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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. By the way Moise … you never answered my question about “How was the (David Splane) Chart misrepresented?” … another of your baseless accusations.
  2. Moise: here is a test for you. I call it the “Bluster Test”, named after Phineas T. Bluster, the marionette Mayor of Doodyville, home of Howdy Doody, of TV fame in the 1950’s. (reference video on YouTube, if interested …) You have specifically accused me of “exploitation of scripture”. The burden of proof is yours. Specifically, what scriptures have I exploited, and how does one even “exploit a scripture”?
  3. I hardly ever mention scripture, because even those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who have a really good understanding of core beliefs often differ greatly about the peripheral meaning of less emphasized scripture. it is my considered opinion that all scripture is inspired of God, and if you’re going to interpret it, do it with common sense, and not contradict things that are obviously real. Interpretations that contradict just plain old common sense, and elementary reasoning and logic, in my opinion start out highly suspect, and upon cross-examination often dissolve into a puff of fluff. I like to talk about the ideas and principles that scripture expounds upon by direct reference, and by inference.…..always testing to see if it meets the reality test. “Make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine …… And kick the rest in the ribs.” (paraphrased)
  4. How was the chart misrepresented? ( I TRIED to make that question into five parts with three different subjects, but I lost my train of thought……)
  5. That’s not an attack, merely an observation.
  6. When a poster posts a post, the post that they post it’s sometimes from another poster who having posted their posts becomes the current poster. …. reminds me of the time that I took my label maker and made a label for my label maker that said “LabelMaker,“ and on my label maker posted the label, and then I made a smaller label that said “label” and put it on the label maker label that said “Labelmaker”. …. better to be safe, than sorry.
  7. It’s enough to make me think Androids DO dream of electric sheep …..
  8. I know it’s just a coincidence but the insertion of one of the sponsors ads right between two of your paragraphs what is distracting.
  9. Have Patience: … and while you wait perhaps a reading comprehension course
  10. I can tell you why there are no Octopudgys. Years ago I had drank about six beers from my dog dish at the beach and feeling amorous, saw a lady Octopus at the water’s edge. I don’t remember what happened next, but I woke up next to a soggy plaid bagpipes.
  11. If you would like to see the James Bond actor Daniel Craig completely Ace a role with a heavy “ Ah shucks” southern drawl in the murder mystery “Glass Onion”, one show worth the cost of a monthly Netflix subscription, I really enjoyed it. It was touted as a spoof on Elon Musk, but I did not see that strong a connection.
  12. I just finished your five part Elon Musk series and enjoyed it so much I thought about writing you a check for $10,000 but then I thought ……… Not. The BB IS 100% GOP, if for no other reason than the Dims have absolutely no sense of humor.
  13. Ten seconds later I got the widows/windows thing. Not bad. Only took 44 years and ten seconds.
  14. I asked them about that, and got two, with ketchup. Seriously, it was a bar. I don’t remember any live entertainment. I was the “new guy” on the project (light rail subway design) and they were taking me to lunch. I was wearing a cowboy hat and they said “You go in first.” …..0h. Wow. I just got it.
  15. Basically, that means being agreeable and courteous, and trying to understand another’s viewpoint. One summer in Pittsburgh PA possibly 1978, a bunch of us from work went to this bar with no widows for lunch. I was first to reach the door and as I opened it this huge muscular drunk black guy with tattoos was in the doorway facing me. He says “Nobody likes me..” and I patted him on his shoulder and said “Welll, I can certainly understand that.”, and we had a nice 30 second conversation about sports something or another, blocking the doorway, while the people behind me audibly gasped, and anticipated a fight. He left, and we went inside and had lunch, with two beers. They talked about that for years! Apparently, in the bar section of Liberty Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh, that was not the normal outcome ……
  16. If seeking Truth is your goal … the rules of debate on how to do that were worked out a thousand years ago.
  17. I fully agree. But is it kindness to allow a brother in your home who spits on you and the other guests, taking advantage of the scriptural counsel exercised by others to ignore it themself? I think not. Three years ago I took a relative into my home to live rent free after her eviction, and as I sat in a chair she chewed me out for 2-1/2 hours about things she didn’t like. I even got 10 minutes of how I was so smug, not reacting to her complaints. She thought because I loved her she had an inalienable RIGHT to be there. I gave her three days to find another place and leave. She refused to go. I had a police officer explain it to her. All you have quoted is completely valid, Amidtheroses, but there is more to everything than just that …. usually.
  18. Your wish is senseless. I have no agenda. I am not debating anyones’ viewpoint BUT MY OWN, which when I get new facts, will change. About 11 years ago I caught myself saying in discussions about Superman “Superman said this” or “Superman did that…”, or “Kal-El did this or that”, etc. with others who were doing the same thing, and realized I was starting to think in patterns of “Well, you know, perhaps the Neutrinos from our Sun gave Superman his super powers ….”. Since then I always in a debate about fantasies start out specifying that we are debating fictional ideas. “ The CHARACTER Superman had a dog named Krypto, etc.” There is even an error in that last sentence, but it one point it all becomes too cumbersome. Abjuring agenda driven thinking is hard work.
  19. In a religious debate forum, you can’t just be unhappy with the other person‘s viewpoint, you have to destroy it with Facts and sound reasoning and reason and logic so that it is obvious to everybody. The technique you use is quite contrary to that. You ask rhetorical questions of similar things or try to throw the burden on the personality and character of the poster. Or questions to answer would require a 30 page thesis, like “How is that different from the way Adolph Hitler would do it?” This never works, because it’s not using fact, reality based, independently verifiable reason and logic, it is using obfuscation and redirection. Agenda driven arguments almost always fail unless they’re based on solid, verifiable and clearly elucidated truth. That is why on this earth there may be At any one time 2 billion Wally McNasty’s, and their arguments will fail if challenged. If I am in a knock down, drag out religious debate, (and I’ got my bloody wounds in knock down, drag out religious debate in IRC many years ago, and had my ass handed back to me on a platter for irrational debate), I realized that you CAN have faulty logic handed back to you on a plate like steaming entrails. Very painfull to realize your cherished agenda is wrong. “Stuff Happens” YOU NEVER WIN A WAR BY WHINING ABOUT IT.
  20. If you want to have a happy life, and most people do, it seems, Moise, that your being here does not contribute to that. I would recommend that during periods of depression and loneliness that you take up Skydiving. I did, and I guarantee it will work. If the parachute doesn’t open, your next jump is FREE!
  21. I wonder if waiting with baited breath includes fishing worms? Sardines? Crickets?
  22. When in a religious debate demanding specific scriptures to support specific ideas becomes “hateful”, the phrase “… do not go beyond the things that are written ..” becomes noise.
  23. I have no idea what the relevence is to any possible validity to your arguments.
  24. “The public” doesn’t’ care squat. ….. and they don’t come here. Faulty arguments (SURPRISE!) on both counts.
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