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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. The incompetent ALWAYS resort to ad hominem attacks when their arguments fail miserably.
  2. Notice Dear Reader (hahaHAHhaha) that Poindexter did not address ANY of my enumerated points … and only advocated traditional simplistic extrapolations of similar thoughts, and word salad irrelevancies. People shoes, and Brake shoes are not the same thing …. Even for Fred Flintstone.
  3. So, you think the five enumerated points above are “… nonsense as usual”? Since you would not post that scripture YOU SUPPLIED in context, and by your own admission refused to do so 8 times and more, and refused to discuss the five enumerated points above, I posit the ONLY way to have an “educated Bible discussion” with you is have a Prefrontal Lobotomy, and agree with your unscriptural goofy tradition based and irrational thinking.
  4. WOW! You are TOTALLY divorced from reality! The fact that your bogus irrational fantasy “counterpoint” count arbitrarily jumped from a 144 count to a 244 count proves both are false.
  5. So … You just admitted trying to obfuscate the issue 8 times … Now it’s nine times! I present for your consideration the following: 1.) NINE TIMES you tried to divert from having to post the scripture YOU PROVIDED in context, to refute my viewpoint, and, 2.) The Brother who was not allowed to marry at a Kingdom Hall who committed suicide had his funeral at a Kingdom Hall, and if he had murdered anyone, as Snowflakes extrapolate, his funeral at the KH WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED if he had, and, 3.) The TWO Biblical examples of those did kill themselves were never disparaged in any way by God or Jew for doing so, and, 4.) It was common practice for Jews about to be captured by cruel enemies to suicide …. Ever read about the Roman siege of the mountain top Jewish fortress of Masada? About 900 Jews in one night suicided rather than be captured, and finally, 5.) NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE is suicide forbidden or even disparaged. ….. go fitch!
  6. Diversion number 8. ….and perhaps Moise boy should learn to spell FETCH!
  7. That is the Elephant in the room you refuse to address ….. and it’s YOUR ELEPHANT!
  8. Pretty sad …. You can’t even quote a scripture and the context. Here’s how: ” <——- begin with quotation marks, …………. <——— insert 1/2 page context, …………. <——— insert scripture, …………. <——- insert the 1/2 page context, ” <——- end with quotation marks. It’s really not that hard, Moise.
  9. I have not read the Book of James for over 50 years, so this is a good opportunity for you to “show me up”, with actual proof, instead of diversionary innuendo and slander, ad hominem attacks and obfuscation.
  10. Moise: Sigh….. once Again you completely failed to address the elephant in the room …. What does the scripture you quoted in James 4:1-4, and the context that went before it and the context that went after it would indicate if James was talking about your two rebuttal points, or about strife in the Congregation. Until you address that, buzzword scriptures are meaningless. Care to stay on YOUR original rebuttal scripture, and address whether or not YOU HAVE MISAPPLIED IT to fit your Snowflake agenda? I may be wrong …. And in one paragraph including the full scripture in James 4 in full context you can prove me wrong. I will then admit you were right, give you an upvote, and your weekend will be complete!! Be a sport …. do it. It is less work than your above meaningless buzzword post, and avoids the six diversions and two ad hominem attacks you used as a poor substitute for a simple, in-context quote from the same scripture YOU said supported your Snowflake agenda.
  11. Ok, I will let you supply the answer, as I am too lazy to look it up. The scripture, in context with the general subject of what was being discussed before and after the scripture you quoted …. Was James talking to worldly people, or about strife inside the Congregation?
  12. I only watched about 20% of the above video when I realized the man was making some normal but unfounded assumptions about what was really going on for which he had no evidence whatsoever. He said the Brother that committed suicide was “qualified” to have his memorial service at the Kingdom Hall after his death, although he had not “qualified” to get married at the Kingdom Hall. ….. and alluded to his request was rejected that is why he suicided, and that the “qualifications” were the same for both. They are not. He May have been a very fine but mentally distressed Brother, recently divorced without scriptural grounds, as viewed by the “Watchtower”, which would make it impossible for him to marry at a Kingdom Hall. But still in good standing at his death, he had a KH funeral. The God of the Bible NOWHERE condemns suicide, but many Snowflakes say it does, so it makes sense he could have a KH funeral service. Logical. Reasonable. Rational. And compassionate. Or, it could be any one of 53 or more OTHER simple or complex situations common to humans, or something completely new. Without additional hard fact the video starts out based on heresay, and sloppy, REALLY sloppy thinking. Third hand heresay. What is embarrassing for me is for the first few minutes I “went along” with it, until I started visualizing it in detail and what he was saying became based on too many unfounded ASSUMPTIONS. False premises is an effective way to mislead people, because it sounds similar to things you are already familiar with, and most people are comfortable with that. TV salesmen do this all the time.
  13. That only applies if you are in fact Wally McNasty, who by whatever screen name he avoids the many bans by, always eventually trips himself up by being Nasty, including ad hominem attacks, as you just proved once again.
  14. If this was all you had posted, the poster would have earned an upvote he so craves, as when I post, currently, I post as a poster who posts as a 2 dimensional generic cartoon self declared heretic posting dog just looking for a post to pee on … even though cute, cuddly 2D cartoon dogs never pee at all, and only dump when confronted with a Wally McNasty.
  15. Sometimes, you look at a problem so closely that you cannot see the answer unless you already know. This happens in every aspect of human life. The best way to get experience is to use bad judgment, and it beats you about the head. CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING!!!! What the first picture portrayed was the existence of a very small combination padlock, between two gates. The padlock shows up best in the center of the 1st (enlarged) picture, above.
  16. This photo was taken toward the street about 30 degrees left and about 30 degrees down angle, to determine if something was there or not, about 25 feet away.
  17. I learned it by observing bad detectives. this is an enlargement of a REAL thing from my pole mounted security camera, taken at night. Can you tell what it is?
  18. Sixteen people can look at the same identical fact and come up with sixteen different interpretations, some with complicated nuances, as you show above. That is why there a good, fair, and poor detectives, and medical examiners ….. and all searchers for Truth.
  19. In the meantime … 100% of hard evidence suggests we are on our own to fend for ourselves, until then.…. And “Good Guys” is always used in comparison to the “Bad Guys”, otherwise it gets convoluted and cumbersome.
  20. I have noticed that after oceans of blood, and mountains of bodies, and centuries of time ….. the “Good Guys” always win.
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