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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Meanwhile, this Great Tribulation is occurring on Earth, there’s robots running around on Mars doing the best they can.
  2. Do you know what the difference is between a crazy person and one that is merely eccentric? How about $250,000 a year?
  3. I have listened to a LOT of religious leaders, and come to the conclusion most all are quacks.
  4. My best guess is that the Scripture in Genesis was talking ONLY about events of that time, and see nothing to indicate otherwise. My best guess is that the Scripture in Matthew was talking ONLY about events of that time, and see nothing to indicate otherwise. My best guess is that EBP is conflating two entirely different things, like trying to force a relationship between a hippopotamus, and a brick.
  5. I took a look again at the yellow signs posted above just to make sure, and I did not see anything about any dates whatsoever. I believe it is you who are missing the point, conflating at least two or more completely different ideas. I would say but let’s say that the number is 120, OK well you can use the formula “a year for a day“ and multiply the 120 x 365 days in a year. Then you take that number and multiply by 1000 because “ A day with the Lord is as 1000 years and a 1000 years is a day“, and what do you get? You get 43,800,000 YEARS! AND HERE IS THE PROOF, PRODUCED ON THE FINEST CALCULATOR THE EARTH HAS EVER PRODUCED!!!!!!!!! so, looking at the above absolute proof verified by the finest calculator ever made, what does it all mean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !
  6. I read your article, and I did not see anything about 2034. What’s with that? Why not add 220 years to 1914, and be just as ambiguous about 2134?
  7. I did that several weeks ago, but don’t like to waste coffee. When I blinked it punched holes in the end of my socks!
  8. Wally seems concerned about what visitors to this forum might think, what with all us deplorables hanging out. I shudder to think what Dana Carvey, the SNL “Church Lady” would see …….
  9. The first step in being able to never go crazy is to be determined never to go crazy, and do what is necessary for that to happen. Arauna is correct. As the Black Knight said in the movie “Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail”, in a sword fight with the King of England, when the Knight got his arm cut off up to the shoulder …. ”Merely a flesh wound …”. A great theological discussion was alluded to in the third chapter of “I, Robot” which has some profound real world applications. Well worth the effort (and fun) to read, and I have attached a PDF file below…… I, robot.pdf
  10. And THAT, Wally, is what a civil discussion looks like!
  11. Since I have no idea what race Wally is, would it be racist to suspect his Momma is Rosie O’Don ……. never mind. That probably belongs in “Yo Mamma” fat joke. …… but that does bring up another question…. Should midgets have nuclear weapons?
  12. (Satire Alert!) … I would bet you would be a lot of fun at parties, Wally, IF you ever got invited to one ….
  13. Who is this “we” you speak of Wally ….? It seems VERY clear that your above stated expectation that TTH should demand respect from a 2D cartoon dog makes it very clear how the mentally ill work.
  14. “…. overtone of whiteness ….” HAHAHAHAaaahaha!
  15. From the Cartoon Network I understand that Caleb dropped out of High School and went to Bethel, and Sophia is married to a Marine at Fort Bliss in ElPaso, Texas, and is expecting twins.
  16. Just “for the record”, Wally has once again grabbed a “buzz word”, completely misconstrued what was said for his own Evil Agenda, spun it into a presumptuous web of false premises, and turned it into a nasty gram. My sole statement was about the MORAL considerations of self defense, and his absurd castigation was about the LEGAL concept of the “Castle Doctrine”, which had no application to my presented scenario. Remember ….. this was an illustration to illustrate why Russia MIGHT be justified in invading Ukraine, to knock out their biological warfare research and production facilities. The “Castle Doctrine” is a USA LEGAL principle that says you can defend your home with deadly force … at home. (simplified version …..) Extreme arrogance and belligerence typical, actually, of almost every post Wally makes.
  17. I think Wally is trying to tell us something about his racial persuasion …. I never gave it any thought before, but “methinks he doth protest too much”.
  18. Overtone of whiteness? Overtone of whiteness! I make the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Michelin Man look like George Hamilton! Hahahahaaa!
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