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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. As you quoted me, it is a two way street. Your declaration was a lie, as you just confirmed.
  2. Ok, I will take that at face value ….. Where are you generally located? How long have you been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Are you married? Do you have pets or hobbies? How many are in your Congregation? etc., etc., etc. (.. and yes, this is a test …)
  3. I have absolutely no control over anyone in this club, nor do I want any. It’s not my call … or even my interest. I am allowed to upvote, or express my opinion that your opinion is a load of crap. If you want to do the same to me, I have no objection ….. but it IS a two-way street.
  4. … this is from the ChatGBT AI. If you want, you can start your own chat room or “channel” for free, with whatever topic you want, and as owner and creator, set whatever rules you want, with the means to discipline or eject as you see fit.
  5. Yes, the way you want to do it would be available on IRC, with the “Igloo” iPhone App, on the DALNET network, in the “Christiandebate” chat room. There are usually about 20 or so regulars there, and when I was there for 15 or more years got into some intense knock-down drag-out debates. It works better on a PC using the program MIRC, which is incredibly versatile. Same addresses. There are chat rooms for JWs, Baptists, Catholics, Pacifists, Nazis, and people discussing carnal knowledge of oysters and squids be you so inclined. Years ago DALNET had about 20,000 different topic chat rooms. It is not for the timid, and much like hand to hand combat, figuratively, you can get chewed up if you try to BS them, or cannot prove your premises. I stop by every 3 years or so … same ol’ crowd, and I am only one of two who believe JW core beliefs, and they are always happy to see me. I challenge everything they believe … a battle ensues. Good times for all! (… conversations I had in 1997 are still being copied and bouncing around the Internet - I checked.)
  6. It would take 100,000 words to respond to that in a fair to everybody manner … so I guess we all need forgiveness for our sins of commission … and omission, which are many. Besides, it would just be “for the record”, anyway. That’s why I never aspired to be an Elder.
  7. Jesus was of course perfect, an attribute that “Kevin McFree”, does not possess. If they both made a paper mache volcano in 5th grade science class, Jesus’s volcano would spit real ash and lava. Jesus’s two brothers used to complain to Mary that she loved Jesus more because “… he’s just so PERFECT!”
  8. The Society sued YouTube for “Kevin McFree’s” real name so they could disfellowship him, as well as copyright infringement. Notice that the YouTube DUBTOWN videos are still up.
  9. CocaCola instituting and following through on a lawsuit might cost $200,000. When they sue for damages, how much income would the company have lost because someone wrote their name on the side of a miniature toy truck? ZERO.
  10. Yeah … I once chased a CocaCola Swat Team/Lawyer Van through Toontown, and the back doors opened and they threw out a sacrificial Lawyer. The only option was to shoot an extremely adorable cute dog, which would be bad publicity.
  11. Different screenplay. Just be thankful none of the 3 screenplays was written by Truman Capote!
  12. World News Media did not post the pictures, AudreyAnnaNana did. She has no commercial gain, and it’s a limited number of pictures, and the purpose is either educational, or parody. If the Society wants to sue her, they can. It’s a genie that is forever out of the bottle, as they learned when they went ballistic over YouTube’s DUBTOWN videos.
  13. I dunno … Dilbert is copyrighted and is the most copied, reproduced and printed comic strip in the world. My guess is that the WTB&TS, although vehemently jealous over its copyrighted material, is like standing on Earth, shaking your fist at the sky, as you get hit in the face with another Planet. Also, my guess is a very good case can be made for “fair use”., as there is no commercial use.
  14. The angels are all shown in Heaven as Caucasian too (That means “white”, for those in Rio Linda, even though it’s more like pink …. ), with identical white wings …. and MANLY well trimmed beards, too. If AudreyAnnaNanna gets to heaven, perhaps she will meet SNL’s Rosanne Rosannadanna (Gilda Radner) and they can trim each other’s beards. I bet it looks like a snowstorm in Heaven when they all at the same time start wing moulting ….
  15. I’ve often noticed that even spirit creatures wear clothes. Where do they shop?
  16. I think it is a problem of visualization. Since if I make it, I will be one of the other sheep, not one of the anointed. Originally when you say resurrected you’re visualizing heavenly resurrection, And I am visualizing an earthly resurrection, so right off the bat there is a built-in semantics trap. If they are dead when they are resurrected, and pop up in heaven (spoink!), No one on earth will see them. Invisible things that happen/happened in heaven that cannot be detected on earth immediately loses my interest. You know my working theory of such things …. If it can’t be explained in two short paragraphs and less than 10 bullet points. …. It’s a word salad. When I was in the seventh grade, in English class we were taught to diagram sentences. You could diagram of a sentence and tell exactly what was being said, even if the author had not intended to say that. It’s a lot of work, and when I was younger, I did the work when studying scriptures so that’s what I’m used to. Now I realize that the above rambling essay is much larger then two short paragraphs, and 10 bullet, points so I’ll try to shorten it ………… 1.) since there is absolutely nothing I can do about ANY of it, I really don’t need to know at all !! 2.) Sometimes bullet points are not necessary. ( I have bigger problems down here where the rubber meets the road )
  17. Of course, if the resurrections began one billion years from now, I suppose (presumably) that technically it would be accurate to say they started after the fall of Babylon the Great. I believe the term for that, of which you may be familiar, is “Gross Prophet margin”. badda-bing!
  18. Having not seen the movie …. What is there to debate? Perhaps there are 42 others that have not seen the movie?
  19. Why not, say, several hundred years after the desolation of Armageddon?
  20. Perhaps I missed it somewhere along this thread, but the topic is ostensively: “The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great”. As is customary, we have wandered far afield from this topic, and that’s OK with me as I prefer “stream of consciousness” discussions, but possibly because I do not care at all when God chooses to resurrect someone, or not, (even though it is widely rumored that “all dogs go to heaven”), the thought occurred to me: “The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great” For the purposes of discussion, let’s assume that it is true. How could this possibly be known?
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