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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Thanks for the kind invitation TTH, but the reason I left before is I was offending some very fine people with a very different sense of humor.

    I realize that because of the general nature of what I am accused of, I am assumed guilty until proven innocent, and it looks like that resolution may take several more years, until it goes before a jury. 

    For that reason alone, I initiated and asked the Elders to disfellowship me, and reluctantly, they eventually did, so the Truth may not be spoken of abusively.

    I have learned to live without support from anyone, and may survive this …. Because, after all … it’s “one to a box”.



  2. Is Peter Carroll (PC) some pseudonym for “Politically Correct”?

    Just because YOU have not seen some events happen does not mean that the rest of the people in that vast Arena of Life have not.

    Truely, infinite variety.

    For those who have been paying attention, and whose thinking doesn’t have “agenda blindness”, what PwfT said is general knowledge.

    I have read in the publications how 8 year olds have been baptized, but memory is all I have to offer.

    About 9 years or so ago this was discussed at great length here on the Archive.  

    Here is an example: This is a security cam picture of my front yard taken in the dark, with infrared light. If you were standing next to the camera with your eyes wide open, you would not see this.




  3. 30 minutes ago, Mic Drop said:


    The numbers you see in the template are just examples, feel free to update them in your own copy as you please.

    I am curious about cost analysis per mile between an aviation gas fueled Boeing 737max, and an electric Boeing 737 max.

  4. In case anybody here does not know, there is an incredibly funny video  parody  about Jehovah’s Witnesses on YouTube, probably seen by millions of people

    by now. Involves an imaginary town called DUBTOWN where only Jehovah’s Witnesses live there, ( where EVERYTHING is made from Legos …) and it is a parody, a satire and it’s very humorous. It has many parodies, like Melkezidec’s (sp?) resurrection, and he is invited to a party, and finds out it’s called a  “gathering”. 

    The creator of this many season and episode series goes by Kevin McFree, not his real name, and the WTB&TS has had YouTube and Kevin in court for several years, trying to find out his real name with no success.

    Here is the latest news on that!  …..









  5. Usually mega-churches are considered to be those where you pack 2000 or so people into a room every Sunday. Like the crystal Cathedral in California which I believe actually went out of business and was sold to someone else, and allthough the Witnesses do have large assemblies and conventions, usually the mega church refers to the building they meet in weekly.

    The problem with all churches is as soon as they start collecting real estate they assume a patina of corruption.

    To protect their money and real estate .

    My observations have concluded that there are no exceptions.

    I would suspect this is why Jesus never even had his own “headquarters” to live in. 

    All that being said, I personally would not consider JWs to be a “Mega Church”.

  6. 2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I used to know a JW who saw bad motives in everything others did. She was hyper-critical.  It messed up her life.

    Yeah, I have seen several cases where a hyper critical person that thinks everything is stupid and ignorant and evil except them as generally self-destructed by a stroke, a heart attack or just generally consumed by their own paranoia.

    One very theocratic brother, much younger than me, and better than I, but hyper-critical and smug sat in front of me at the Kingdom Hall had extremely short hair. (Picard Cut). You could see all the wrinkles in the back of his head, and to me it looked like the face of a fat Chinese person , so it was easy for me to ignore him, or bust out laughing.

    He died of a heart attack walking across his living room floor.

  7. 10 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    That old hen!

    Speaking of old hens, recent fossil evidence from South America has shown that birds are supposedly evolved from reptiles, and specifically chickens have evolved from snakes

    I suppose you are familiar with the fact that a chicken can expand its neck and stretch it out quite a bit, the vertebrae in the neck being very flexible, and the snakes body has the same sort of flexibility in it’s vertebrae.

    You are probably also familiar with the fact that a snake can eat something much larger than itself and pass it down the throat to it’s stomach.

    In  a similar fashion chickens have the same ability, probably carried over from when they used to be snakes, and their throat has the same capability due to the ability of the vertebrae to stretch and bend the way it does.

    The ancient prehistoric hens, when they were about to lay an egg would pass the egg up through their throat,  and the egg would fall out of her mouth. This is why even today as the chicken is eating, it’s head bobs up and down as it is eating.

    Of course, this fossil evidence is from South America, where things that drain go clockwise, and things above the equator go counterclockwise.

    So where over Eons the chickens evolved, and migrated northward to North America, they gradually laid eggs as we see it today.




  8. I always enjoyed the house to house work, but I never enjoyed getting up early in the morning, having to shave and put on a monkey suit … er …business suit and going out and sweating as if someone was hosing me down with a sprinkler.

    I was told once that the Europeans can always tell Americans on the street because they are the worst dressed people in the world. To me I thought that was a compliment because I am not a “clothes horse” myself.

    I strongly suspect, almost to the point of certainty, that if the Society would relax their dress standards and allow casualwear it would double or triple the publishers that would present themselves for Service.

    One thing I know for an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY …. and that is that the general public does NOT disparage casual dress or beards.

    It has been 75 or so years since suits and Roman Army face shaving has been the norm.

    However, my favorite form of Field Service would be to collect about a hundred or so tons of old magazines that have piled up at Witnesses’ houses, and over medium to large cities, shovel them out the back of a C-130 cargo plane.


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