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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. … and, Georgie, if your reading comprehension was not so blinded by your Agenda, you would have read that my explaining my downvote had NOTHING to do with you … it was a common courtesy I felt was necessary.

    Me … not you.

    16 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    I downvoted you, which I seldom do so it behooves me to give an explanation.

    Knowing your propensity to misunderstand everything, I half-expected a protest against horseshoes.

  2. Jehovah’s name and sovereignty cannot be “tarnished”.  

    The opinions and ideas and slanders of mentally ill earthworms cannot tarnish humans.

    Same thing.

    The Sovereign Creator of the Universe is not a pouty liberal snowflake.

  3. Perhaps, someday, in the far distant future, somewhere around Armageddon or World War III, the Governing Body will decide that they are going to follow the instructions that Jesus gave on how the Congregation should be governed and operated … as detailed exactly In Matthew the 18th chapter.

    Then … Freedom and Liberty and Justice will be proclaimed throughout the land, and there will be life everlasting in the Freedom of the adopted sons of God.



  4. 1 hour ago, George88 said:

    I find this intriguing from the standpoint of someone questioning their beliefs. Could you please share a compelling instance where a young person tragically took their own life as a result of being shunned, rather than being overwhelmed by the isolation imposed on them by society?

    Hence, should those individuals who exaggerate and falsely profess nonsensical ideologies not be deserving of eternal damnation?

    Should society be condemned to eternal punishment by a self-proclaimed Christian for the tragic suicides resulting from bullying at school?


    Understanding the distinction regarding an imbalanced state of mind is crucial. It is imperative to acquire the knowledge of comprehending such a concept.

    I also know of someone who took their own life after being rejected by society for being a member of the LGBTQ community. The term "shunning" should not be misused to promote harmful behavior, particularly when it comes from a religious individual.

    I downvoted you, which I seldom do so it behooves me to give an explanation.

    You are so clueless it’s embarrassing to read your posts!

    It is NOT considered “cruel and unusual punishment” to execute people for crimes. It is considered “cruel and unusual punishment” to deny communications and citizenship to anyone, no matter how heinous they break the rules.  

    Humans need the connections to other humans, same as food, water and air. Take Vitamin C out of a human’s diet and he WILL DIE , slowly and very painfully, his body disintegrating and falling apart. 

    The same with disfellowshipping for matters that are not true, clear and present, REAL, emergencies.

    That’s why Jesus gave instructions in Matthew 18 EXACTLY how to do it.

    Do JWs do it that way?

    … not even close.

    The problem is … historically, organized religions and their minions LOVE a witch hunt.

  5. 7 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    I think Anna was exactly correct about this !!                                    Norway Flag



    Remember the hidden message in the propaganda photograph of captured sailors from the U.S.S. Pueblo that slipped past the North Korean military?

    Same idea……



    …. It just occurred to me!

    The subliminal hidden message with the Norwegian red white and blue “flag tie” is NOT FOR JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES!


  6. I try to see both sides of the issue, and both sides and perspectives, so occasionally I think about how the Elders who over 60 years persecuted the brotherhood about the never-ending issue of beards … I myself being called into “the little back room” / “the red room” (some walking out embarresed to tears, with red eyes) / “room 101 (where Winston Smith was tortured with a cage of rats attached to his face) at least five times that I remember, from Virginia to California,Texas, North Carolina, sometimes several times ….. and how these God fearing men of good conscience must NOW feel for having been agents of unwarranted and continuous tyranny that has divided the Congregations, and literally soured the Truth in tens of thousands of Brothers (and their women, girlfriends and wives … destroying, and I do mean DESTROYING the credibility of the Governing Body, and any valuable principles of righteousness they may have tried to impart.

    Whew! THAT was a very long sentence…

    When I was a young man, I would on Fridays after work to a bar with fellow employees and the Client, ( who expected us to pick up the tab on our overhead account) and we all got thoroughly plastered. No matter how drunk I got I never forgot … in fact I focused on … that I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and it was a great protection , always. After everyone else went home I sat there hyperventilating to burn off alcohol, then took a cab home.

    But, I am rambling …..

    In over 55 years, because of MANY COMMON SENSE issues like “beards” I can truly say as I worked all over the United States and three foreign countries, the Elders were never an encouragement to me, except in Pittsburgh PA, and Lima Peru.

    It will take another 50 years I am afraid, and  soon for me it won’t matter anymore.

    But I worry about the young Elders that grew up watching this all , and were either willing or unwilling participants in this and suchlike tyrannies, including “shunning” as it has been practiced since the 1960’s.

    I suppose I also worry about the possibility that they are oblivious.

  7. You know, Georgie, your plethora of “rhetorical“  questions give the impression you don’t know that people are not ants … You ask ten people the same questions, and your questions, often based on your agenda or false information and/or assumptions, will generate 10 honest answers …all different.

    For a change, stop asking your thousands of loaded  questions and start making flat statements of what YOU think is correct. 

    You might as well, because in the thousands you have asked… I have not yet noticed a single response.

    It’s like singing to pigs … you just ruin your voice, AND IRRITATE THE PIGS.

    That’s why you get bounced from this forum so often, no matter what new name pops up out of the whack-a-mole hole.

    No one answers your endless, never ending questions, transparently due to your desire to be known as the Vicar of Warwick, recognizing your attempts at self aggrandizement by attempting to denigrate others.

    I will give you a much needed hint:

    It’s not working. It has never worked. It will only fool some of the people, some of the time.…

    .…. mostly your self-created upvoting and downvoting and fawning self created clones.



  8. On 3/9/2024 at 11:16 AM, Pudgy said:


    ….. If there was a “UNIVERSAL WAR FOR THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNIVERSE” …. which hasn’t happened yet, we would have seen some sparks …. or at the very least a 24 foot long golden arrow stuck deep into  a burning Abrams or Russian  T-1 Tank.

    ….. not so much as a surprised mouse, pissing on cotton.


    ANYONE ….

    …. can look out their window and see … 360°, that God’s Kingdom by Christ - using the defining criteria in the Bible, does not yet exist.



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