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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Who cares? If it’s a total waste of time …. It’s THEIRS to waste!
  2. My thought was it was simply “name brand” Advertizing …. At one time in Times Square, New York City there was a huge lighted Coca Cola sign, about 6 stories tall Advertizing their brand. People have a Constitutional right to be there ….
  3. I really don’t know the answer to that one, but perhaps some JWs are just smarter than you are ?
  4. …. Because although God is the Sovereign of the Universe, he needs clergy to manage money.
  5. My question only required a “yes” or “no” answer. Plus after the answer a one line ON TOPIC exposition.
  6. I agree with what you were saying, but looking at that particular scripture if you translate it Word for Word, would it actually say, Word for Word, how you personally interpreted it?
  7. … and not to worry…. I have an air conditioned Thunderdome powered by slaves on a giant gerbil wheel.
  8. Tonite’s forecast: Dark … followed by early scattered brightness.
  9. A “typo” is when you accidentally hit the wrong key on a keyboard. The above “correction” was “revised history.” Your explanation, C-D67, is bogus agenda driven wokeness.
  10. C-D67 ….. it’s ok here to insult ideas …. You insult people. You are the only one here that does. THAT’S why you get “special treatment”.
  11. If you sing to a pig you just ruin your voice, and irritate the pig. It’s a phenomenon that works in both directions.
  12. ….. if you notice a bony grey hand clawing it’s way up out of the ground, it’s probably just Wally McNasty come to downvote.
  13. As a 75 year old person who has been blind, twice, I recommend to see an opthamologist and get a Rx for Pilocarpine 2% eye drops. I have been using them for 17 years, and they dramatically improve your “depth of field”. Without glasses I can see leaves on trees and power lines 400 feet away, and close up see the texture of currency 7 inches away. PLUS outdoors it’s like having built-in sunglasses, and bright lights don’t bother you anymore. In Camera terms it’s like the difference between f:2.8, and f:16.
  14. I suspect Arauna’s version is more accurate, but I think either version would be best evaluated by reading about it at a table, in a comfortable chair, with good lighting, in a history book 600 years from now. In the military there is the adage, “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.”, which is very often true. Soon enough …. Perhaps too soon, we will ALL KNOW from first hand experience. I just spent the last 20 minutes belly-laughing at the reader comments to the following breaking FOXNEWS FLASH!
  15. Pudgy

    Got Polio?

    It is my personal opinion, for what it’s worth, that things like polio, and monkey pox, and other viruses are spontaneously created from sewage with all that sloshing around, etc. If you don’t eat or drink sewage you’ll be relatively safe if you stay away from people that do.
  16. CO2 is ……… Plant Food! That’s where trees get the carbon to make wood!
  17. I hope his flying car has better brakes than Fred Flintstone’s.
  18. …. and yes, Caleb and Sophia, being 3D cartoon characters COULD have been found on a mailed in tip ….
  19. ……. and now for some late breaking news from the JW Closed Club ……
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