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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Walter ….. er ….. Wally is a gold mine of quotes. Great stuff for dialog in a novel.
  2. . …. just think, Wally, if things were different you might only be a starving atheist flea!
  3. In Missouri they gauge a man’s value by how many cars he has in his front yard, up on blocks … and what he listened to on AM radio from 12 to 3.
  4. Thanks Wally! You are a veritable gold mine of quoteable quotes!
  5. On long trips, when I told my Dad “… I gotta pee! I gotta pee!”, he said “Just cover your eyes and stick your butt out the window … yeah, they will see your butt, but hey won’t know WHOSE butt.”
  6. If we are “little children” in the New System, on long trips at night do we get to lay down and ride on the car’s rear window deck?
  7. Then, Bigfoot and “… turtles, all the way down!”.
  8. I hope you were joking. If not, you are one scary dude!
  9. By the way, PwfT, people all over the Earth cheered and celebrated as July 20 1969 the greatest thing mankind has ever accomplished took place … escaping Earth’s gravity and crossing 240,000 miles of hard vacuum, to safely land on another world! I remember everything about that day in bright, sharp detail.
  10. OF COURSE the moon landing was fake! Everbody knows it was televised from a movie studio on Mars!
  11. I know that … the percentage improves dramatically if you pay for admission, and have had four or five beers!
  12. If John the Baptist is resurrected on Earth, perhaps he will prefer to live under a rock, wear discarded clothing, and walk around eating locusts and stuff.….. and then one day he will turn a corner, and there, in the parking lot, will be an Airstream Travel Trailer! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  13. Well, you know what Adolph Hitler said when the Soviet Army was overrunning Berlin? ”Those Allies have absolutely NOooo sense of humor!”
  14. Walter; It is so painfully obvious that you are trying so desperately to exalt yourself by tearing down others, it’s embarrassing to watch. Why don’t you just quit that, and be a normal person like the rest of us are trying to be? Get a sense of humor! Be happy! Sincerely, Pudgy
  15. …. From “quoteinvestigator.com” (partial reference) : The full article is much longer ….. but at any rate, I fully agree with the “Orwell” quote.
  16. Note to readers: Almost all the above book covers shown are manufactured parodies of actual books of a more genteel nature. Satire. heh heh heh!
  17. Here is one I forgot … and of course Australian children couldn’t relate, as Australia ha been disarmed.
  18. No, it’s true! They paid $400 for the 20 volume set of encyclopedias, when among our contemporaries, that was a month’s pay!
  19. My parents bought me a 20 volume Encyclopedia before I could read, but I gravitated to those 25 cent hardboard covered children's books popular in the early 50s.
  20. “The Killing Fields” is available on EBay for about $11, from many sources. “… Rabbit Fence …” in trade paperback about $5, and DVD for about $7. The two Clint Eastwood produced movies, one from the American, and one from the Japanese perspective I also consider “must see”, and of course … “Schindler’s List”.
  21. I was profoundly saddened by the 1984 movie “The Killing Fields“ about the escape of a Cambodian from Cambodia during the Vietnam war evacuation. The Cambodian actor, who won an Academy award for his performance, played himself in the movie. Later on, after surviving incredible hardship and death, he moved to Los Angeles where he was killed in a robbery.
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