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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. No… you just use that as an excuse to bully people and intimidate them, if you can. Your insulting attitude PROVES YOUR MOTIVE.

    The only thing missing is spittle, and threats of being tortured forever in the fires of Hell !  …. unless of course I kowtow to your imagined superiority!

  2.  What MIGHT happen in a specific case in the future does not negate what is happening now.

    I have never claimed to be anything but a barbarian trying to be a JW, sometimes good at it, sometimes  not.

    But before I swore allegiance to God and Christ, years before, I swore, like Thomas Jefferson, “… upon the alter of God eternal hostility toward every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

    Fortunately I have no temper whatsoever, and an outrageous sense of humor, which means I don’t have to hide any bodies.

    I find the on-line blustering of bullies pathetically funny. 

    In person …. not so much.

  3. I wonder if I use the word hippopotamus in a sentence, Moise  will repeat it back to me “hippopotamus, eh …. you’re a hippopotamus too … and that other person is a hippopotamus too …… Yeah, that’s the ticket, you’re all hippopotamuses!”


  4. Space Merchant:

    To directly answer your question.

    I am 76 years old (in “people years”) and have a great deal of experience dealing with, and enduring “superfine mensatype theocratic bullies”. Moise is, and always has been a bully, and he cannot STAND it that I know …. as he also has enough experience and insight to know that I know.

    …., viewed through the “Leave it to Beaver” Eddie Haskell lens … I find his ad homonym attacks, from whatever hydra head by whatever name he pops up from the whack-a-mole hole to insult, bully, and attempt to libel and demean others to be consistently and pathetically funny.… and he knows this.

    That is why I am the prime target of his ire.

    But hey …. That’s Entertainment!

  5. 6 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

    Say's you as @Pudgy which are both bogus. However, for the 10th time, prove 1914, didn't happen? Come on thorn bush, take your foot out of your mouth and answer the question like an adult.

    I generally don’t reply to flame wars, but I Never said 1914 didn’t happen. Obviously it did. Also 1915, 1916, etc. to present day.

    Was there a war in heaven that established God’s Kingdom AT THAT TIME? 

    Could be …. Stranger things have occurred.

    I use the “Window Test” for such things as invisible heavenly wars that took place 14.5 billion light years away with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Yes there was a global world war, and 20 years later and even greater global world war using atomic bombs.

    Invisible war? No evidence (like piles of dead angels and mountains of broken wings and feathers ….) 

    I look out the window, and if I see NOT one scintilla of hard evidence of a ruling angelic King, nor any Great Tribulation, NOR Armageddon, I disregard the scenarios as unfounded, and ignore the deeply held beliefs of others as delusional fantasies.

    That being said, it all may be true.….. but without ANY EVIDENCE, I get better odds from a lottery ticket.

  6. All of the above having been said … I would still be surprised if more than 45 ex-JW ACTIVISTS show up in Washington DC for any “Anti-Watchtower” demonstrations … and positively stunned if even one legislator gives a damn.

    JWs don’t vote, and they know it …. Even if they cared … which they don’t.

    The Democrat Party has gone completely insane in the past few years, and they ALL STAY completely busy ignoring it.

  7. I remember Bill Cosby‘s dissertation on crossing a hippopotamus  with a giraffe, and most of it was a giraffe, but it had a hippopotamus head which was so heavy that it dragged on the ground, and the hipporaffe could  only see where it had been.

    Only the female hipporaffs were fertile, so the male hipporaffes could not continue the line, and normal hippos did not have ladders, so normal male giraffes had the height advantage.

  8. Thanks Wally/Moise … I shall do that right now!

    The writing style matches yours, Wally/Moise, et al & ad nauseum,  in at least three points, and add that to the downpour of red down votes that came with it, I figure it’s a very high probability that Wally McNasty, and you are the same person, Moise.

    It’s an exact match!

    ….. what I think is hilarious is that you adopted the Wally McNasty persona…… And then the actual screen name, entirely on your own!

    …..and then try to obscure and obfuscate that you did!



  9. 2 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

    Then the poster doesn't understand the science behind what is "whole" blood. The same dysfunction as @Pudgy and John Butler. …..

    I have the same dysfunction about not understanding the science behind what is “whole” blood as the Old Testament Jews.

    I have the same dysfunction about not understanding the science behind what is “whole” blood as the New Testament 1st century Christians.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses got it right the first time, then caved to keep from being sued.

    Nowadays, it’s not about “abstain from blood”. …. but about not bleeding out money.

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