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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. If It’s a profession that you took on voluntarily to interpret the word of God, it’s better to be good at it the first time. ESPECIALLY if you are collecting money at the same time. Selling Windows 3, or 4, or 5 is problematic when the very first Windows started at Windows 95.
  2. Words so profound and wise you could make a religious symbol. <==><
  3. I also found great wisdom, understanding and healing in the words of a flexible rubber, battery powered mounted fish on a wall plaque that turned to face me when I pushed the button. The mouth moved and said …. “You can be happy …. if you want to.“!
  4. Walter: I realize I am not talking about an apostate book, but which do you think has better survived the last 100 years …. The 20 or so books written by Russel and Rutherford, and others, circa 1914, which if taught now would be considered apostasy, or the writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs, circa 1914, who among about 20 or so books, wrote “Tarzan of the Apes”? ( a town North of Los Angeles was renamed Tarzana, California in honor of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and recently one of the most expensive movies ever made “John Carter” from his book “Princess of Mars”). I await your promised harsh, negative response.
  5. The problem with apostate literature is that the people that read it, the great majority, do not have the background or analytical skills that most of us here on this forum have. When I read the book “ 30 Years a Watchtower Slave” l had sufficient experience and background to understand the fallacies of the assumptions and therefore the fallacies of the conclusions that the author drew. For example, he recounted that before World War I that (paraphrased) “ … the teachings of the Watchtower were taking over all of Europe, and especially Germany … but FORTUNATELY World War I intervened …”. WOW! To me, that was encouraging that JWs did in fact have “The Truth”. If the Watchtower had been successful, perhaps there would have been no World War I … but the author preferred the war.
  6. The qualification “in effect” makes the quote not a direct quote from the Watchtower, but a comparison of similarity.(?) of Christendom’s sentiments and the Watchtower’s sentiments. At least that is how I read it. I suppose JWI will clarify. I do know that the 9-1/2 years the Society was affiliated with the United Nations as an NGO, there were puff pieces in the Awake! Magazine about the United Nations. What the NGO supporting articles stated was precisely fair and accurate, but the puffery was to fulfill their obligations to the UN to show they supported the IDEALS of the UN. My guess is the articles by themselves were sent to the UN, and not the whole Awake!.
  7. I don’t think Allen to Walter will be happy until his next name is Zod, and you bow down before him and grovel, admitting everything is everybody else’s fault.
  8. I agree with Thinking 100%. Well …. The first paragraph….. not the second paragraph. I know Bethel is totally hosed, and know at least all the things Thinking knows about the specifics … perhaps even more. I knew these things 40 years ago, when my children were born at 3 year intervals. Knowing all these things, I recognized that Jehovah’s Witnesses are probably the best bet mankind has to serve God. Yeah, “new light” is often a joke, and embarrassing to see taught, but ALL THE OTHERS ARE WORSE. I explained all this to my 3 children in detail when they were young … and encouraged them to full theocratic activity …. Bethel, pioneering, overseas work … the list is extensive …. anyway! Of COURSE they viewed me as a rebellious apostate for giving them all that background information, but each of their lives has turned out demonstratively better than my own. I suppose that is the wish of every parent. Yeah … Bethel is a nut house, run by nuts … but many men join the Marines, knowing all there is that is wrong with it before they sign up …. and do it anyway! Apparently Jehovah puts up with a lot of crap about theology, caring more about obedience and a pure heart, than getting details entirely correct. I think Jesus said something about that when some group was teaching “Jesus”, and it was not the Apostles, and Jesus said (paraphrased), “leave them alone, those that are not against us are for us …”, or something like that.
  9. NOTICE: No humans were hurt in the telling of that bird joke. If you were offended, please wear goggles!
  10. (Referring to my previously posted clown on the window ledge cartoon, attributed by symbols within the frame) According to JWI, no one got hurt, no one jumped. Meanwhile, while that climbing adventure I made fun of what? … a hundred years ago?, ( too soon?), assuming you know what a slide whistle is, and cartoon falling sound effects sound like … the cartoon is still funny! … and matches the topic under discussion. (At least in my fake humble opinion.) Macabe humor is funny to some, and to others, not. As the late comedian (2008) George Carlin used to say about the joys of flight …… Now THAT’S FUNNY!
