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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Isn’t the Society building a hundred million dollar movie and video production facility close to Ramapo New York? I admit I have lost track since Caleb and Sophia graduated from high school, and started working.
  2. You know, normally I would take what Witness had to say as interesting opinions with some valuable truth, but with a screwball perspective in some areas. And normally I would have to say from everything I have read I would say that JW Insider Is the most accurate and insightful poster we have here. If I did not know and had been through the change in the baptismal questions from allegiance to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to the Father, the Son and the Organization represented by the Governing Body I could more likely disregard what Witness had to say. Knowing that it is “somewhat true” by direct observation with my own eyes, and not from playing with words, I think we have a very real important topic that the two heavyweights here can debate and determine between themselves what “the REAL 42” is about life, the Universe, and everything, specifically about Witnesses’ latest post. I for one, will refrain from interjecting distractions of any sort, should they decide to take up the challenge, and will just sit back and take notes.
  3. That’s why in Texas they have the “ … but yer honor … he NEEDED killin’ !” defense. ….. usually involving some guy named “Bubba”.
  4. It was a fair question. ”42” can be googled.….. best understood by reading the book it came from … “The Hitcher’s Guide To The Galaxy”. by Douglas Adams. You may be able to get it free by searching for it by name + .pdf. OR…. You could download THIS ONE. Hitchhikers Guide.pdf
  5. When I mentioned to someone “I have been stumbled……“, I just hate it when they get a hammer and strips of bamboo and drive it under my fingernails, or take some vise grip pliers and pull off my kneecaps. I just hate that, don’t you? AND CATS! ….. don’t get me started about CATS!
  6. I would like to apologize for EVERYTHING I accused PwfT of and the acrimony generated by these discussions. I now realize that he acted honorably, and in good faith, with the reasonable assumption that I authored the cut-and-paste article from The Babylon Bee web site, because it is MY RESPONSIBILITY as a poster to be clear and unambiguous as to attributions. I also should have remembered what I posted, and did not. What “lit my fire”, was the quote from what I did post …. Words of terrible import …. That I forgot were part of a biting satire by The Babylon Bee against the Jewish clergy …. attributed to “Pudgy said”. And so when I went looking for where I had personally said it (authored it), that is what I was looking for, and did not find it. This whole mess is entirely my fault, and I am sorry for over-reacting, and appreciate those who called me out on it. At the end of the day, it was my post.
  7. Fair enough, perhaps I also assumed folks were more familiar with the writing style of The Babylon Bee, in much the same way that if you talk about “The Grey Lady” in the context of newspapers, many or most would know you are referring to The New York Times.
  8. Good enough! Thank You Witness! Clearly this contested “quote” was authored by the Babylon Bee and I did not author it, as adamantly attributed.
  9. Again? Pwft has already made his position quite clear. …. and the quote from “America’s greatest news source”, internally qualified the reference as NOT “Pudgy said”. Again … that is why context is vitally important. If he or someone can find the contested quote and post IN CONTEXT a screen shot, that would clear the whole thing up as to who authored the contested quote, falsely attributed to me. If I actually did author those words, I owe PwfT an apology. I suspect the contested quote is from another topic thread (?), or completely made up by PwfT.
  10. I have looked for the quote in context, and could not find it at all. It either exists …. or it doesn’t. If it does exist, either “Pudgy said”, or Pudgy did NOT say. Perspective has nothing to do with it.
  11. PwfT: if you can show a screen shot that will prove, in context, that I wrote the disputed content, I will offer my extensive and comprehensive , humble apologies. It is not something I would write …. ______________________________________ _________________________________________ …. until then, your credibility with me is zero, and my accusations stand as written. Others can decide for themselves. ….. and as for my posting of material from “The Babylon Bee”, authorship was NOT claimed by me, and it is CLEAR I did not write that, to wit;
  12. The boxed “quote” is an example of false, manufactured “documentation”. The added sentence I made up to show how false attribution can be done.
  13. Did you, PfwT, know that you just falsely attributed to me words that I never typed? 1.). How did you get it to look legitimate? 2.). Was it an accident, or deliberate deception? It is easy enough to check exactly what I DID type 16 hours + 20 minutes before your deceptive post. (When I posted THIS … your false attribution was 16 hours old, and your deceptive post was only 20 minutes old.) 3.) Did you make this up yourself, or quote it from someone else, and then either way falsely attribute it to me?
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