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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. ….. perhaps I could find a movie “Octopi on a City Bus”, to take my mind off of George Benson 🥑🥑🥑
  2. Hey, my English may not be as good as Mr. Peabody’s, but certainly better than his boy, Sherman. 🫒
  3. I have seen what DHMO can do to metal, yet knowing that I can’t stop.
  4. I will get it wherever I can … sometimes a clerk at a 7-11 store will sell me some of the really pure stuff, sometimes my pharmacy has some. I have to be careful not to get it in my lungs …..
  5. Yeah…. I am addicted to Dihydrogen Monoxide and need a fix about four times a day. One time I overdosed and spent 4 days in the hospital with congestive heart failure, and lost 26 pounds. At my age, if I do without, after 4 days of increasingly severe withdrawal symptoms, I would be dead. So, I sneak it into my coffee and Ovaltine in the morning. Sometimes, when I am working outside, it comes through the pores of my skin and stains my clothes, but I don’t care! Sometimes I take three times as much.
  6. Have you considered how and for what purposes a Lion’s Teeth were specifically designed?
  7. Whew! “Snakes on a Plane ….”. That’s what it was about! Who knew?
  8. I think my “George Benson” buffer is overloaded …. think I will watch a movie. “Snakes on a Plane”. Wonder what THAT is about ? …….
  9. The NEXT question logically should be: ”What the hell is “FIGURATIVE STRAW”?”
  10. The point remains that in the New System animals and every other living thing is going to eat what they have always eaten, and what they eat now …. and it appears that only now, year 2022, the WTB&TS has acquired enough common sense to recognize that …. after teaching since the 1930’s that the natural food chain will not exist in the New System.
  11. Is retirement waiting for a Russian invasion a career? Hey!, everyone should have a porpoise in life!
  12. I know that in Ebonics, the verb “to be” is declined “I be, you be, he be.”
  13. I havea pretty vivid and far ranging imagination, and can imagine an octopus falling in love with a robot, but cannot imagine a “young person” anywhere on planet Earth looking up from his smart phone or X-box console and saying to himself “I want to be like George Benson.”.
  14. …. There was a girl in India born with six arms, and worshipped as a goddess. Stuff Happens …. but not that often.
  15. I was watching the Friday afternoon’s “Persue Peace” Convention, and when they showed all the food that we will have in the New System I saw for about 3/8 of a second flash of a big hunk of roast beef in center screen, and a few seconds later near bottom of screen someone holding a fried chicken leg and thigh. Later I heard and saw Bro. Gerrit Losch referring to the Lion laying down with the lamb and the Lion eating “FIGURATIVE straw.” I would LIKE to think that resisting Disney fantasies is FINALLY paying off
  16. Well, it’s a good thing some of the weird stuff here is recorded, for training porpoises …….
  17. ……sigh ….. You REALLY need a hobby.
  18. If the perceived ambiguity of God’s name is a problem to you, simply refer to or address the true God of the Bible as “The True God of the Bible.” …… Problem solved!
  19. More to the point … can he talk the talk, and walk the walk, and chew bubble gum at the same time? One thing I learned from Friday Morning’s Convention program about making peace with people, which I had years ago learned from watching “Schindler’s List”, is if you bow down to someone in absolute prostation seven times, and give them ENORMOUS bribes, they will Love you! Actually, I figured that out in 1969, living in Hollywood, California. I would show up at parties where I knew absolutely no one, with a 2-1/2 gallon keg of Hamms Beer on my shoulder, and ask “Is this the party?”. They would look at me … look at the keg of beer… look at me, and I was always invited in! ( I ate all I could hold, then picked up my keg, and left …). And I did think of a profound analogy about Jacob working seven years, and ending up with the wrong wife!
  20. I know of dozens of similar things. The word “ego” was never thought of by anyone. Some involved jokes … some pranks with gasoline.🦴🦴🦴🦴
  21. I remember as if it were yesterday reading a science fiction short story by Eric Frank Russell “And Then there Were None”, circa 1955, where a character was walking down a sidewalk, and the people coming his way waved and smiled with the greeting “MYOB!”, without explanation to the reader what that meant. Later on it was explained that the entire society agreed with this, and it meant “… mind your own business!” It made sense to me then, and now. I have no idea what the rest of the story was about, but I remember that.
  22. Sounds like a bit of talent based jealousy, to me……… Years ago a musician (guitar) and singer asked me howI liked his performance, which was good. I replied “There is only one objective way to evaluate musical talent ….. how many zeros are on your paycheck, to the LEFT of the decimal point.”
  23. ….. yet …. how many people remember Kermit the Frog, major star of film and TV, dated a really cute pig, and held the world record for dragon fly ice cream cones?
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