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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Perhaps I missed it somewhere along this thread, but the topic is ostensively: “The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great”.

    As is customary, we have wandered far afield from this topic, and that’s OK with me as I prefer “stream of consciousness” discussions, but possibly because I do not care at all when God chooses to resurrect someone, or not, (even though it is widely rumored that “all dogs go to heaven”), the thought occurred to me:

    “The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great”

    For the purposes of discussion, let’s assume that it is true.

    How could this possibly be known?

  2. It’s “not the hill I want to die on”. … and not even the hill I want to pick a fight on. 

    In fact, since my concept of “Heaven” is on the other side of the Big Bang … where there is true eternity, and Jehovah can understandably be “from everlasting to everlasting”, truly eternal because there is no arrow of time like here in OUR Univetse … a war in heaven that is completely invisible, based on dates that are ambiguous, and math that has NOT predicted the future, so far ….. no longer attracts my attention.

    Remember, this Universe is ONLY 13.8 billion years old, and Jehovah has ALWAYS existed … because in his Universe time happens all at once, and “elapsed time” does not exist.

    It’s my best, educated guess, anyway ….

    If I am right or wrong, absolutely NOTHING CHANGES.

  3. Some things are very reasonable, and some things are very Biblical.

    Hopefully they are the same things, but so far, human interpretation has left a lot to be desired. 

    For the past 2,000 plus years EVERYBODY. who has tried it has been wrong.

    Since I have ABSOLUTELY no power to change ANYTHING, or avoid all that is coming, I will be content to watch it …. Whatever it is …. As it unfolds before my eyes.

    I have a window on my doghouse, with a 360 degree view!


  4. It appears Wally McNasty is obsessed with me as JTR, or Pudgy. Probably because as Allen Smith I proved he was lying about owning a 50 cal. BMG SNIPER RIFLE, and the weapons I own out-did the weapons he supposedly owned.

    That pissing contest was a real classic. I wish I knew how to access it.


  5. Moise Racette, under many names here (being expelled many times for slander and general extreme nastiness and reappearing, evading multiple bans on this site …) has apparently resurfaced as JTRMcNasty as a further attempt to slander and misrepresent me.

    Every personna he has assumed here has been vile and nasty, eventually having him banned, each dedicated to denegrating others and slandering them, but seemingly focused on me because I destroy his pretentious, arrogant and false premises with simple reason and logic.

    I was commonly known here as JTR, before I switched to Pudgy, which is common knowledge that I have acknowledged, and his adopting the name “JTRMcNasty” is merely a further attempt to slander me.

    What he does not seem to realize is that he is trying to slander me … WITH HIS OWN NATURAL PERSONALITY!

    Several people have seen the Handel “JTRMcNasty”, but I have not.

    No matter what name he resurfaces as, in two posts it is crystal clear we are dealing with the same old obsessive, agenda driven, deceptive person that I branded as “Wally McNasty”, a descriptive name for anybody the shoe fits, that I made up.

  6. The fact that you deliberately left out the “a” in your silly explanation, as shown in your very own quote where you show it lined through, when the name field would allow it belies your explanation.

    People have entered much longer names than the one YOU CHOSE.

    26 minutes ago, EsADmf said:

    … Everything spiritual as a dictated and motivated follower ….

    Your own explanation condemns you.

    It is just plain not believable.

  7. 26 minutes ago, EsADmf said:

    Since no one here can possibly know what my handle means, I'll just blow off that insinuation.  Name 1 good Jehovah's witness here?

    Their characterization as well as apostates don't defer. Therefore, the only reproach is to the unrighteous and their defenders that just want to make a buck off this forum with fake accounts. I can't believe someone would call themselves Jehovah's witnesses and then defend the unrighteous. That behavior in itself is unrighteous. What worse, defending the unrighteous on the eve of Christ Sacrifice, shameful. ta-ta, lol! 😊

    I would have to fully agree with AudreyAnnaNana, as I did also look up your handle, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the evil, vile person that in my opinion you appear to be here is confirmed by your own self-identification.


  8. In 1971 I fasted for 90 days and lost 100 pounds … a pound a day … with the IBWH, “I’m broke, and what the hell” diet.

    The first week was uncomfortable.

    Not recommended if you are over 40 years old, or are not chubby to start with.

    I did drink a lot of water.



  9. The last Space Merchant I had any dealings with, I was an international Interplanetary Transport Relief Agent, sometimes referred to as a Space Pirate. It was a great job, as I used to work with lasers and got a lot of Tang, the powdered orange drink.

    But my Parrot got a bad cough, and got sucked into an air vent.

  10. Moise:

    I never defend apostates, and I do defend heretics … only when they are right.

    Do you still honestly believe you can vote on what is true and what is not, like the GB does when they come up with “new light”, like that silly, irrational, unscriptural, and absurd “Overlapping Generations” crap?

    No Elder at the KH has been able to explain it, and were highly embarrassed when I asked them to.

    Since you claim to be so smart (shiver ..), tell us please if you yourself believe it …and explain it so it makes any sense at all.

    Have you actually studied Bro. Splane’s “Overlapping Generations” Chart?



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