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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. I can prove that riding a horse is not a sin, and a horse paralyzed and killed “Superman”, played by Christopher Reeves.

    If God considered it a sin to endanger one’s life on a horse, he would have said so.

    He did not.

    Simple logic.

    Same thing with suicide.

    But … it’s not up to me to prove suicide is NOT a sin … it’s up to you to prove it IS a sin,  with specific, unambiguous Scripture addressing that specific point.

    Since none exists, and there are three Biblical examples that contradict your false supposition, your only possible solution is to confuse and misapply.

    Sometimes …. When you are in the “Arena of Ideas”, and all the blood in the sand is yours … it’s time to go home.

  2. I enjoy our little verbal combats, and have no objection to your being here.

    It’s not that I always win, because I don’t. But sometimes I admire your tenacity and perseverance to the bitter end, when you always lose. 

    Example: when you cannot find any scriptures condemning suicide and flounder and choke, but keep going full speed ahead.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Allen Smith said:

    The last post indicates, EVERYONE in this world has a get out of jail free card. Meaning, they will be forgiven and brought back in resurrection because they simply committed suicide. No consequence. Reminds me of the Catholic Church.

    No, it does not.

    You just PROVED my previous post.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Allen Smith said:

    In your mind, God will bring back King Saul, Judas Iscariot, and anyone that committed suicide, that have murdered their own bodies that had ulterior motives for them taking that life?

    What you are telling the public is, you need to see the word "suicide" in order for you NOT to challenge God's sovereignty by his creation. Isaiah 55:8

    (Romans 12:1, 2) 12 Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. 2 And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    I find it amazing someone can choke on false premises  as much as you do, and not strangle themselves.


  5. 1 minute ago, Anna said:

    When someone commits suicide, it's because they are not of sound mind, if perhaps only for that moment. Jehovah is not going to punish them for that. 

    The is no record in the Bible that there is any punishment whatsoever for suicide, and many people go on “Suicide Missions” , knowing for a certainty that they are going to die, in duty to some perceived concept of the “greater good”.

    Often we as bystanders view this a an honorable thing of courage and a sound mind, as well as a lamentable tragedy.

    Jesus, of course, was the perfect example.

  6. 5 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

    He would be very hurt if we trashed our gift of life…💔

    I very seriously doubt that Jehovah gets upset that much about our deaths, as he has the ability to in an instant restore any of us to perfect life and health with a casual thought. 

    No loss to Him whatsoever!

    Whatever He cares about is in his memory, completely untarnished.

    All living things on Earth die, from microbe to Great Whale, without a single exception, since life began on this Earth. 

    The supposition does not match reality.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Allen Smith said:

    ….. Human beings don't have a RIGHT to do what they wish with their bodies. Taking their life, harms the body in God's eyes. So, YES!!!! The Bible does say something about suicide without using the WORD suicide.

    OK …… Once again I challenge you to point out the Scriptures where God forbids a person from killing one’ own self, specifically, and to THAT specific point. 

    Since we do have at least two specific examples, perhaps an exposition of SPECIFIC SCRIPTURES using the examples of 1.) Judge Sampson, and 2.) King Saul, both who committed Suicide …. Er …. Killed themselves. 

    You could list them as:

    1.) Judge Sampson = ___________________________

    2.) King Saul = ___________________________

    Or, you could continue to try and hypnotize with many words, which more often than not, unfortunately, does work.

  8. 1 hour ago, Amidstheroses said:

    Since the hairs on our head are numbered, he is infinitesimally aware of our aches and pains…

    The Bible repeatedly prohibits murder and defiling of one’s body. As our loving life-giver, He has offered to support us through ANYTHING 💖

    “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power”  🙏 Philippians 4:13

    He would be very hurt if we trashed our gift of life…💔

    As would be the brotherhood and our friends to a lesser degree 💔

    Our fleshly family 💔


    2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    My understanding of Jehovah is that he is very understanding of our circumstances and hardships, an that is why He nowhere in the Bible prohibits or speaks against  suicide.

    Those who believe otherwise are just playing with a lot of words that apply to other things, but not this.


  9. It used to be even more common in the Truth  and in the general population in the 60’s before it became universal to put up guardrails before the approaches to bridge underpasses to deflect vehicles from the concrete supports.

    I suspect loneliness and unrequited love kills at least as many people each year as Covid does now, especially among men and boys.

    I feel sad for his family, but at least he is not in anguish, anymore.

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