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Posts posted by Pudgy


    (… that really is pushing the limits of absurdity, but it’s  standard salutation …)

    Please note that Georgie was challenged to PROVE his assertions …. or by default, prove that he himself was lying and deceitful by not being able to show where ex-witnesses or the Norwegian Government were deceitful.


    That makes HIS status for credibility self evidently ZERO.


    Posting three completely unrelated links about Covid and elections, etc. is only an attempt to be deceitful, assuming your audience is stupid, gullible, and easily hypnotized by many words.

    It is EXACTLY the same thing as DELIBERATELY LYING.

    It assumes Georgie thinks he is lying to idiots and fools, who will never catch him in his lies.

  2. I won’t know for a year if it is a “permanent” repair that probably won’t clog up.

    50% of all USA white males are dead at age 76. 

    I am 77.  ( in people years ….) 😁😁😁

     heh, heh. heh. ( Ah gots da edge! )


  3. I believe Chat GBT is having trouble with the word “covered”. 

    Try this: “Draw a black an white New Yorker style cartoon with a man in bib overalls facing a wall, who has just hit his thumb with a hammer and is screaming  special character profanity in a text balloon with a woman behind him dressed in a housedress and apron with her two index fingers touching the ear holes of a stupid looking parrot on a perch”

    Alternately, a non-sequiter style cartoon of the Delorean from “Back to the Future” in an abandoned shopping mall parking lot, with Dr. Emmett Brown slamming his hand in the car door, and exclaiming in a text balloon “Great Scott! and random fluctuations at 1.21 gigawatts in the spacetime continuum!!”, with Marty McFly watching in horror.

  4. I am going to take a nap, and then polish my boots for the Memorial tomorrow night.

    Please feel free to continue bickering about nothing.

    It’s low calorie, and won’t make you …. *koff*  …. pudgy.

  5. Friday a week ago I had  heart surgery, and complicated it by refusing all blood or blood fractions. There was some bleeding, but not much. 

    Matthew the 18th chapter tells Christians how to run a Congregation in Jesus’ absence.

    in either case it “is a good hill to die on.”

    Manny the Used Car Elder and Manny the Used Car Surgeon  BOTH need to be ignored.

    Sometimes you die.

    ….. everybody does ANYWAY.

  6. …. For the agenda driven intellectually challenged people, what I have just recommended is only what the Bible specifically states.

    Specific and direct instructions directly fromJesus Christ, on exactly how to run a Congregation.

    …. specific and direct instructions from our King, Jesus Christ, on EXACTLY how to run a congregation.

    Do we do that that way?

    Not even close.

  7. All these problems can be solved if the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society administers Justice and policy as specifically outlined by Jesus in Matthew the 18th chapter.

    Matthew 18:15 is a critical key element of that.

    … so simple a solution.

    So important it was recognized and incorporated into the Constitution of the United States.

    All JWs know Matthew 18:15  is a command as important as Memorial attendance.

    This creates a problem, though…….

    It disenfranchises arbitrary use of power, to do arbitrary things.

    ….like ignoring Matthew 18.



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