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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. Whoaaa! Ya got me. I did not notice the frog breathing or blinking! It appeared to me that being set down, the frogs eyes closed….(died?). Not a blink. Your original question was about what was the frog thinking. If you keep “moving the goalposts”, you will become too much trouble to interact with.
  2. As it turns out, I am somewhat of an expert on how frogs think, and submit for your entertainment a YouTube Video I made nine years ago, specifically for Jehovah’s Witnesses, and dedicated to my three children. Should this interest you, go to YouTube and type in the search area “Kermit_d_Forg”. (without quotation marks) to hear me, as Kermit the Frog, sing “Forever Young”.
  3. They spell like they are in a fog? The evidence of the video clip suggests the “fog” is dead, and not thinking at all.
  4. The frog appears to be dead.…. Probably a snowflake liberal frog got upset and had a stroke when Elon Musk bought controlling interest in Twitter. if not dead it’s probably thinking “ribbit, ribbit, ribbit”.
  5. Dmitar’s “new” personnas are easily recognized after a few paragraphs filled with questions it would take a thesis of large proportion to address, and a deluge of agenda driven downvotes. When his new persona appears, It’s as if thousands of voices cried out in pain, and were suddenly stilled. It’s like in the first Muppet Movie, the “… but have you tried Hare Krishna …” running gag.
  6. I hardly ever think of an “afterlife” I have decided it’s more productive to try and be better at the one I know about now.
  7. In Europe alone this “new light” will mean perhaps about a hundred million dollars in tax subsidies. That will buy a LOT of batteries!
  8. Therefore, because the Watchtowers are prepared about six months in advance, and when “new light” on this matter is reconsidered by the Society’s lawyers and accountants, who nowadays are the Puppet Masters, and it is discovered that the Scriptures “really say” that disfellowshipping, voting, and shunning etc. are a PERSONAL MATTER OF CONSCIENCE, the entire process will take a minimum of two years. The only downside is a lot of Society Lawyers will no longer be needed at Colony Park, NY, and they will have to begrudgingly slink home to be with their nagging wives, 24 hours a day.
  9. I find it VERY IMPORTANT that Norwegian Authorities chose to emphasize and make it crystal clear that they were not in ANY WAY interfering with how Jehovah’s Witnesses practice their religion. However, if they CHOOSE to do as it is well documented that they do….. NO “FREE MONEY” from the Norwegian taxpayers!
  10. If you have ever watched a dog sleeping, sometimes you can see them dreaming … paws twitching, and sub-vocal barks … and is usually assumed that they are “chasing rabbits”. This is true, everywhere. My theory is that they dream of Heaven, where each dog has his very own fire hydrant.
  11. ….. perhaps the CC examined the evidence, and decided not to go on a “witch hunt”?
  12. I would be happy to sell them all the PudgyCoin they want, AND there is no upper limit! After five years STILL $1 USD EACH! Remember …. the ONLY digital currency available in a ten pound box!
  13. As JWInsider brought out, our specific instructions were that it be a matter of PERSONAL CONSCIENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY. I can see that Matthew 18 solves ALL PROBLEMS, internal and external, without exception.
  14. Fortunately, Jesus told us AS INDIVIDUALS exactly and in precise detail how to chastise disobedient ones, and AS INDIVIDUALS what to do next. The question remains, are we doing it “just so” ….. or just so that power and money are preserved? (Matthew Chapter 18, emphasizing verse 15). Anything more than that is brazen self aggrandizing tyranny, and usurpation of the authority of the Christ. ….. it is also cruel and unfair!
  15. In the 1947 Awake! the idea of shunning as the Catholics did it, and the way that we do it TODAY is described as: What principle changed since 1947? Hebrews 10:26-31 (…. Also emphasized in the 1947 Awake!.) What part of verse 30 changed since 1947?
  16. I suspect it will two years before we are again allowed to treat people decently. Here is how it was a year after I was born, as explained in the 1947 Awake! Magazine.
  17. Being sued, and losing, is how the Society decided it was OK to take blood if it was fractionated and transfused in 13 separate tubes. I found the Norwegian people exceptionally well reasoned people. ….. meanwhile, back in the United States …..
  18. If it wasn’t for Americans, you would be a slave, and the son or daughter of slaves, and if you still had a tongue, be speaking German.
  19. I feel sorry for a man who had no shoes, …. Until I met a man who had no feet. I felt sorry for a man who had no sense of humor, …. Until I met a man who did not understand nested satire.
  20. When Jesus was explaining to his Apostles about the “0verlapping Generations”, he could have used a chart like that, and the pointer stick, too. It May have appeared as feeble minded reasoning to do it, but he could have added a stethoscope and a long white lab coat. OH WAIT! ….., I REMEMBER NOW! …… Jesus never taught anybody anything about “Overlapping Generations”. …….. never mind. (Pudgy notices if he puts one paw on top of another paw, humans think it is cute, and he has eight toes on one paw.)
  21. ……. just don’t drool all over ….. ……. and don’t forget to take your meds! …… and don’t track mud across the nice, clean floor!
  22. Rats! …. and here I was ready to use my iPhone to re-target North Korean ICBMs.
  23. No clue? I specifically asked for the exact same thing all four times! no clue? NO CLUE? If you are not willing to post all three things here … you got nothing. THIS makes FIVE TIMES I have asked for the exact same information. NO CLUE !? ….. gimme a break!
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