  11. Speaking of insane …. …. naw …… too easy.
  12. Two cows side by side, in a long column of cows marching into a large trench with bulldozers and cowboys with rifles up top, on both sides … First cow: “ Hey Bob, why are they herding us into this trench? Second cow; “ See those cowboys up there .. they are going to shoot us!” First cow: “ Oh Bob, I don’t want to die! … is there any way we can get out of this? Second cow: “Yeah … stop lying about people, and wipe that foam off your face, Wally!”
  13. … I only finished about half my previous post before it closed out the edit function, and refused to save ….. sigh …. I will continue it later, perhaps tomorrow.
  14. Anybody can accuse anybody of anything. There is an aphorism that “A Grand Jury will refer a ham sandwich.” Here, locally, they referred 537 people in one day, and the defendant is not allowed to be there! …. There are many people that have spent 20 or more years in prison, for first degree murder, convicted in a court of law, and were awaiting their executions. THEN … something happens and they are totally exonerated! Sometimes before they are executed … sometimes after. Anybody can accuse anybody of anything …. and at trial (more often than not) the truth will come out during a trial, and they will be convicted or exonerated and set free. As one judge said to a defendant …. “Just because the jury found you not guilty, if I was you I would not go around telling everybody I was innocent.” Sometimes the innocent are severely punished, even onto death … and sometimes the guilty are set free My lawyer advised me not to discuss my case with anyone, so I will not, but here is what I can say: 1.) I was arrested and spent three days in jail, and I instructed my wife NOT to bail me out, as I considered it just “one of those things” You folks saw my booking mug shot. I used to be a Private Investigator, and such things are an occupational hazard. 2.) Our 18 year old blind diabetic chihuahua Chippy got lost in the woods behind our house, so my wife bailed me out ($15,000 to the Bail Bondsman) and we went looking for her. We found her screaming for help in a creek, rescued her and took her to the vet ($2,100), which saved her life. I am retired, so this is all a new experience for me …. like riding a motorcycle at 65 mph in the rain. Very painful ($15,000), but “just one of those things.” This coming Monday I am going to the courthouse as a citizen observer just to see what goes on during felony trials. Free parking. However, Wally has accused me, made up out of thin, malignant air that: 1.) I am a convict. Not true, except for traffic citations approximately one every 22 years, my involvement with “the law” has been zero, except for various weapon permitting and fingerprinting and photos for professional licenses. Lie and slander No. 1 2.) I am an ex-convict. ( see No. 1 ) Lie and Slander No. 2 3.) I am on probation ( see No. 1 ) Lie and slander No. 3 4.) I am on parole ( see No. 1 ) Lie and slander No. 4 ……. (More later on this post)
  15. You were challenged before several times to document your lies and slander, and each time you provided nothing. You have been accused many times of lies and slander, and by your own words , many times convicted. I have not.
  16. Heh…. and here I was concerned about not being able to get the character right in my novel for a deranged nemesis ….. thanks Wally!
  17. Thinking…. Do you have ANY idea what Wally is talking about, (Elon Joyce)? He does not appear to know, himself (?).
  18. Great Response! Having an anxiety attack and a stroke Over a humorous play on words! …… now THAT’S Entertainment!
  19. And for any who binge watch TV, I would highly recommend “The Man in the High Castle”. An alternate history novel and TV series about America losing the war to the Germans and Japanese.
  20. Ha Ha! ….. you spelled “pearls” wrong! _______________________________________ On a entirely different topic, on the recommendation of folks here I went to the local Library to find “…Rabbit-Proof Fence”, either the book or the DVD, and they did not have either. EBay had both for about $6 each, and I ordered them.
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