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Everything posted by Pudgy

  1. …… could be worse, you could be a Trekkie living in your mom’ basement, in a red Star Trek security uniform, afraid you will be killed off before the first commercial.
  2. I have challenged you TWICE before, and you choked. If you have something better …. Give me a (SINGLE) name, a physical street address, and a valid phone number for me to call. If you can’t do that …. You have nothing. I’m not looking for what you stated …ONLY at least 3 human beings, ONE to talk to on the phone, and a street address. VERY SIMPLE! … but AGAIN ….. you choked and failed. After three tries, you failed each time. THIS is challenge No. 4. You got NOTHING …. Except your delusions.
  3. I have challenged you before, and you choked. If you have something better …. Give me a name, a physical street address, and a valid phone number for me to call. If you can’t do that …. You have nothing.
  4. Matthew9969: Your attitude reminds me of the (made up example …) college man in 1943, an American citizen working in New York, whose parents were German, who decided to leave the United States and return to his “homeland” to join the forces of the Third Reich, and fight for Adolph Hitler. Even though he did it, following the dictates of his conscience … he had no reasonable expectation of keeping his “”120 friends” in the United States, after committing TREASON against all that THEY held dear.
  5. I understand your sentence but what you are doing is a rough analogy to comparing the Boy Scouts of America, with all their faults and stupid things they do recently to Nazis. They are not the same and any comparison is an OCD fantasy of hatred..
  6. I will that’s your reply as a “NO”?
  7. SOooooo, ya believes a resurrection depends on good luck, ehhhh? Wharfs ya, an Irish Druid or sumithin’?
  8. Any way you could shorten the above to two short paragraphs?
  9. I have found that most of the churches that I have given a cursory examination of, appear to follow the “Ferengi Rules of Acquisition”.
  10. The point I was trying to make, is there’s no sense about worrying or even being concerned in the slightest extent, about things you have absolutely no control over. If, as an example, Mars’ moon Phobos would strike the Earth, anywhere …. Knowing will not help you. Knowing will not help you. Therefore the people that are trying to scare you for some reason, usually money, are on a useless mission, except they may get a whole pot load of money in the meantime. “…… Never let a crisis go to waste.“ If you are being persecuted, you will know it. If you are not, you will know that too. If you have a 50 year, or a 5 second warning makes no difference. There’s no sense about worrying or even being concerned in the slightest extent, about things you have absolutely no control over.
  11. …… as it turns out, he was really a cricket, got a job at Disney World, and changed his name to Jiminy.
  12. I think this is a very important point that needs to be emphasize more, because when you think about it it’s about 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses and perhaps 10% of them are being unjustly chastised now…… But they are perhaps 8 million UkrainiansThat are being chastised unto death. Right now. As we speak. At a place we can put our finger on, on the map. My sister just asked me “have you heard the latest from jw.org on the persecution that is coming?”. I replied that I had not, and I was not worried about it at all. She asked “what do you mean by that?“. I replied that when persecution comes if I’m unable to perceive it, it’s not really persecution, and if it does come I will certainly know it, and being afraid of it for 20 years or more when I can do absolutely nothing about it in any way whatsoever is an exercise in futility…… Like people that like to watch horror movies so they can be scared. I will certainly know when the persecution comes, because I will see over my left or right shoulder bullet holes in the walls, or looking down, see bullet holes in my body, or if I get shot in the head it won’t matter at all. I am completely disregarding the fact that all I have to do is change my breathing patterns, and I can avoid any persecution, permanently. ( I learned to do that as a teenager, reading about the folks in India who could do such things ). to recap: There is absolutely nothing I can do about it if that sort of persecution comes that the Bible talks about, so why worry about it? it reminds me of the story of the grasshopper and the ant, what you may have heard before. There was this grasshopper who was very lazy and liked to play on his fiddle during the long summer days while all during that time the industrious ant was collecting food and storing it underground for the long hard winter to come. Month after month the grasshopper sang songs and played his fiddle, not worried about anything, while the ant stored up more and more food underground, understanding that the ” … time was short”. Then one day, as the first snow of Winter dusted the landscape, as the grasshopper and the ant were crossing the road a car stopped and a man got out. He watched the grasshopper and ant for a minute, stepped on the ant, and took the grasshopper to Florida.
  13. During the American French and Indian Wars of the early English colonists, the “pangs of distress” were generally believed to be part of the Isles of Langerham.
  14. ……. worrying about “upvotes” and “downvotes” by people that you, yourself have rejected seems to me to be irrational and borderline insane. It’like being obsessed with whether or not ghosts wear clothes.
  15. I look at it this way, the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II was general Dwight David Eisenhower, and he was a five star general. He had full commander authority over all allied forces from whatever country fighting against the Nazis. The invasion of the European continent on June 6, 1944 happened YEARS after the one who had the authority to order it “tomorrow”, so to speak. Whatever you suppose the timing should be to execute for authority might be completely different for the one having complete authority, for reasons known only to him. I remember thinking one time that the reason that I didn’t assume the title “Pudgy the Canine Master of Cartoon Space-Time and Dimension”, was that it would not fit on my County Dog License..
  16. You know you did not “get it”, when you wake up handcuffed, on a boat, surrounded by people you don’t know, with your feet in a bucket of concrete.
  17. …. and the cows on the ground, surrounded by Coppers (police), heard the thundering roar of
  18. In private interpretation of Prophesy, a vague, general idea that is correct is always better than specifics, which so far, have ALWAYS been wrong.
  19. I thought I felt a chill in the air, as if thousands of voices were crying out loud, and suddenly stilled.
  20. I was out in Service with a Brother years ago and we had both gotten drinks at McDonald’s, and as we stood there in the parking lot, he asked me how had I learned to tolerate various brothers? I explained to him it was all about trust, and the “trust fall”, and offered to show him an example. I had him turn around and told him to fall backwards, trusting me to catch him, even though he could not see me, which he hesitatingly did. As he fell backwards I moved aside and he crashed to the pavement, spilling his coke all over his clothes, and screaming out “WHY THE !!*#%!! HELL DIDN’T YOU CATCH ME!?” I calmly explained that it would not have been a real “trust test” if it worked every time. He screamed “WHAT THE HELL KIND OF !!*#%!! LESSON IS THAT!?” I calmly reminded him, while sipping my root beer, his original question was “…. How had I learned to tolerate various brothers?”
  21. Good advice, each and every word … I am thankful ( somehow ) that most JWs have no idea what often happens. …… sigh ……
  22. I had a Large Siberian Husky best friend with a zipper on his back. It always made me suspicious ……
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