to kill cockroaches. That’s why Americans switched from tea to coffee.

    Coffee is a caffeinated vegetable, because it is a bean.

    Before you go to bed at night, take some ground up coffee, regular or instant, and sprinkle it on the kitchen floor. Then turn off the lights, and go to bed. In the middle of the night get up very quietly sneak into the kitchen where the cockroaches will be eating the coffee, loaded with caffeine.

    …. impossible to blink!

    Very quietly, reach around the corner and flick the light switch on and off as fast as you can.

    It will surprise the cockroaches, and the strobe affect will disorient them and they will run around like crazy looking for a place to hide, but usually they will have a heart attack from the stress and roll over onto their backs, and die. 

    You will see them on the floor, lying on their backs, dead, with their six little arms and hands holding their heart.

    ….. if you look closely, you will see that they have a little “X”s over their eyes, and their Probosci will be hanging out the sides of their mouths.

  2. Think of how simple and uncomplicated each of our lives would be …. And CAN be …. If we make the decision to not be more than casually aware of things over which we have ABSOLUTELY no control or influence !  

    EXAMPLE: Tomorrow evening at 3:21PM there will be a massive total spasm launch of missiles resulting in Global Thermonuclear War, an all life on Earth (except cockroaches) will be killed.

    WHOA!!, Bummer!

    Time to stock up on beer?


  3. I absolutely do not think that the Governing Body or Elders are in anyway “taking a stand against God“ when they go beyond what is written.

    I think it’s done out of ignorance because of the intense pressure of  basic organizational survival, and misplaced agenda driven loyalty, because they realize the importance of being loyal to God, but it’s not really clear in their/our minds how to do it.

    All people have different levels of confidence and competence in their abilities.

    …. but, as is so often the case it’s not what they know that’s important, it’s what they think they know, and are absolutely sure that they know, which is wrong.

    My three children, to the best of my knowledge are absolutely 100% committed to the organization and its teachings.

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

    One is an Elder in Texas. All three are model Citizens. 

    They are doing much better than I in almost every measurable way.

    This is multiplied by a factor of about 2.5 million globally in improving peoples’ lives.

    That is why in my not so humble opinion, the Watchtower Bible and Tracy Society is humanitie’s best bet for being good citizens, blameless in every respect, and to become friends of God.

    Yes, policies and procedures and some theology is in serious, serious need of reform, but Jehovah knows who is His, from within or without, and JWs are civilization’s best bet for survival and prosperity.

    Yes, I am disfellowshipped, but facts are facts …. and the fact is that this time is no different than when the Jews fell away from  serving Jehovah in a very big way, and He still claimed them until it was HIS TIME FOR A CHANGE.

    Collateral damage is an unavoidable fact of warfare, and any religious group over 200 people with real estate.

    ….. get used to it.


  4. I suspect that “getting ready for the Great Tribulation”  could take either 15 minutes, or 15 years. Those people hiding in the underground basements and bunkers in the videos were apparently all killed at the beginning of the Great Tribulation …. but resurrected later after Armageddon was all over, at a vegan picnic.

    That’s my plan …. Get captured and killed the first day!, and miss the horror.

    Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah! 

    if I am, or are not resurrected is whole different topic.

    Dying is not that big a deal. A billion and more years of all living things dying (except for Enoch, who got transferred …) attest to that.

    As a young man I used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, so I am sorta used to the idea.

    My only regret is that Jehovah will not allow me to die with a big grin,  fallen into a scattered cone of hot, smoking brass.

  5. Is this “ The hill you want to die on”?

    As a Practical matter … how could it possibly matter if we DO have perfect knowledge about when the resurrection during the “end times” will occur?   …. Or we are totally ignorant about when?

    When it happens, it will be obvious, or NOT obvious for those heaven bound.

    For those resurrected to the Earth it will be VERY OBVIOUS …. If we are there!

    I am not even concerned about that …. soon …. perhaps to soon, we will ALL KNOW!

    Too much thinking about such things will only burn out your hair roots or give you a triple chin.



    S = the sine of the angle being considered, in decimal degrees

    H = the hypotenuse of a triangle in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)

    O =  the opposite side of the triangle from the angle considered, in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)

    C = the cosine of an angle being considered, in decimal degrees

    T = the tangent of an angle being considered, in decimal degrees 

    A = the adjacent side of the triangle to the angle considered in units (feet, meters, miles or whatever)


    S x H = O

    C x H = A

    T x A = O


    O / H = S

    A / H = C

    O / A = T

    Just write down vertically SHOCHATAO before you start doing trig !




    But my very FAVORITE formula was simply SHOCHATAO = $.

    Somebody paid me a lot of money to do that, for 40 years!


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