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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. In the 2D Cartoon World we have similar communications problems …..
  2. …. Or like when Joe Biden gets oil on the windshield of his tractor trailer rig when he has to drive to another state for an abortion!
  3. The two major religions on this earth today or the church of climate change, and the church of Covid, and worship is mandatory.
  4. How is this different from beer? I mean… you buy a case of beer, it’s yours, but when you drink it, it becomes a rental!
  5. …. We always felt comfortable just leaving her with the dog …..
  6. If only in theological discussions there were some semblance of common sense, discussions would go a lot easier and be more logical and coherent. But it appears that common sense is sorely lacking which allows everything to be misconstrued, bent out of shape Or exaggerated…… And even more often things, ideas and expressions that are totally harmless are considered to be Proclamations of Evil. I think Brother Lett’s expressions about babies being enemies of God were meant for a educated sane, savvi theocratic audience who actually thinks about things and doesn’t have a knee-jerk reactions to something that may in another context be creepy but in the context it was intended perhaps with a little thought would be OK. If someone who is borderline insane would listen to him, all bets are off. A good example of this would be the infamous “Pillowgate“ videos for the new Bethelites. This fiasco went around the world several times creeping everybody out and to be fair it was world-class creepy, awkward and dumber than a bag of sticks in its presentation, but the fact remains that it was very good advice. …… being fair is a double edge sword, it cuts both ways and although Brother Lett is sometimes creepy to those that don’t know him, at least 50% of the time he gave us good advice. This is better than most corporations, where if an executive gives good advice 50% of the time he’s considered to be effective at his job, and then you get somebody like Elon Musk who is right about 95% of the time and it makes him look like the Messiah. Elon Musk has a philosophy that he’s not gonna analyze something to death before he tries it out, he puts stuff together he thinks will work and then sees if it blows up on him. And occasionally it does.
  7. I am having trouble visualizing a Bond Girl looking at James Bond, and thinking “Oooooh!, nice feathers”.
  8. Oh, I dunno, I was more offended by Stephen Lett referring to them as “little angels”. I had buffalo wings at Golden Corral (a new item) today and was overdone with a great sadness thinking that somewhere in Montana there were great flocks of flightless buffalo.
  9. I am well aware that Witness has nothing better to offer, but if anyone does, I will consider their arguments. Four times I challenged her for specifics, and got nothing.
  10. Perhaps this is why the Eskimos of NE Canada turn cats upside down and use them for snow shoes.
  11. PwfT: Your post is based somewhat in truth, but overall on false premises. And you assume that JWs are homogenous in their thinking … similar to thinking all Mexicans sound like the cartoon character Speedy Gonzoles, wear sombreros, and eat tacos for breakfast, or assuming that all Germans are closet Nazis. Ok, that MIGHT have been a bad example …. But with human beings, there is truly infinite variety ….
  12. Witness: You need to take a course somewhere on “reading comprehension”., as it has been well advertised by me over the last 10 years or so that I disagree with 85% of what the Governing Body had taught over the past 50 and more years…. which of course makes me a heretic, but the magnificent changes in people’s lives cannot be ignored. Neither can the fact that the 15% they get right are the most important and relevant part. I am a firm believer in statistical probability, and the probability of them being the true Congregation of God is very high based on the day to day application of the 15% core beliefs that impart a true understanding, IN SPITE OF a continuous sad comedy of errors and self-aggrandizing vanities common to all ego laden males. Testosterone is a blessing and a curse. I do not see how in good conscience you can advocate Jehovah’s Witnesses “jumping ship”, when you will not even indicate WHERE there is a safe harbor, by filling out the stupid form, above. One does not fight a war …. and it is a war … . With the army you want …. You fight a war with the ARMY YOU HAVE. ….. which makes much of what you say, although true, in the context of practical reality, it is also irrelevant. Leave them alone, or you will with the imprimatur of good conscience, actually be found fighting against God. Theology is a seductive gig …. In the history of the world, NOBODY, not a single natural man, has yet gotten it right.
  13. Yes, I saw it…. So YOU are the Big Kahuna? I think not. You avoided then, the same questions I asked on this page.
  14. In a horse race where ALL the horses are crippled in one way or another, the way to bet is on the horse with the LEAST damage.
  15. Otherwise, Witness, your rants are meaningless noise, expecting humans to be what no humans are capable of being.
  16. Witness: The acid test for me is this: Can you personally direct me to an organization, group, tribe or congregation that does NOT EXHIBIT all the faults you attribute to Jehovah’s Witnesses? Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: __________________________________ Country: _______________________________ Phone No: _____________________________ Email: __________________________________ I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses currently, and have been disfellowshipped twice, but objectively it is still my opinion that the 15% of the things they do right is better than anybody else in current operation. They are mankind’s best bet to have righteous lives acceptable to Jehovah God. Prove me wrong. Fill out the above “form”, and tell me WHY!
  17. Meanwhile, in Westminster California, this guy is running around loose ……stabbing people to death. The Police can’t seem to find him….
  18. Oh yaz ….. Before TTH got his green reptilian tail fixed, so his pants would fit better, he was known as “Master of Spacetime and Dimension”, and carried around a stick with a star on the end, bopping people on the head and turning them into penguins, which he ate. You are merely a morsel of an afterthought, which can be a good thing! … and it is GHREAT fun to use the word “morsel” in a sentence ….
  19. You don’t tug on Superman‘s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger and you don’t mess around with TTH. Babeedle bop boop bop boop!
  20. Great! A setup for the reincarnation of Wally McNasty! …I was wondering when the other shoe would drop.
  21. It just occurred to me that George Benson and President Joe Biden are about the same age. Although I never think of George Benson outside of these discussions, unfortunately Joe Biden occupies my thoughts quite a bit and apparently many others as well. Considering all of that, I think George Benson has done quite well in these discussions.
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