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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. This is a variation of an old joke, but “….you know what you call a musician without a paying gig?”. ”…. homeless.” Not everybody has the same talents and motivations. Not everybody can live under a rock, endure exposure to the elements, wear rags, and eat locusts. I do not admire him either. In fact I don’t think about him at all.
  2. Yeah…… for HUMANS MAYBE, but the whiskey cask carried under the neck of alpine Swiss St. Bernard snow rescue dogs predated that! AND they were spirit inspired! Usually 80 proof!
  3. I wonder if it would have the same visceral impact if Gog of Magog was instead labeled Ralph from Villa Bostock?
  4. After watching Benny Hill, I was unaware the British HAD a sense of humor. It wasn’t until “Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail” with the “Holy Hand Grenade” that I found out they do.
  5. (…. Pudgy does a four legged moonwalk backwards while genuflecting with downcast eyes and muttering “thankyew, thankyew, thankyew”. …).
  6. Is that 1000 people years, or dog years? ….. reminds me of the time the State of Tennessee put up signs “PLEASE DO NOT SHOOT THE SIGNS”, with predictable results.
  7. Pudgy


    I understand Bill Clinton tried to patent the word “is”.
  8. Hmmmmm …. Whooda thunkit ? McDonald’s Big Macs in a box.….. with cheese!
  9. As usual, you COMPLETELY missed the point, PwfT. …. and it was as simple an illustration as could be conveyed.
  10. That makes as much sense as sayin that because prostitutes wear high heel shoes, that women that wear high heel shoes must be prostitutes.
  11. That’s why I do not eat yogurt. I can hear ‘‘em screaming as I chew. eek eek eek eek eek eek
  12. If it is comfort or solace you are looking for when you ask a question, be sure to ask someone skilled at flattery. I am easily irritated. Not your fault! (… unless you really ARE “Wally McNasty”, in disguise ? ….) “Wait a minute … is ANYBODY here a real sheep?”
  13. ….. and don’t forget to invest in Pudgycoin …. The only digital currency that comes in a ten pound box!
  14. You are confusing me with someone who cares about esoterica. I am more of a “wait and see” kinda guy about things over which I have absolutely no control over, or things that are invisible for which there is no unambiguous solid irrefutable evidence. I have things that are real and immediate that require my attention, and I already know everything else that involves life, the Universe, and everything. 42 (… it’s a philosophical reference …all that concerns you may be important to you, but my major concern right now is the deliberate destruction of the United States of America at every level by the deliberate evil, the clueless, and the incompetent who wield power. I live here, and just paid $57.52 to fill up my car’s gas tank.)
  15. Please continue to post … All people that are civil and respectful of others.
  16. My sincere apologies if you are not the person we are alluding to, but “Wally McNasty” keeps reappearing again and again and again after being banned for general nastiness, and his writing style is very distinctive, and different, and we were waiting for the “new incarnation” to show up.
  17. I noticed 4 separate “tells”. …. Similar to knowing who was or was not the actual person sending Morse Code, by their “fist”.
  18. As regards the thread topic “Paradise … Will It Come?”, perhaps in our lifetimes …. Perhaps not, but some peoples’ concept of “Paradise” may not be exactly as expected.
  19. (….. Pudgy feels a sudden chill in the room, as if someone has pulled a sharpened wooden stake from the lifeless heart of Wally McNasty, and ….. naw …. Probably just a semantic coincidence …..). For some strange reason, all of a sudden I feel the need to buy LOTS of garlic …. …. perhaps a touch of Covid-19 going around, no more.
  20. So very true …. that is why mental “sharpness” includes rejecting all scripture that is quoted out of context, by self aggrandizers who tell you that God is all powerful, but needs THEM … and YOUR money!
  21. I am sure there is a correct answer, but does it really matter? What I have been trying to convey with my quasi-satirical comments is that in my opinion it doesn’t really matter, and when you try to conflate several things that won’t fit, and can’t fit, wanting to make them fit, and seeing that they might fit, and then it would be fitting if they did fit or they fit or not, it’s enough to give you a fit. ….. meanwhile, it’s all a distraction to keep one from and the important things like justice and truth and righteousness, and fairness and equity in the brotherhood…… And making sure that orphans and the disadvantaged have food in the refrigerator and clothes on their backs,And have sound guidance and a warm place to sleep. I know too well how easy it is to get distracted by irrelevant things, and lose sight of important things. Been there, done that.
  22. …. THAT’S exactly why I use my Hitchhiker’s Temporal Calculator to verify all such things!! ”The Secrets to Life, the Universe, and Everything, in the palm of your hand , with the SRR-41CX-COGO/HTC HITCHHIKER’S TEMPORAL CALCULATOR” …. batteries not included.
  23. Anybody noticed how close “40” is to ….. “42”? Think about it. Just to be sure, I ran the numbers on my Hitchhiker’s Temporal Calculator, and it appears that “42” is indeed the correct answer.
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