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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. I agree 100% with JWI’s assessment and post, above, and I am very critical of the Governing Body, and temporarily not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    A study and understanding of History gives a person a better perspective of the importance of the infinite elements of why today ….. is the way it is.


    It’s like a drunkard stumbling down the street, weaving, falling down, crashing into stuff, being helped by another drunk.

    Realistically, the most we can hope for is to make it to the corner, and home, without getting hit by a bus.

    Such is the nature of ALL fragile, carbon based DNA life forms. There are no exceptions, as the concept of self-righteousness alludes to.

    As we have seen, and today is day 100 in the “Special Military Operation” war between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine, wars are not fought with the leadership and resources you want …. wars are fought with the leadership and resources you  HAVE!

    All else is self-righteous fantasy.



  2. ….. or a single strike ….

    It would not hurt to ask Thinking for details, she may not care. There are so many fantasy stories floating around, that on face value I personally do not trust ANYONE. 

    “Trust ….. but VERIFY” is a good habit to insist on.


    On a related note, does “Bigfoot” have only one big foot? If so, does he walk around in circles. Does he have super powers that makes photos fuzzy, and is he related to ManBearPig?






  3. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

     …. Or how about the country?  She’s in Australia, I believe.  All people who know me online, know what state I live in, at least.  Or better yet, she could stop blocking me and tell me in person how she knows me.

    Perhaps TTH, could find out, and relay the info.

    States are a bit general, but cities and circumstances that match ought to suffice as confirmation.

  4. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You can probably trust your first instincts. A participant here, who knows her personally, says it comes out as though automatic writing.

    I got the “as though”.

    Apparently SOMEONE needs a reading comprehension course……

    (hey! A great SNL “Church Lady” routine in there somewhere ….)

    Could it be……


  5. Arguably the smartest man that was ever in the White House was Thomas Jefferson who had just been through a war with a bunch of Colonials   against the most powerful army in the world.
    A man of abundant common sense who didn’t take any crap off of anybody.


    Invented the United States Marines.


  6. All schools in the United States are “no gun zones“, and that’s why responsible people are not allowed to defend themselves when some crazy comes to school and starts shooting the place up.

    I would comfort the parents by saying it Is not God that is responsible for the evil in the world, but locally it’s the insane legislature that has no concept of reality, and the insane Shooters.

  7. I was in the JW ARCHIVE CLOSED CLUB yesterday and I noticed it was dramatically different than this ratty club here.
    For one thing, everything is in full color video and the moderators are in 3-D, and they have self-help courses in telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy. It’s called the “three tees“. I had to leave because I wanted my cartoons to be full holograms, and I had just missed the course in levitation.


  8. 7 minutes ago, Peter Carroll said:

    again trying to go off topic ,i know the truth hurts ,the bible has no false assumptions ,if you dont like going up against christians perhaps look for another planet to live on ,we will be around for along time


    14 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    As usual, you completely misunderstood what I said, and instead introduced a false assumption, an appeal to the mob mentality, and an insult as a defense.

    …. and with your last post, it again PROVES my last post.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Peter Carroll said:

     some simple bible res6F4BE234-672D-42D3-BDF7-A540879A0D7F.jpe

    some simple lazy bible research solves this question


    Apparently you did not read the link you posted, because if you had you would have seen that everything he talks about is supposition and guesses about a very different situation than the one I proposed.

    Additionally his guesses, presumptions, and assumptions he finds logical, while condemning other peoples guesses presumptions and assumptions, but it any rate the premise that he is working off of it’s not the same as mine.

    You may want to reread the link that you posted to see what hard facts the author has, which are sorely lacking, invalidating his entire argument, not counting the fact that it’s based on false presumption compared to my own.

    I proposed “A”.

    The author is arguing against “B”.



  10. Can you explain layers of fossils miles thick, and the explosions of new life every 60 million years or so (?), what is referred to as “punctuated evolution”?

    I think Jehovah guided it all, as I previously explained. He may also have directed the meteorite that struck the Yucatán Peninsula, wiping out 95% of all life on Earth.



    Or just search “Mass Extinctions” …..

  11. 3 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    indeed the world has only a negitive view on what is good ,,,hitlers henchmen welcomed the jews with the same one word

    enjoy....this is another twisted example of their hopes ,vain hopes

    This seems to be fragmented thoughts from different puzzles. Can you explain it in a cohesive linear way?

  12. 38 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    Barbara is truly a heroic individual to those of us who feel strongly about the abuses of Watchtower and seeing them brought to the light. Twenty years ago today, Barbara appeared on Dateline and launched the exposé uncovering the hidden documents the Watchtower was hiding regarding child sexual abuse. In doing so, Barbara sacrificed much – including the relationship with her only son. Below, is a never-before-published diary spanning the years from 2001-2022, when she aired her story on dateline. We want to thank Barbara for her legendary contributions in research and her continued focus on truth, justice, and taking a stand for what is right.



    January 2001 Bill Bowen and I decided that we wanted news coverage about the Watchtower’s cover-up of child sexual abuse. We agreed that I would not go public right away.

    1-5-01 Friday. Bowen began to tell his story first to a Paducah, KY, newspaper editor. The paper carried his accusations that JWs leaders were covering up child sexual abuse. He appeared on local TV twice and never mentioned my name. After this, former JW Richard Rawe in Washington State, contacted the Louisville, KY, Courier Journal explaining to their Religion Editor, Peter Smith, JWs problems with child sexual abuse pointing to Bowen’s story in Paducah, KY. Smith expressed interest in doing an article.

    1-6-01 Saturday. Spoke to “Pinky” and Barbara Pandelos of NJ about their accusations that Watchtower covered up their child’s sexual abuse. They were interested in going public. (I’m losing my voice.)

    The whole article should be found on the link added. I'm only half way through reaading it as it came to me in an email this morning.

    Enjoy ! 

    Can you condense that 21 years into two paragraphs? It’s like looking at a 5 gallon jar of toenail clippings.

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