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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Because Wally McNasty’s arguments were always faulty, and quite obviously agenda driven, I always thought they were funny, in a tragically sad sort of way, and considered his many downvotes as unintended complements. I had absolutely nothing to do with Wally McNasty’ being bounced as his continuous vindictive sanctimonious insults I considered to be light entertainment. Especially when he went into spasm downvote mode where everything was someone else’s fault. No…. Three times he tried to disguise what he was, and each time was thrown out with no input from me for being a slow learner.
  2. As long as you do not attack individual people you are completely free to attack ideas. So it is when your ideas get attacked. Turnabout is fair play. Wally McNasty was bounced three times under three different screen names because the failure of his arguments drove him to vicious and hate laced ad-hominym attacks.
  3. I find it stunning and somewhat similar that among the Nations often the death penalty is not considered “cruel and unusual punishment”, but having your citizenship revoked is, and is subject to greater restrictions.
  4. When you formulate questions that have no basis except false presumptions, they don’t really deserve an answer. Like the old saying goes,”…. if you sing to a Pig you ruin your voice, and irritate the pig.” Putting lipstick on a pig does not help.
  5. Of COURSE God will judge. if a Brother kills a shooter at the Kingdom Hall who has just murdered a Sister, and then grenades through the window, and is an active threat to the Congregation I suspect he may be chastised for littering. If he saves YOUR life, Moise, will you still condemn him?
  6. The key is this: when the avenger of blood learned that a relative had been killed, and he chased after him to kill him before he reached the City of Refuge, did the avenger of blood murder the person he killed? Does God consider the avenger of blood himself blood guilty for exacting vengeance? Does God consider the avenger of blood himself blood guilty for exacting vengeance? The answer is obviously no. This is the perfect example of how killing someone else can be justified, AND THAT JUSTIFIABLE HOMOCIDE IS NOT MURDER. Another example is that God has allowed secular governments to wield a sword to exact punishment even to the point of death. Is that murder? In that case, again, it is justifiable homicide ….. and NOT MURDER. With these clear-cut examples, which have no ambiguity whatsoever, how can any rational person say that justifiable self-defense and killing someone who is trying to kill you is wrong, and incurs bloodguilt? Simple. By ignoring reality for agenda driven thinking. USE SOME COMMON SENSE!
  7. It is my considered opinion that people have the right before God to commit suicide. There are many examples in the Bible of those who did commit suicide without any disparagement at all. Sometimes it’s necessary, other times it’s a really really stupid idea, But that’s another story. Sometimes it’s an idea and action born of loneliness, desperation or necessity, as in the case of the Judge Sampson. I often lament that when “my time comes“, there will be no one to show me the same kindness as I showed my dog Cubby, when she was dying of cancer.
  8. Moise: You are confusing two entirely different principles. In the Bible, and today among every nation on Earth, warfare is NEVER CONSIDERED TO BE MURDER. OTHERWISE … there could never be peace! …..be a sport. Actually look it up. (…. and as an aside, you always revert to ad hominem attacks when your arguments are failing.)
  9. If you research the Hebrew word for “murder” the analysis is quite extensive. There is a world of difference between “justifiable homicide” and “murder”. Self defense is justifiable homicide. If you prefer, you can always let the scumbag KILL YOU and/or your family and friends instead. It was common practice during Jesus’ time for all men to be armed, all the time …. Especially fishermen. Or do you think that for 3-1/2 years Jesus did not notice that at least two Apostles and those fishermen Apostles carried knives and swords? if someone is trying to kill you, and you defend yourself and kill him first, yes there is BLOODGUILT. His blood is on his OWN HANDS, not yours.… .….. much better than having YOUR blood all over the parking lot. I strongly suspect when at least two Apostles were carrying their personal swords, they were not also carrying over sized spoons and forks.
  10. Actually……… The commandment in the Bible says in Hebrew, “You shall not murder”. Self defense is not murder. Neither is killing animals for food, or useful materials, like loin clothes. God did that. Owls eat mice …. And THEY can FLY !
  11. Anna, My best guess with the information we have at this moment in time is that the victim and the murderer or both were members of that particular congregation. Whether it was because they died, or were disfellowshipped or some other thing is ambiguous at this moment in time. They MAY have even been current JWs at a different Kingdom Hall. At any rate, my best guess is that if these people were ever Jehovah’s Witnesses, it will not be mentioned on JW.org news. It’s like the reporting they did on humanitarian aid of Haiti when they had the earthquake, and the Society worked with the United Nations and the U.S. Army distributing relief supplies. You never heard that aspect of it, And almost nothing was reported on JW.org news.
  12. I never said that the world has not changed, or anything remotely close to that. My statements stand as written. Everone who has ever predicted dates for the “end times” has been wrong. All the complex calculations have been a fantasy induced fraud. Look out the window. No Great Tribulation, Armageddon, or New System is evident. Have patience.
  13. What if the shooter had decided to kill everybody in the parking lot in addition to his wife? The police are typically 12 minutes away, but an armed BROTHER could be as little as one 16th of a second (usually 3 to 5 seconds) away to solve the problem without a parking lot full of bodies and blood.
  14. On Christmas Eve Santa stops at a hotel in Bethlehem, and puts two large iron railroad spikes on the night clerk’s desk, and says “… can you put me up for the night?”. (… too soon?)
  15. …… I think we all know the answer to that question ….. “Da Big Man” of the season is not Jesus … it’s Santa. Jesus is just the excuse to get the churches to party for 12 days.
  16. ….. which brings up the question …. If Santa and Jesus got into a fist fight at the school playground, who would the kids root for to win?
  17. Among those “in the know”, it is well-established that the moon landing of July 20, 1969 was completely faked in a studio on Mars.
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